I know of a fact that Jesus returns soon
All the signs are here
And just like the days of Noah
No one takes notice
The pursuit to be wealthy at all cost
I notice is a major distraction
The love of money…
The politics that is involved
Earthly things will rob many of eternity with Jesus
No matter the number of pleasure things we acquire
None will make the journey out of this world
So why do we sow to the flesh?
The judgement begins in the house of God
I state this fact because we seem not to fear
God is loving but just; the attitude of the church is disturbing
From the pulpit to the pew; the tales are embarrassing
What more could be said; to melt the hardheartedness
It is no joke brethren; I can’t be left behind
I must make the rapture
And so I take heed to myself
I place my life out on audit
Enough of self-righteous claims
Jesus rid me of every hidden sin
Jesus please have mercy on me
Let us come boldly to Him; He seats on the mercy seat now
Lay your life plain before Him
Confess your sins and repent of your evil ways
I hope you do this, b’cos for one reading now…
This may be the last call
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20
tejuwrite@gmail.com #sharegoodnews