Thursday, 31 March 2016

One Touch

With great shame and inconvenience
The woman bond in daily blood flow for twelve years…
Set out of her house, her mission was to touch Jesus

She shoved and pushed as much as her weak frame can carry
But she was energized by a resolve
If I just touch the hem of his cloth I will be okay

Mission fulfilled she returned bearing a different name
I wonder about the others in the crowd
Did they get their petitions or were they just visionless followers

I wonder about you; are you a casual follower or a purpose driven believer
How much longer do you want to cohabit with shame?
How persistent are you to get the Helpers touch

Jesus is same yesterday today and forever
What He did before He can do again and again…
To those who will do the needful without fainting

Study and learn from those with genuine testimonies
It’s there in your Bible; pray to secure the help you need
If you draw to Him; He will draw to you; the result will be your joy

The love of Jesus to you is great, do not let the devil suggest otherwise
Hand over all your cares to Him, He lives to help you
Touch Jesus today; a way to do this is through prayers

For More check the post: Help is Here

Bible Reading: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14                                    #sharegoodnews

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The Ziba

He came in as a slave
He rose to be Saul’s chief servant
He married, had several children and servants
Ever heard of a servant hiring servants; that’s a Ziba

At the demise of the sons of King Saul
Ziba swiftly took over his master’s house
The servant rode on horse, the child walked barefooted
But the game was about to change

David remember the promise he made to Jonathan
Mephiboseth; a prince in rags was sent for
Ziba’s heart ache was soon to commence
As the servant and his little clan resumed at the back

The hand of the Lord prevailed; the owner was proudly restored
When the Lord steps into the midst of your life
Suddenly…, as a dream, a turnaround takes place
Long standing shame is removed and restoration begins

The Ziba is one who gladly robs you of your joy
He knew of Meph’s existence but took advantage…
Judging he was lame and helpless
The Ziba is pushed out by a superior judgment

The Lord’s verdict will prevail
But keep taking your matter to God in prayers
Soon you will testify
If you will not fail to ask the righteous judge for help

All Ziba’s will be throw out

Read the full story in 2 Samuel 9

Bible Reading:  Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ Luke 18:1-3                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 25 March 2016

It’s Not Me; I’m Not Bothered

What a way to die…, the offence of being a Christian
Ishmaelite are getting busy; Christians are getting Comfy
Killers on the prowl; their target the saints

They train their children in the acts of war
Our seeds are getting fat in the palace. (This is not bad)
But in the time of war; we declare a fast not a feast

The lifelong hatred of Ishmael to the chosen Isaac
The sin of the father became the pain of the children
The promise of God still stands; but many actors are still in stupor

The advice of Mordecai to Esther goes to each one
Don’t feign unconcerned because it is not happening in your lobby
Injury to one… the death of a Christian is not allowed

The task is great but the strategy is simple
Alert the King of Haman’s intent, this must be done fast
Esther moved and the verdict was turned, she made a project of the problem

For how long will we seat back and watch this horror views
How many more children, women and men should get raped or killed
Burying our heads in the sand is not a style of the kingdom of God

When I see the teeming population of the church
I get more convinced; if we all bombard heaven in prayers
If we will pray; this evil trend will stop

The hand of the wicked bear rule when the saint goes mute
The victory of the Jews will be ours if we have selfless Christians like Esther
Brethren let’s be wise

Jesus died to deliver us from the wicked hold of Satan
His death procured for us joy, hope, salvation…

For more; Announcing a Vacancy


Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Gospel According to St. Money

Money no doubt plays a huge role in our lives
But money must never be the chief motivator of our acts
Slowly it influences and changes us
Reduces our worthiness and stands to compromise us

The gospel is the good news Jesus brought to mankind
Jesus saves, delivers, heals…; and it’s been paid for by His death
His followers have been mandated to replicate His love
Freely we have received and freely to give

The wheel of the gospel is the Holy Spirit
The wheel of the gospel is sent men and women
The wheel of the gospel is money
All these in the right order

I have seen some brainwashing attempts to get people to give
Many have been taught to give out of fear of been cursed by God
God wants us know Him more intimately and serve Him more truthfully
Teach people to love God; giving will come naturally

So a thief drops a fat cheque and he is termed a believer
God has no need of the offerings of those that have no relationship with Him
But who cares; the money, rather than the heart of sinners is welcome
The issue of money in the church has brought mediocrity to the pulpit
You become a pastor because you are loaded and not because you are anointed

The result is the disaster in the camp of the righteous
The house of prayer is reduced to a motivational center
The power as of old has fast receded as the god of mammon is on board
St. Monies gospel speaks but what about the gospel of Jesus?

