Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Non Stop

Whatever good you find doing, don't stop
Are you believing for a miracle?
Even if you don't get your answer now
Never stop praying about it

There may be delays on the journey
But don't stop moving
The end may seem far in view
But victory is just round the bend

The best laugh is the last laugh
Your struggles may be known to few
But your testimonies will be heard by all
Just make sure you don't stop

Kick depression out, it kills motivation
Do what gives you joy
Allow yourself to be happy
Soon you will arrive at your destination

You will build that house
You will give birth to children
You will get your break
You will not stop believing God

True Nigerian


I decided to lend my thoughts on Nigerian political process, for the sole reason that I'm a Nigerian. I have heard stories of the greatness the country once epitomed but never have I witnessed it.

When will Nigeria be great? Is it even possible? Martin Luther had a dream and even in his demise he had compatriots working to see it actualized.  Where is the Nigerian dream? Where is the clear cut vision placed before people of what is achievable.

Arise o compatriots,
Nigerian call obey...
After singing this anthem for ages, I want to know who is calling and what am I to obey.

The major epidemic we seem not to have a solution for is leadership. This is a country made of people that teamed up to defeat Ebola. In a matter of weeks we were declared Ebola free. We achieved this laudable goal because everyone was involved though some lives were lost, their death is remembered with patriotism and importantly it was not in vain.

Why can't we unite and flush out defective leaders.  Nigeria is our common identity and when we keep hiding under tribal differences we keep ensnaring ourselves to an epidemic more dangerous than Ebola but which we treat as a friendly companion.

If you will not agree to be driven by a driver you feel is unqualified just because you want to live long,  why then must you choose an unfit leader just because he/she is from your  tribe.  Let capable hands be put in positions of leadership without regard for tribe, age or sex. 

The solutions are so simple let's not complicate it.  You are Nigerian, you should be concerned about your image.

The happenings surrounding the grasp of power is not new,  but perhaps this particular season it calls for a keener look.

I don't want to delve into the heavily debated issues in the polity, but the elections are here again.  As you exercise your right to choose a leader, let it be based on nothing else than on merit. No sentiments please.

Our greatness can emerge but we need builders, reformers that will work and sound a clear call of action. Collectively we can destroy the hazard of bad leaders. 
Vote without bias.
God bless Nigeria

Let's share the message

Monday, 28 January 2019

Red Gold

The red substance that flow through the veins...
The life giving liquid called blood
Everyone has just enough of it
The red gold that enriches us daily

There is a blood that was shed years back
Jesus blood was shed on the cross of calvary
He could have died without His blood pouring out
The flowing blood of Jesus is the real deal

The blood of Jesus is one great power accessible to a believer
I have had sweat-less victories by it
The little I write is so you can seek more knowledge
You may be missing a lot just by ignoring it

I am grateful for the blood of Jesus
I am thankful for all the times it has availed for me
I am happy it works everytime
I am a graced partaker of this divine mystery

The blood of Jesus was shed to redeem us from our sins.  It is a cleansing blood.  Receiving Jesus is one great step you take towards continued victory. It's the coolest thing you can ever do. 
Jesus please come into my heart and make me yours. I accept you today as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me.  I pray in Jesus name Amen

The blood of Jesus need not be a mystery. Learn to know

Thursday, 24 January 2019


We all have a book of accounts
It records all that we do
Good or bad, it takes accurate note
Nothing gets omitted, ignored or missing

Depositing into this account is daily
What we do,  how we do it
At certain times we get to withdraw
What we call harvest time

What is been recorded for you ?
What sort of harvest do you want ?
No one can outsmart the system
What you put in, is what you get out

Though we live on the earth...
We are often reminded of eternity
Give careful thought to what you do
While you can, make good changes

Me,  myself and I, is a measerly live
Live a life of purpose, be a blessing
As your deeds gets captured daily...
Remember harvest is a constant

Jesus loves you. Be good

Wednesday, 23 January 2019


ThanksGiving is when you give thanks
So many things to be thankful for
Don't wait for the big gifts only...
Learn to appreciate good done to you

