Wednesday, 7 December 2016


She went about with a big sorrow
Behind her smile hid a great grief
For twelve years she kept counting down to an early grave
Her fate was fixed, until…

She was tormented by a problem she inherited
She will pay her late husband’s debt with her two sons
There was no joy left in the future before her
Her fate was fixed, until…

Being born blind limited his choices
He was economically unproductive
He was physically barren; who will marry a liability?
His fate was fixed, until…

All my days I will wait on Jesus
Don’t write me off; my case is known to Christ
Until Jesus shows up I will not stop seeking
I have a great expectation and hope in Him

Friends, it is time Jesus moved from a man you read or hear about
Let Him take center stage in your life
In this short time we have on earth
It is best we right and secure a place for ourselves with Jesus

But then I ask, what stops you from making Jesus lord right now
If you have not given your life to Jesus
Please do so as a matter of urgency
And whatever the issues are, Jesus will step in and change the end story

Dear Jesus I have lived without you for a while now. Today I ask you to forgive me all my wrongs, save me today cleanse me with your blood. I will live for you by your grace.

We are here to help you on this journey. Learn more on or reach us  

Sunday, 20 November 2016


When I am grown
I will love to be…
Years have gone by
I am grown; am I what I want to be?

Purpose; discovering purpose
Living your dream
Fulfilling your vision
The whole essence of life

I came for a reason
I am here for something
Have I hit my nail on the head?
Or am I still wandering…

In this one life I have
I have my sights on just one goal
There is one ultimate peak for me
And each stride I take must take me there

It’s not a game of chance
What you call luck or happenstance
Is the supreme hand joining the puzzles?
At the end it all makes a huge sense

I thank God for the good fate...
But, I will also take responsible steps
From my set go to my end point
My sights are on a single goal

From this day and hence…
I surrender to the Lord
Who revealed to me my life’s purpose?
With Him in me; I am going to end well

I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
    I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you Isaiah 42:6

The matter I bring; is the matter of destiny
Discover purpose and give it your best shotssss                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 4 November 2016

The Trainer and Helper

The saying there is no smoke without fire
Attest to the fast that things just don’t happen by itself
There is always a pillar that supports a large building
There is a good trainer behind a great boxer

As far as a Christian is concerned
The Holy Spirit is the trainer
The Lord Jesus trained the first apostles
But before He left them physically, He said this...

John 16:13, 14
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 

What Jesus was physically to the first apostles?
Is the same role the Holy Spirit has to play today?
Jesus taught and trained; chastised and helped…
He turned ordinary men to super humans

The question is; how do I keep in tune with the Holy Spirit
The simple thing to do is… acknowledge Him as a person
Who; though can’t be seen physically is as real as the fellow we can
Build a relationship with Him. Talk, gist, asks Him questions etc.…

In His book Good Morning Holy Spirit
Pastor Benny Hinn took us on a journey of how he
Got to know and develop a relationship with The Holy Spirit
This book will be a great guide to one seeking intimate fellowship with Him

I conclude by saying that just beside you is a Helper
A trainer, a comforter, a teacher, a leader
If you need a guide in this times.
Please start a conversation now

Benny Hinn started with Good morning Holy Spirit
How we need His help and guidance in this times.
In your own words… welcome Holy Spirit, welcome to my life                                                    #sharegoodnews

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Set…, Go

As light in the dark world
A Christian is called to the reflect Christ
Shinning the light for all to see
Several of us exist; why the loud complains of darkness
Some think Jesus is coming to bring peace
They refuse to acknowledge that The Christ will do such
Jesus as fulfilled His part, He has set the stage
The next phase depends on you and i

The world awaits the manifestation of sons of God
The sons rather than run with the baton handed to them
Are waiting; looking to the sky for Jesus
So the world continue to groan in pain

If the first set of guys Jesus trained acts like several of us
The world will never hear of the Messiah Jesus
And when they relaxed and settled
The Lord sent persecution to their midst Acts 8:1-8

It is high time we live for something more
It is time we get on with the race before us
It is time we break from our ecclesial walls 
And begin to think globally

The light carriers are dozing on the pews
We are not called to work for a local assembly
We are called to work with God on a world assembly
It is time we think beyond a denomination

It is time we drop the big titles 
It is time we remove the large robes and bodyguards
And run the race set before us
The time to start is now

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Mathew 28:18-20                                        #sharegoodnews

Monday, 24 October 2016


I know of a fact that Jesus returns soon
All the signs are here
And just like the days of Noah
No one takes notice

The pursuit to be wealthy at all cost
I notice is a major distraction
The love of money…
The politics that is involved

Earthly things will rob many of eternity with Jesus
No matter the number of pleasure things we acquire
None will make the journey out of this world
So why do we sow to the flesh?