If you love me, feed my sheep…
A well fed sheep will only be too glad to give out milk and beef
But when we twist the gospel because we want men to support…
Projects and ideas birthed by personal agenda
We go about prophetlying funds from God seekers

Stay in step with The Holy Spirit; He is the Helper
God always provides for the vision he initiates or endorses
People’s attention must be re-directed to the loving Saviour
God places great value on each life as Jesus death affirms

The gospel undiluted, unpainted by greed is God’s standard, this must be your gospel

If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Colossians 3:1,2                                    #saregoodnews

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

All road leads to Goshen

The reality of the times wears this consciousness
What must be done to stay afloat?
In Egypt the famine bites harder
But in Goshen there is feasting

Despair, hopelessness, uncertainty on faces
The question; what does the future hold pricks the heart
Zionities wail and groan wondering; where is God?
Many are not paying attention as God is no talkative

If the earth is hard, you pray for rain
If there is fire on the mountain, you run
The land is full of sin, no one seem to care
Take a listen to the News; you may feel the hurt of Christ

Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness
The wise will obey and get on the plane to Goshen
Will God be asking for what you cannot give?
Is it too much to pray for restoration of godly values?

It is time you quit the give me! Bless me prayers!
Look beyond yourself, picture Jesus on the cross
Feel the pain he suffered to reconcile the world back to God
And see many at His feet asking for shoe and car

Once again the Lord drops this in my heart
I write, hoping that you will understand
The Lord has a need, I hope you will meet

On the Tejuwrite Blog are similar posts
Announcing a vacancy
Which House comes first?
To the Church in the United State of America
Did you get an invite?
And lots mote

The wise will take counsel and act accordingly

31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mathew 6:31-33                                    #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Be You, Feel Good

A clone or an original
It’s hard to tell these days
Everyone tries to be the next fellow
Like it’s said; the grass is greener over there

If you know the secret struggles of those you envy…
If you know the heavy burden they bear…
If you know the pain fame has brought them
You will rather be you

I admire certain people
But I am always quick to read their biography
The story behind the glory
Often reveals pains I do not want to bear

The best book ever written on self discovery is the Bible
I am good enough for God, that’s the start…
I should keep my relationship with God, so I flee sin…
I must shun the devils suggestions, so I disallow negative thoughts

You may not look like it, but are you on your way?
The devil, whose full time job is to lie and deceive…,
Will suggest to you; you are not good enough…
My present lack of certain things do not define me
I define myself as I discover Me from God’s viewpoint

Stand tall and proud in the knowledge of who you are
Reject the negative thoughts…
That it has not happened does not mean it will not happen
Keep your head up, smile and say
It feels good to be me

When last did you have a chat with your Father?
Share your burden with Him; He loves you and He will help you

For I know the plans I have for you, declares  the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11

Other Helpful Post; Fight This D                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 4 March 2016


The loud sound of silence
Can be heard far away
When the Heavens is silent
Let the earth raise its voice louder

Here goes the Christ
Taking a walk with His associates
Here comes a woman, wailing loudly
Joining uninvited for the walk

Wonder why Jesus ignored the Canaanite woman
She had meet with the help her daughter needs
One glance, one word and her joy will overflow
but the merciful and kind Jesus will not be bothered

When it seems your persistent prayers goes unanswered
Learn an important lesson from a gentile woman
She kept walking and wailing asking for the same thing from the same person
She would not be bothered that she was causing a scene

She would have kept on
But for the disciples who were getting irritated by her cries
Send her away, was the prayer of the Apostles
I thought they would have helped plead her case before Jesus

When friends, Pastors fail to pray about your troubling issues
Never remain silent before The Almighty God
However long it takes to get a response do not stop praying
Many tire and quit just before the big break
If the heaven is silent, raise your voice louder

All the days of my life will I wait till my change comes
Further study Matthew 15: 22-28

A closed mouth best describes a closed destiny
Get up o sluggard and give it the push it requires in prayers                                    #sharegoodnews

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...