I have been trying to come to terms with some recent occurrences....
In the last four years, events similar to biafra massacre have grazed the land. Countless lives lost, properties destroyed, many displaced, families in disarray. Safety is at its worst. The economy is no better. Now ranked the poorest nation in the world
Need I mention unemployment, job insecurity, fall in standard of living, no improvement in healthcare, the list seem endless. At the slightest opportunity of a change I thought it would be most welcome. But alas, somehow there's continuity. I wonder what would unfold next...
Really I am baffled, dazed, anything but this. Why o why!
Nigeria arise, say no to the blood of the innocent. Say no to insecurity. Reject the reign of terror. Say no to defilement. We are blessed with natural resources but the national treasure is denied many.
Really I have no comments... Pray more
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Help!!! I'm drowning
How does it feel to walk on water?
Peter, will tell us someday
Just like Jesus, he was enjoying the walk on water
What a feeling
Just as he was about getting to Jesus
He began to take account of the sea
No one walks on water, he thought to himself
And he took his gaze off Jesus to the wind
Taking his eyes off the one that bid him come was a dangerous thing to do
He soon realized that his leg had suddenly caved in to the ocean
He was now beneath what he was above seconds ago
Realising he's in danger. He cried for help
Jesus reached out and grabbed him
But said this words to him...
"O You of little faith," "why did you doubt?"
Peter replied ...when i saw the wind, I was afraid...
Fear and faith is like oil and water. It never mix
Fear echoes the voice of reason
Faith resonates the truth of God
The reason your faith in God is not profiting you is because of the loudness of your fear
You cannot look up and down at the same time
You can not claim to believe God and your senses
One must prevail, your end result will show what you believe in
Fear has a voice and so does faith. They both speak, but which do you listen to?
However, if you have veered off God's course
Please imitate Peter, cry out for help!!!
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Matthew 14:30
Peter, will tell us someday
Just like Jesus, he was enjoying the walk on water
What a feeling
Just as he was about getting to Jesus
He began to take account of the sea
No one walks on water, he thought to himself
And he took his gaze off Jesus to the wind
Taking his eyes off the one that bid him come was a dangerous thing to do
He soon realized that his leg had suddenly caved in to the ocean
He was now beneath what he was above seconds ago
Realising he's in danger. He cried for help
Jesus reached out and grabbed him
But said this words to him...
"O You of little faith," "why did you doubt?"
Peter replied ...when i saw the wind, I was afraid...
Fear and faith is like oil and water. It never mix
Fear echoes the voice of reason
Faith resonates the truth of God
The reason your faith in God is not profiting you is because of the loudness of your fear
You cannot look up and down at the same time
You can not claim to believe God and your senses
One must prevail, your end result will show what you believe in
Fear has a voice and so does faith. They both speak, but which do you listen to?
However, if you have veered off God's course
Please imitate Peter, cry out for help!!!
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Matthew 14:30
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Top Secret
At a day, time or hour no one knows, Jesus will be making a return journey to earth. His coming will be with all the pomp and grandeur no one has ever witnessed before.
Many have tried to give a time to His return. Several dates have popped up and all proven false. Only God knows the day, but we are advised to keep watch and be ready
He first came over two thousand years ago, born of a virgin. Jesus purpose was to restore the fellowship Adam had with God, but lost through the deception of Satan.
At age thirty he stepped fully into his divine call. He succeeded where Adam failed. Which means that for any that accepts him they are no more under the rule of Satan
For another three years he went about with the message of repentance and love. And as an ultimate proof of His love, He laid his life down as a just offering for sin
The story of Jesus is not strange to many, the Bible has preserved it faithfully for years. However, this is a reminder that He's coming back and we must be ready to meet him
Open your heart to his word today. Discard all falsehood. Jesus is the only guarantee of a eternal life devoid of wickedness. Step out and be counted for Jesus.
"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.
Mathew 24:30
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
Mark 13:32,33
Many have tried to give a time to His return. Several dates have popped up and all proven false. Only God knows the day, but we are advised to keep watch and be ready
He first came over two thousand years ago, born of a virgin. Jesus purpose was to restore the fellowship Adam had with God, but lost through the deception of Satan.