The judgement begins in the house of God
I state this fact because we seem not to fear
God is loving but just; the attitude of the church is disturbing
From the pulpit to the pew; the tales are embarrassing

What more could be said; to melt the hardheartedness
It is no joke brethren; I can’t be left behind
I must make the rapture
And so I take heed to myself

I place my life out on audit
Enough of self-righteous claims
Jesus rid me of every hidden sin
Jesus please have mercy on me

Let us come boldly to Him; He seats on the mercy seat now
Lay your life plain before Him
Confess your sins and repent of your evil ways
I hope you do this, b’cos for one reading now…
This may be the last call

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.  Revelation 3:20 #sharegoodnews

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Face me now

For those that don’t know
Gods’ sovereignty can’t be debated
He rules atop all things
The foremost must be the most revered

Could He choose to end the reign of wickedness?
Could He feel to end the world?
What can mere mortal do to stay His Hand?
He however rescinded form destroying us

So great must be His mercy…
So deep His forbearance…
There has been a gradual increase of wickedness
Yet His love His ever greater

Accommodating all sorts under His Heaven
Allowing man to rule His earth
Many…; without regard for Him
The position they occupy deceive them

My keen mind wants to know
I wish to ask hoping for answers
Where were you when He created the heavens?
Remember; those that were here before now

If the dead could give an advice
If those who have been silenced by death can speak
I wonder what they will utter
What will Hitler or Osama say now…

As they have soon stood before the Maker of men
The tyrants face the Head of the world
For the few days we have on this side
We should give careful thought to our ways

Prepare to meet your God
Yours may come before mine
But it is unavoidable
How am I spending my time here?

This world is not mine
I’m just passing through
I will soon depart from it
To answer to the one that gave me a part it

In summary - our time here is short; live right… do good

10But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, And the nations cannot endure His indignation. 11Thus you shall say to them, "The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under the heavens." 12It is He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His wisdom; And by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.… Jeremiah 10:10-12                                   #sharegoodnews

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Will we meet again?

Twenty friends won’t get to hang together for twenty years
Looking back I have lost countless friends
Safe the advent of social Medias
Many more would have been lost

I pondered on this fact recently
As I surprisingly miss the company of some dear ones…
My children’s friends; who recently moved to another state
I remember how they jump as they see my car approaching

They will run ahead and open the gate
And either a gift is available or not
They are satisfied that their friends mum
Who is affectionate to them is back

Does it mean that we have lost contact forever?
Being children how much can they keep up a friendship on Facebook?
But I was drawn to a knowing
There is a reunion to be looked forward to in Heaven

The admittance card is salvation
Call it a getaway from this chaotic life
A life forever in peace harmony and joy
How I look forward to a much deserved rest

Are you like me longing for this reunion of all reunions?
Or you are probably tired of the negative news
This is the journey you must not miss
A life together with God and loved ones
It will be feasting and partying and celebration and…

Jesus awaits all who have accepted Him as Lord
If you seek a life forever with Jesus
Please say this out loud

Dear Jesus, come into my life. I renounce my evil ways and I accept you today.

This a little help but it’s a good start. Please seek a bible believing church where you will know more about Jesus and life with Him forever.

I really hope to see you at the reunion.                                    #sharegoodnews

Sunday, 9 October 2016

I am still here

When you seek and don’t seem to find
Do you stop seeking?
When you ask from one and get turned down
Does that stop you from asking again?

When you pray once and your answer is not forthcoming
Do you stop praying?
The gospel admonishes that we should not stop
All the days of my life will I persistently seek God?

