Sunday, 1 December 2024

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency
Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen
Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister
Moses the stammered; was enough to confront the king
Is anyone perfect; Is any worthy?
Our sufficiency is in our Lord
He is the one that completes us
And helps us to access glory
You have what it takes for your new level
That great height is for you
You don’t belong in the ordinary
Let no one say you are inadequate

A child of God is not disadvantaged
Even in down times there's great hope
Keep renewing your mind in Gods truth
Keep reaffirming His word to yourself
If it is a child you seek; you are enough
You and your spouse have what it takes…
The womb is adequate for the baby
The mans seed is enough
Mary had no man yet she had a baby
Discard all contrary opinions
It’s time to keep your gaze on your Creator
After all; we say He can do all things
Discouragement will limit you
Win the battle over your mind
I have set my face as a flint; no shame
It will be to you as you believe and confess 

I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me. I an self sufficient in Christs sufficiency. Phil 4:13 Say it out Loudly i am enough    ...tejuwrite...

Thursday, 21 November 2024


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
It shall be in my company all day
I will have my fill of it daily
God’s presence guarantees goodness
What company do you keep?
The type of friends you roll with…
Aptly describes who you truly are
It’s time to get closer to your Maker
Life is loaded with enough woes
You may see them smiling
But they are secretly hurting
Beyond the façade we try to exhibit
We need an assurance of wellness all time
There must be no buts that causes pain
We must have it good always
This is available in Christ alone
Yes several tribulations in our world
Several issues to spread a cloud of gloom
But real cheers is in Gods comforting words
I will not leave you or forsake you…
This makes life easier to navigate
This relationship ensures all round good
So in the face of tragic experience
You can find succor under His shadow
There’s rest for the weary soul
Why go about with so many loads
Drop off your burdens on Jesus
Come over to the true love companion 

Friday, 18 October 2024

Still Going

Several parts consist a being
Several seasons makes a lifetime
At these different times varying things occurs
All lining to paint a preplanned piece
God our creator has a picture He wants to achieve
Our several experiences is painting on a canvas
These experiences will be sweet or sour
They all combine to tell a perfect story
A tale of triumph from adversity
A tale of victory from defeat
A tale of success from failure
A tale of beauty from ashes
There was a beginning in the life of Job
A lovely home; a thriving business
Recognition in his town and everywhere
He was a true picture of Gods goodness
Suddenly he entered a season of adversity
A complete opposite of his previous lifestyle
Homeless, sick, bereaved, jobless, despised…
Yet his life’s tale his yet being told
This interlude of sorrow won’t end his life
This unpleasant season is a necessary addition
It was a bitter time; but not his end
A test of the Master Painter
He turned his downward life upward
Those who thought his painting is spoilt
Only jumped to a quick conclusion
It was a brief stop; not the final design
Soon the canvas adds a new ink 
A better season emerged
A time when all lost was restored
A time far better than his previous

So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life
Even more than in his beginning… Job 42:12

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

No To Poverty

How do you tell a child there’s no food?
Hope you know the child won’t understand
The child would also not stop crying
Asking you for what to feel its stomach
Poverty is a curse that Jesus crushed
Let it not surface in your life
Scripture tells us of a mother who told her son
This sticks we gather is to prepare a last meal...
After we eat this; we die...
Except the food is poisoned that’s not happening
Thankfully God intervened through the prophet
Because no child is buying that story
Poverty must be fought with understanding
With hard work and prayers
Lack takes your sense of reasoning away
Its why the devil wants to impoverish people
It’s also the reason people do unimaginable things
Just to have their needs met
It seems their conscience is muted
Simple logic is far from them
Poverty must have no place around you
It will make rubbish your integrity in no time
Make a decision not to seek an alternative
Regardless of your present status, choose to live right
I don’t know any ten keys out of poverty
I suggest you find a legit work to do
Plan your life based on your income
Have a family you can conveniently cater for
I asked a menial job artisan how many children he has
He answered ten; I'm still shocked by his response...
Gods blessing will reside in our homes
Even in famine we wont lack; I pray in Jesus name

He lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump. Ps113:7  ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 30 September 2024

Praise Still...

Let everyone that has breath...
It’s not let everyone that has music…
While sound can enhance our praise
Our worship must be in recognition of who God is
Paul and Silas had no coordinated sound 
They praised and worshiped regardless
They were thrown in a smelly dungeon
They were bound in chains…
Locked up for the gospel sake…
They could take up a lament…
Blame God for not defending them…
Rather; they sang songs of praise
If it’s bad blame God; if its good thank Him
We forget God is good by nature
He can’t help being good; He can’t repay good with evil
He can’t hurt the world and people He created
Praise draws Him closer
Paul and Silas knew that’s the wise thing to do
They need Him in their lowest season
They can’t afford despair
Let me be where His presence is
We need this understanding always
When things are not as planned…
Let that spur us to draw closer
Soon He will storm the dungeon breaking chains
He did it for Paul and Silas; He will same for all
Let Him be your constant refuge
In all season let His praise be in your heart 

Psalm 34:1… I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak His praises. I will boast only in the Lord; Let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lords greatness; let us exalt His name together     …tejuwrite…

Thursday, 26 September 2024


She is one woman you can call an ingrate
She failed in showing loyalty to her master
She despised the one she was to help
She scoffed Sarah; she mocked her son Isaac
Eventually she was sent off with Ishmael her son
Their food and water finished and they lacked
They could have died of starvation
But God's goodness reached out to them in the desert...
He is a man who lived in the worst places
He described himself as a dog
The goodness of God sought Mephibosheth out
He will seat on King David’s table as a prince…
She is a woman who has lost her spouse
Now she is going to bury her only child
She met the one who goes about doing good
The widow of Nain returned home with her son in joy…
God is good; all the time He is
He passed before Moses declaring His name Goodness
He makes us partakers of His abundant goodness daily
How blest we are to be so loved

I am yet to see the one that is truly righteous...
I am yet to meet the truly good person...
I am yet to see the one without a flaw...
I am yet to encounter a perfect being...
God choose to be good to the worst of us
If He were to name iniquitous who will be excluded
He choose to forget and forgive our wrong
He has been specially good to me

It's no licence to sin; there's consequence for wickedness
It is simply celebrating His goodness
Ps.31:19 Your goodness is so great! You have stored up great blessings for those who honor you,,, ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

My Economy

I need not flaunt my wealth
That may not be a wise approach
The present economy seem harsh
However; God has remained good to me
As price of commodities rise
Somehow it has remained affordable
I have not cut back on necessities
I find myself able to feast fat
The prices seem to tinge the ear
It seems more is required for less
Somehow I find life is easier
He seem to keep making more ways
Darkness in Egypt; yet light in Goshen
Rainfall in one place; drought in another
Some are toiling for meager resources
Some are reeling in abundance
God’s word must be the standard always
He is the truth; He is my forte
He is behind my economy
Because of Him; it has remained well
The one that sits on High laughs
I will not be one to cry, lament or sorrow
What He does, I do; what He sees, I must see
What He says, I must say; How He acts I must also
His economy must reflect in my economy
I must never struggle to live well
Basic amenities remain easy to access
What He says of me is true always
God is sorting His people
It's not about the largest bank balance
Its in contentment and peace
Its in gratitude and safety

Psalm 34:10 young lions lack and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing ...tejuwrite...

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...