At age thirty he stepped fully into his divine call. He succeeded where Adam failed. Which means that for any that accepts him they are no more under the rule of Satan
For another three years he went about with the message of repentance and love. And as an ultimate proof of His love, He laid his life down as a just offering for sin
The story of Jesus is not strange to many, the Bible has preserved it faithfully for years. However, this is a reminder that He's coming back and we must be ready to meet him
Open your heart to his word today. Discard all falsehood. Jesus is the only guarantee of a eternal life devoid of wickedness. Step out and be counted for Jesus.
"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.
Mathew 24:30
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
Mark 13:32,33
Monday, 25 February 2019
In your journey, you must meet with such one that will make the difference.
A helper that will aid your progress.
This divine relationship can come in form of marriage, employee, employer or just an acquaintance.
This destiny impacting meeting is very important.
This destiny impacting meeting is very important.
Peter was going nowhere without Jesus.
Jesus also needed Peter to help support as much as possible.
So it is not a parasitic relationship.
God is the orchestra of this relationship.
God is the orchestra of this relationship.
Only with His help can you be appropriately connected.
The earlier you meet your pillar or helper of destiny the better.
Life's sweeter when you are aided.
All relationship will be tested or tried.
All relationship will be tested or tried.
There will be offences. Your toes can be stepped on.
Whenever this occurr, manage it wisely.
The tests will make the bond stronger. Respect should come from both ends though.
The Journey is a path leading to many discoveries.
The Journey is a path leading to many discoveries.
As you navigate to your desired end.
Enjoy the scenery. Gain the experience,
become a sterling example of one who came, journeyed and conquered.
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen."Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Mark 1:16,17
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen."Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Mark 1:16,17
Friday, 22 February 2019
The elections and the elect
Sweet promises form the juicy apple politicians dangle when canvassing for votes. After getting what they want they seem to forget the promise once made.
When men fail on their word, should the elect suffer? When the unrighteous gain power what is the fate of God's children?
The Israelites were once sojourners in Egypt, and when they were maltreated they cried out to God for help. He responded by sending them Moses to lead them out of bondage.
It is therefore the duty of God's children to pray. Don't just lament about the problem, pray
...The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James5:16
Believe also for a distinction...
But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the LORD, am in this land. Exodus 8:22
God knows how to save His own. But you are not to watch and complain
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
Beloved elect, God didn't send you here for men to trample on you
You have authority in God, failure to use it is why many suffer
The fate of the elect is determined by God's word. Search it out and believe
When men fail on their word, should the elect suffer? When the unrighteous gain power what is the fate of God's children?
The Israelites were once sojourners in Egypt, and when they were maltreated they cried out to God for help. He responded by sending them Moses to lead them out of bondage.
It is therefore the duty of God's children to pray. Don't just lament about the problem, pray
...The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James5:16
Believe also for a distinction...
But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the LORD, am in this land. Exodus 8:22
God knows how to save His own. But you are not to watch and complain
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
Beloved elect, God didn't send you here for men to trample on you
You have authority in God, failure to use it is why many suffer
The fate of the elect is determined by God's word. Search it out and believe
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Gains of the earth
Are you rich towards God?
Or you choose to be rich to your self alone
Are you pursuing God's vision for your life?
Or you are on a selfish journey
Life consists more than the number of things you acquire
House, car, choice travel, bevy of ladies, guys etc
They are all acquisitions of the earth
It's good to have them, but have God above all
Seek for the advancement of God's kingdom
Not just your own earthly pleasures...
God has need of kingdom labourers
Those who will preach the gospel of Jesus
Those whom He can send on errands
Those who will represent Him properly
Whatever be your earthly gain
Remember that earthly investment remain on earth
No matter what you achieve on earth
It will perish along with the earth one day
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26
While you have life in you, sow where it will count eternally. Be wise
Sow towards the course of Jesus
He came to call the sinner to himself
He came to raise co-labourers with himself
Get involved in His main business
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Mathew 6:32,33
Or you choose to be rich to your self alone
Are you pursuing God's vision for your life?
Or you are on a selfish journey
Life consists more than the number of things you acquire
House, car, choice travel, bevy of ladies, guys etc
They are all acquisitions of the earth
It's good to have them, but have God above all
Seek for the advancement of God's kingdom
Not just your own earthly pleasures...