God is faithful and He answers prayers
I have received loads of answers because
I have not stopped asking no matter how long it takes
I have no other alternative; it’s God and God alone

We must take our prayers from the level of me and myself
We must seek to meet the needs of God
Yes, God has got needs.
And He is counting on you and I to meet them

Topmost on God’s needs; is His desire for us to know Him
We should then share this knowledge with others
Jesus told the mad man of Gadarenes
Don’t follow me just go tell others what God did for you

This simplest assignment is important to God
Though simple, many fail at it
I am guilty as well; many times I let God down
But God never gives up on us

That is why God never tire in reaching out to us
I stand knocking at the door of your heart
I will stand here till I am let in
 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.Revelation 3:20

The world is in shambles, where is God?
Where are those testifying about God
It is time those that know God speak up about Him
Your simple obedience goes a long way 

On this assignment God counts on us...

As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. 19 But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” 20 So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns[c]of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them. Mark 5:18-20

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Where is the true friend?

The more I search the fainter I see
Seems there are more fiend than friends
Your success gives them heartache
They will rather you maintain status quo of nothingness

If they ever offer a hand to help
They are baiting for a greater fall
They bear lies and falsehood is not far from them
Away with you wicked being may you never see good

A snake is no pet; there is no sense in keeping it
If you come across one, end its cursed life
A woeful friend is a non-repented enemy
Please don’t play nice; don’t hand them a second chance

May God bring my way a friend like Jonathan the son of Saul
Such a selfless help to David, a true brother
It is the sweetest meal ever
When it is shared with sincere allies

Make this a worthy note to keep
Your friend can make or mar your life
Be on your guard; be sensitive to God’s spirit
Never judge by the physical appeal; it often time deceives

In time you will know your true friends
Keep them ever close; they should not be joked with
The Lord will keep preserving His own
He will rescue them form the pit, the enemy digs

If a trusted one has caused you pain
It is pointless crying broken eggs
Gidi up; it is time you make Jesus your closest friend
He will reveal who your true friends are

Read more; 1 Samuel Chapter 20; Mathew 26: 14-16, 47- 50                                                    #sharegoodnews


Why can’t we have a common voice?
Why can’t we have a common goal?
Why can’t we uphold unity?
Why can’t we stand behind ourselves?
Why can’t we honor agreed terms

Why must distrust be a norm amidst us?
Why must we disagree without agreeing?
Why must each want to be seen and heard?
Why can’t we support ourselves to achieve a common goal?

A house divided against itself falls apart
A tongue that refuse to speak in love
A hand that claps at wrong
A leg on a mission to destroy

The devil sows distrust, discord
Why must we water the seed and eat the fruits
It is time we call ourselves to order
It is time we see ourselves as one

We are the body of Jesus
Each with different role and function
Each meant to keep the whole body functioning
Each meant to perform its assigned task

We achieve more together
Let’s not let division thrive among us
As soon as you notice it

Uproot it; please let’s be one

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27                                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 12 August 2016

I – Go – A – Fishing

A popular verse of the scripture
But a clear indication of a missed mission
He was called to be a fisher of men
Now he makes a decoy; he returns to an old profession

Several reasons necessitated this wrong move from Peter
Several life lessons are inherent
Zeroing it to one…
I’ll say; please work at the field God assigns to you

Peter is not one to sit still and be idle
He was a man of acts…
While others wonder what to make of the recent happenings
Peter had had enough of the depressing silence

I – Go – To – Work, doing the wrong thing
And like previous encounters he caught nothing
Jesus loved this acting man
A man who will rather stir the waters than sit still

The Lord through his life hammers on an important point
The attitude of the majority of His called ones
Those who chose to do the bit they know how…
And those who bury their heads and watch

Jesus led and left an active church; aggressive not regressive
The church of this days choose to stay behind walls
Their influence is greatly limited
Where are the Elijah’s speaking against such tyrants as Ahab and Jezebel
The church has the solution but they are not providing it

A rallying cry of this blog has been to call the saints to action
From the power of one; ordinary people, me and my axe…
Announcing a vacancy and more, God says to us… Get Up and Get on
And as you go, God will be revealed

Are you not tired of the negative press?
Are you not wondering where the Lord of all Hosts is?
Are you not ashamed of the weak church?
Are you not wondering where the Holy Spirit now resides

I wrote earlier about God’s plan
But I write now to state this: God’s plan are worked out through men
You are called; you are needed; you are a part
I – Go  - A – Fishing is a huge lesson to the church