Ingrates are often likened to thieves
Nothing endears more than thanks givers
No matter how small the favor
Give like someone who received much more

Thanks, thank you, Merci...
Whichever way you express it
The giver will be willing to do more
Its keeping a good door open for longer

The older should appreciate the younger
The younger appreciate the older
Don't feel it's your right..
Put your thank you in

Summary: Its just wise counsel to be thankful

Tuesday, 22 January 2019


The essence of the death of Christ...
Is that I may live in victory
It doesn't mean there won't be battles
It means I have won the war

I must have a winning mindset
I must know my end point always
Jesus fought and won for me
I am winning always

Ignorance is a great tool of satan
Let it never succeed on you
He will question your authority
Do not give in to it

Pray a little more
Study your Bible more
Read to gain understanding
Follow as His words instruct

The victory of Jesus is mine
It is finished to all the works of satan
Fight with this understanding
Anyone born of God is a winner

for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John4:4-5

Monday, 21 January 2019

Knowing me

A creation of beauty
Masterpiece of the Master Maker
Male or female.
You are created for glory

Identify your identity
Know your birth line
Learn your Divine parentage
A child of God is a god

You are created to be up
You are here for good works
You are born of God to win
You are a good being

Eagles fly high, don't till the ground
Ignorance make lions mingle with dogs
No excuse is good to fail
Look up,  that's your position by birth

Child of a great God
You may start small, don't stay small
Rise above your circumstance
Don't give in to the norm

God sent you here to reflect Him
Learn more about your Divine lineage
Some eagles till the ground like chicks
Get out from that group

Give Jesus authority over your life,  He died and defeated Satan a while ago. Say this words... Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you please save me. Forgive me my sins I repent of them.  Help me to know you more each day.  Thanks for doing this, Amen
1 John 5:4

Tuesday, 15 January 2019


To be remembered, To be helped
To be sought out, To be blessed
To be needed, To be loved
To be you; being remembered

A little help, a little favour
A little luck, a little mention
A little platform, a little opportunity
To be you; being helped

Everyone needs someone to get ahead
A ladder to reach great heights
A discoverer of your uniqueness
A coach, tutor, manager or mentor

Pray God to send you your helper
Pray His divine hand to put you forward
Pray that this day will be memorable
Pray Him to grant you favour where it matters

I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me. Psalms 57:2

I’m a child of God, this bit I know

Monday, 14 January 2019


I have been speaking for a while
I noticed my friend had gone silent
I glanced his way…
He was far gone in dream land

At what point I lost him to sleep I do not know
But I was disappointed
I had poured my heart to one that was not there
I had spoken and I was not heard

No feedback could be gotten
My words were gone with the wind
My friend realized his wrong and apologized
But, will I want to repeat the motions?

My disappointment brought me to a realization
My good friend was just been human
However, I have one that neither slumber nor sleep
I have one that will always hear me

Like the prodigal, I realized; it’s time I talk to HIM
So I arose packed my bag and left
As I walked home I started talking to Him
And remembered the words of a popular hymn

Oh what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Prayer profits always…
My simple advice, Talk to God more
It pays to pray, Pray with His words
Talk to Him about all issues

I’m a child of God; this bit I know

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Wait or Now

The sign read; food is ready
Getting in you realize you have to wait
The signal from your belly cannot
I must have my food now, I can’t wait

Why wait when you can have it now
Why wait to be healed?
Why wait to get promoted?
Why wait to have that baby?

Now is a good time to get good stuff
Now is a good time to build my house
Now is the time to start that venture
Now is the time for celebration

Sometime instant blessing does well
Don’t always think you have to wait
Often time delay means the devil is at work
God wants the best for you, and NOW is the time

Why endure poverty?
Why continue with that pain?
Aren’t you tired of stagnancy?
Arise and snap out of depression

God is good even right NOW
He has goodness to bestow NOW
HE wants to do you well right NOW
A child of God is qualified for God’s best NOW

How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are 1 John 3:1

I’m a child of God; this bit I know

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Kill the Thought

Don't end your own life...
Do not kill yourself
There is something called change...
That situation is not permanent