God has need of kingdom labourers
Those who will preach the gospel of Jesus
Those whom He can send on errands
Those who will represent Him properly
Whatever be your earthly gain
Remember that earthly investment remain on earth
No matter what you achieve on earth
It will perish along with the earth one day
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26
While you have life in you, sow where it will count eternally. Be wise
Sow towards the course of Jesus
He came to call the sinner to himself
He came to raise co-labourers with himself
Get involved in His main business
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Mathew 6:32,33
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
The Tejuwrite Blog: Worry about nothing
The Tejuwrite Blog: Worry about nothing: Worry does not proffer a solution, it rather block your thoughts. It has a way of amplifying problems and taking you further away from meani...
Worry about nothing
Worry does not proffer a solution, it rather block your thoughts. It has a way of amplifying problems and taking you further away from meaningful solution
Why worry, knowing it does no good. In one of his meeting, several thousands have gathered and having been with Jesus for a while the disciples suggested that he send them away
Jesus will do no such, rather he asked that they be fed. Being far from town, the disciples wondered where the funds to feed them will come from.
At the close of the story, everyone was fed with baskets of left overs. What is our reaction when things do not go the way we want it? Is worrying our known retreat?
Jesus passed an important message to his house. Don't worry. He said this because we will constantly be buffeted with issues. However tough, worrying doesn't solve a thing
One way to drown worry is to declare loudly faith words that address the issue. This will give your mind something new to feed on. Faith based confessions
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;... Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:8,9
Read further
Mathew 6:25-34, Mark 6:30-44
Why worry, knowing it does no good. In one of his meeting, several thousands have gathered and having been with Jesus for a while the disciples suggested that he send them away
Jesus will do no such, rather he asked that they be fed. Being far from town, the disciples wondered where the funds to feed them will come from.
At the close of the story, everyone was fed with baskets of left overs. What is our reaction when things do not go the way we want it? Is worrying our known retreat?
Jesus passed an important message to his house. Don't worry. He said this because we will constantly be buffeted with issues. However tough, worrying doesn't solve a thing
One way to drown worry is to declare loudly faith words that address the issue. This will give your mind something new to feed on. Faith based confessions
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;... Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:8,9
Read further
Mathew 6:25-34, Mark 6:30-44
Friday, 15 February 2019
In Everything
In everything, I see your hand
In my moves, I see you were there first
In my sleep, I see you stayed awake
In my world, I see you always at work
Anyone without you, misses on unfailing love
Anyone without you, misses on peace untold
Anyone without you, misses on top security
Anyone without you, misses on help at all times
There's no describing the love of God
It's ever giving, ever true. Purest of all
When you have Him as a Father...
He does everything to ensure you are preserved
A thousand may fall a thousand times
But with God you never stay down
Talk of having one's back, being covered...
Then, He's the real deal
No regrets to those whose Lord is God
There will be various seasons...
But assuredly, you will never be alone
I have come to realize, Him in everything is best
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take you, he will quiet you with over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
In my moves, I see you were there first
In my sleep, I see you stayed awake
In my world, I see you always at work
Anyone without you, misses on unfailing love
Anyone without you, misses on peace untold
Anyone without you, misses on top security
Anyone without you, misses on help at all times
There's no describing the love of God
It's ever giving, ever true. Purest of all
When you have Him as a Father...
He does everything to ensure you are preserved
A thousand may fall a thousand times
But with God you never stay down
Talk of having one's back, being covered...
Then, He's the real deal
No regrets to those whose Lord is God
There will be various seasons...
But assuredly, you will never be alone
I have come to realize, Him in everything is best
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take you, he will quiet you with over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Truth Prevails
Lies may have taken the scenery for a while
One day, the truth will prevail
A day when light will sweep out darkness
When falsehood will be uncovered
This will be a day of great joy
Also a day of sorrow to all liars
Truth has won the war
Jesus the truth has prevailed
It is time to call out all the lies in your life
Whatever is contrary to Jesus's will is a lie
Take the light of God's word today
Knockout all dark areas
The Bible records the truth about you
There you will discover your true self
There you will be empowered by knowledge...
To discard all attachments of lie
If the truth will prevail in your life... Its up to you, take responsibility. Search out the scriptures, let the light of God's word dawn in every area of darkness.
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31-32
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
2 Corinthians 13:8
One day, the truth will prevail
A day when light will sweep out darkness
When falsehood will be uncovered
This will be a day of great joy
Also a day of sorrow to all liars
Truth has won the war
Jesus the truth has prevailed
It is time to call out all the lies in your life
Whatever is contrary to Jesus's will is a lie
Take the light of God's word today
Knockout all dark areas
The Bible records the truth about you
There you will discover your true self
There you will be empowered by knowledge...