Jesus honoured this supposed wrong move and aided them aright
A mistake turned to a miracle
Jesus will never abandon those who truly love Him
Those who will rather act on what they know, than be mute

No mortal can hold God to ransom
If you don’t move you will be moved aside
It’s purely an honour to be on a mission for the Lord
It is a best to Go – A – Fishing, than sit still

Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore…   John 21:3,4                                    #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

I have a Plan - 2

At the end it will speak
The Lord will make His voice heard
It will not be an echo
It will not be a whisper


Shout it on top of the mountains
The Lord has come down
The hand of the Lord will be seen
The acts of His hand will be wrought

Who still darkens God’s counsel with analysis?
Who still observes the wind when God says walk on water
Who is still in doubt; the Lord reigns!!!
It is time you get your believing right

It seemed like a joke, and it really was one
The Israelite's will go after hundreds of years in slavery
Who could walk out from the mighty Pharaoh?
Egypt was the world power; the Israelite's were its slave

I write as one who hears
The Lord has got a plan
It will be as a sudden surprise…
That should be expected from the Sovereign Majesty

Put your house in order
Keep doing what the Lord asked you to
Stay put where He has kept you
Soon He will appear; soon He will own the day

The question is where do you stand?
God has got a plan that will swallow all others
Please stay in alignment

And the Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their portion at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master finds doing so when he returns. Luke: 12:42,43                                    #sharegoodnews

Saturday, 6 August 2016

I have a Plan

A plan gives details of how a project is to be done
It’s a start with a desired end in view
It keeps the eye focused on the job
Making plans is very important for any enterprise

There are many plans in the air
Several cast fears because it speaks of an intending terror
Nations panic as a few threaten
I stay confident because I know God’s plan tops all

While I hear of their plans, I am not ignorant of Gods’
There is an end in view
The terror monger will soon become terrorized
Their reign is transient, it fades as smoke

While the confusion rages; let your rest be in God
These happenings have been long prophesied
Don’t be a novice, be an informed believer
God’s prophesies are trending for the discerning to pick

You have a part to play
Do not just fold hands and look
Let your voice be heard
If you are a believer, and you believe God
You have a responsibility to make others believe

The devils’ wiles spread by fear
Dissolve the fears with words of faith
Speak up to bring comfort to the hopeless
What is God saying at these times (find it out)

The Media is filled with varying unpleasant news
A believer must be a media medium for God
When they say there is a casting down
You say there is a lifting; a light is at the end of the road

There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. Proverbs 19:21                                                    #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

A Believer; believes

The bold Peter walked on water
He proved that there is no impossibility with God
When he gave attention to logical reasoning
He doubted and began to sink

It takes continuous following
It takes continued learning
It takes dogged faith
To see God’s promised day

Where has your confidence gone?
What replaced your smile with a frown?
Who took your faith and left doubts instead?
When did you stop believing?

A ship stays afloat because it has learnt to keep the water out
The moment a leak is left unblocked…
The best of ships will sink into oblivion
I will not sink; I will get to the harbor

It isn’t over; the final whistle has not been blown
I have a picture of my desired end in view
A picture God painted in my heart
I will see my day, because I won’t stop believing

No matter how long it takes
My resolve will be unshaken
On His unfailing word I stand
My defined end is in my view

I find great solace in the Lord’s word
He is faithful; He wants me to succeed
He loves me; He is not punishing me
This is why I won’t stop believing

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,[a] all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23                                                    #sharegoodnews

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Corporate Socials

When was the last time you prayed for someone other than you?
When was the last time you talked about Christ to someone?
When was the last time you helped someone seeking such
When last was Jesus known because of you?

I have purposed to talk about Christ in my socials
I have decided to help one seeking such
I have decided to pray for Nations and people
I am determined to share Christ, because that is what’s expected

Corporations spend to make their presence felt in a community
A Christian must be known by acts and not by name alone
Do your business but do not abandon God’s expectations
I hear a lot of wow! Great job; I want to say that about you too

Be not quick to say I love you Jesus
Jesus still repeats; if you love me feed my sheep
If one will reach one; if we will take the church to the world
We must use the Medias available to share Christ…

Reach out; Jesus is worth identifying with
If you are afraid of sharing Him, you deny yourself recognition with God
Let the world around you feel God through you
This is a corporate social task; do not fail in yours

The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. John 21:17                                                    #sharegoodnews

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...