Suicide does not  solve a thing
It only stir up multiple problems
Life is a precious gift
No matter the issue,  don't give in to death

Handling a temporal issue on a final note...
Suicide makes you think there's no other way
Pause, rethink, talk with someone...
There's hope, if there's life

For that lie of Satan, there's a truth of Jesus
That defeat need not be permanent
You can rise above the fall
Don't end the life you did not create

Irrespective, God cares for you a great deal

In this world you may have many tribulations, but be of good cheer Jesus has conquered it all.  No matter the challenge you face,  there's a loving Jesus that is present to help. 
He reaches out to you now, simply ask Him to be merciful to you.

I'm a child of God, this bit I know

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Wonder Full

Wonder is one name of God
It's a name that describes who He His
This name will be seen...
If you choose to reveal it

A wonder is an amazement
It's mind boggling, not commonplace
It's bespoke, tailor made, not the norm
God's children must be a wonder

You were created to be wondered at
The world must see God through you
You were made to reflect Him
He bears that name because of you

Let people be proud of your God
Let men see you and be envious
Let them wonder at your progress
Let them want to serve your God

Mediocrity is not a trait of God's people
The best of things are for God's children
He came to give you is best
Don't you dare settle for less

You may need to war with darkness
You may need a  new mindset
You may need to read new books
But by all means be your best self

God is called wonderful
Be His creation that show is wonders
Fight every mediocrity
Be wonder full

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

I'm a child of God, this bit I know

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Be Expecting

What am I expecting this day
Maybe I should take a moment to write it
I'm going to believe for the best...
I'm going to get the best

What am I believing for this day
Maybe I should take a moment to pray
Getting God involved in my plans...
As I need His hands to work with mine

What am I thinking about this day
Maybe I should take a moment to review it
Our lives goes in our thought direction
So think as you want to go

What must I do this day
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
What must I do to get ahead
Think through, act quick

Own the year
Lead it where you want it
Dominate it with your words
Be the winner you were born to be.

I'm a child of God, this bit I know

share, be a blessing

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Troubled Waters

Ups and downs are commonplace
Storms and harshness happens
Trying times may come
But God's love is unfailing

While you rejoice
Someone else may be in tears
While you celebrate
Someone may be lamenting

It maybe hard to understand
Naturally, you ask the why questions
Bad things can happen 
Remember, God's love is unflinching

Change is always promised
But timing is unknown 
This is the time to seek God out
God's presence is soothing
Be confident you are not alone
For God's love is ever true

You maybe at a low point now
You may wonder at the loving God
And say the popular words, why me

I have no answers
I only know it will pass
While there please don't turn your back on God
At the end you will understand

Friday, 4 January 2019

Higher I go

Flying high on my Father's airspace
There's no stopping me, I'm preserved
His word is my trust, I ride triumphant
I soar to greatness

A child of God I am
I represent my Father, the Almighty
Oppositions' you better clear off my way
No mercy will be shown to wickedness

When the lioness gives birth, a king is born
You take after your parent
I am born of God, I'm a god
I am my Father's child

Be aware of who you are
Reflect the one who birthed you
Don't roam the earth as a chicken
When you can soar as the eagle

I'm born of God
I'm born to win
I'm born to dominate
I'm born to reign

1John5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Early Changes

Congratulations! You have been given a new gift
A fresh start; a beginning
See the year as your new born
In the coming months nurture your babe to maturity

So many yearly resolutions
So many prophecies of goodies ahead
Please note; prophecies and resolutions are worked
Work with them, see them come alive

You may need to do away with some things
Mind your mindsets; stay clear of negatives
Keep your focus; no unnecessary loitering’s
Avoid vain friendships; they are weights

Wisdom and discernment must escort you
The year will be good, believe for it
Expect to do great, expect success
Expect miracles, expect favours

The year is your baby, train it
There will be different weather
See that your baby survive it all
Enjoy your success, and succeed even more

I expect great things
I will hear great things about you
Together we will record amazing successes
Have a blessed 2019

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...