To discard all attachments of lie
If the truth will prevail in your life... Its up to you, take responsibility. Search out the scriptures, let the light of God's word dawn in every area of darkness.
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31-32
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
2 Corinthians 13:8
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Right Help
Good relationship is key
It is pure wealth to be rich in good people
You need people thats how God created it
May the right people locate you on time
As Jesus stepped into Peter's boat...
Toiling without proof exited his life
He was aided to channel his passion...
As a fish catcher into men catcher
People that will recognize your uniqueness
That will offer to help you become better
Someone to restore you when you stray
Someone to cheer you when you win
The right relationship is key to fulfilment
The journey is shorter and sweeter
I pray for you as I pray for myself
May the right person come along our way
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
It is pure wealth to be rich in good people
You need people thats how God created it
May the right people locate you on time
As Jesus stepped into Peter's boat...
Toiling without proof exited his life
He was aided to channel his passion...
As a fish catcher into men catcher
People that will recognize your uniqueness
That will offer to help you become better
Someone to restore you when you stray
Someone to cheer you when you win
The right relationship is key to fulfilment
The journey is shorter and sweeter
I pray for you as I pray for myself
May the right person come along our way
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Sunday, 10 February 2019
There are treasures hidden in books
Create the time to read
This is one key to smartness
Ardent readers are embodiment of knowledge
To lead you must read
You must know a bit more than your followers
Out of the storehouse of your mind, your mouth speaks
Feed your mind with meal from great authors
While books can teach
Not all books teach what you need
Be selective in reading
Don't feed your mind with junks
It's a must for you to have a library
Hardcopy, e-book, audio book, no excuse
Have your own collection of books and read...
No matter how busy you are
Early introduction to books will help channel Young Minds aright. This may curb some error in our society.
I, Daniel, understood by books... Daniel 9:2
Create the time to read
This is one key to smartness
Ardent readers are embodiment of knowledge
To lead you must read
You must know a bit more than your followers
Out of the storehouse of your mind, your mouth speaks
Feed your mind with meal from great authors
While books can teach
Not all books teach what you need
Be selective in reading
Don't feed your mind with junks
It's a must for you to have a library
Hardcopy, e-book, audio book, no excuse
Have your own collection of books and read...
No matter how busy you are
Early introduction to books will help channel Young Minds aright. This may curb some error in our society.
I, Daniel, understood by books... Daniel 9:2
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Love Child
What is it with defiling underage children
It seems to make the news daily
This is stealing innocence from the cradle
We may need to call for stiffer punishment
Catch them young not defile them
The trauma this children will go through in life
Who knows the terror and pain they have
I just can't understand, raping a two year-old
Sexual perversion in high and low places
Cradle snatchers roaming the world
With parents busy to make ends meet
How safe and secure are this innocent beings
Call on your government if they will hear
Call security agent if they will bulge
But call firstly on your self, watch and pray
In cases of incest God knows and He will judge
Children are the Lord's heritage.
Their children will be as in days of old, and their community will be established before me; I will punish all who oppress them. Jeremiah 30:20
It seems to make the news daily
This is stealing innocence from the cradle
We may need to call for stiffer punishment
Catch them young not defile them
The trauma this children will go through in life
Who knows the terror and pain they have
I just can't understand, raping a two year-old
Sexual perversion in high and low places
Cradle snatchers roaming the world
With parents busy to make ends meet
How safe and secure are this innocent beings
Call on your government if they will hear
Call security agent if they will bulge
But call firstly on your self, watch and pray
In cases of incest God knows and He will judge
Children are the Lord's heritage.
Their children will be as in days of old, and their community will be established before me; I will punish all who oppress them. Jeremiah 30:20
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
No Hassles
Marriage is the honorable institution
Where a man and woman should never leave
It is the beautiful lifelong comradeship
The total union of soul, body and thought
Its a precious gift that must not be abused
Its a precious gift that must be well kept
Its a precious gift that must be renewed
Its a precious gift that must not be thrown away
If your goal is a great marriage
Then you start from the place of choice
Looks, money must not dictate or motivate
Though they have their place in a good union
Marriage is a lifelong affair, enjoy not endure
Be thankful if there are children, be hopeful if still waiting
Find fulfilment in each others arms
Spice up your life in and outside the bedroom
No one knows it all, so learn from others
Communication is key
The bed must not be shared. Have no hassles
Enjoy your spouse, you earned the right
I am my lover's and my lover is mine;
Song of Solomon 6:3
Where a man and woman should never leave
It is the beautiful lifelong comradeship
The total union of soul, body and thought
Its a precious gift that must not be abused
Its a precious gift that must be well kept
Its a precious gift that must be renewed
Its a precious gift that must not be thrown away
If your goal is a great marriage
Then you start from the place of choice
Looks, money must not dictate or motivate
Though they have their place in a good union
Marriage is a lifelong affair, enjoy not endure
Be thankful if there are children, be hopeful if still waiting
Find fulfilment in each others arms
Spice up your life in and outside the bedroom
No one knows it all, so learn from others
Communication is key
The bed must not be shared. Have no hassles
Enjoy your spouse, you earned the right
I am my lover's and my lover is mine;
Song of Solomon 6:3
Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Money by all means
The crave to get money is trending
People are trying all sorts to achieve wealth
They seem to be getting more creative
Ritual killings, stealing, kidnapping, etc
No one wants to work with his/her hands
Culture of hardwork is fast disappearing
Get money by all means schemes...
Even if it means taking another human life
What are we doing about this decadence?
How bad must it get before we act?
How many more innocent blood to be spilled?
Where is this pursuit for material things leading us to?
Certainly we are approaching the end of the age
A society that one's believed in dignity of labor
Now throw accolades at the wealthy...
With no concern to how their riches came about
God please keep preserving our lives from this evil onslaught
While we pray for evil doers to repent
And plead with our government to intervene
Lasting wealth is not built on evil foundation
I implore my reader:
Please take responsibility for your own life.
Believe in God's protection package always.
No matter the hell the devil discharges you will not partake in it in Jesus name.
Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh.
Phillipians 3:2
People are trying all sorts to achieve wealth
They seem to be getting more creative
Ritual killings, stealing, kidnapping, etc
No one wants to work with his/her hands
Culture of hardwork is fast disappearing
Get money by all means schemes...
Even if it means taking another human life
What are we doing about this decadence?
How bad must it get before we act?
How many more innocent blood to be spilled?
Where is this pursuit for material things leading us to?
Certainly we are approaching the end of the age
A society that one's believed in dignity of labor
Now throw accolades at the wealthy...
With no concern to how their riches came about
God please keep preserving our lives from this evil onslaught
While we pray for evil doers to repent
And plead with our government to intervene
Lasting wealth is not built on evil foundation
I implore my reader:
Please take responsibility for your own life.
Believe in God's protection package always.
No matter the hell the devil discharges you will not partake in it in Jesus name.
Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh.
Phillipians 3:2
Monday, 4 February 2019
Way to go
The right pair, the right peer
Who is your friend?
Whose big opinion do you hold highly
Whose counsel do you take to?
Where are your friends heading?
What are your friends doing?
What are your friends planning?
What are your friends saying?
You could be made or marred by friends
Be careful to chose right association
You are going where they are
It's birds of same feather that flock together
A companion of the wise, will be wise
You need forward facing friends
Follow people making an impact
Your life is precious, stay with the right group
A righteous man is cautious in friendship,
Proverbs 12:26
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.
Proverbs 22:24,25
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
Psalms 1:1
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
Who is your friend?
Whose big opinion do you hold highly
Whose counsel do you take to?
Where are your friends heading?
What are your friends doing?
What are your friends planning?
What are your friends saying?
You could be made or marred by friends
Be careful to chose right association
You are going where they are
It's birds of same feather that flock together
A companion of the wise, will be wise
You need forward facing friends
Follow people making an impact
Your life is precious, stay with the right group
A righteous man is cautious in friendship,
Proverbs 12:26
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.
Proverbs 22:24,25
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
Psalms 1:1
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
Saturday, 2 February 2019
Just You
In one word can you describe yourself?
In one word can others describe you
If i mention Bill Gates what comes to your mind
Now try imagining the world without him
Until you know your purpose...
You are just playing around
Your creator made no mistake in forming you
There's something unique about you
Child of God discover yourself
Leave the crowd, come out of the multitude
You came to run an errand for God
Stop loitering around, find it
To discover purpose you must meet your maker
Ask Him why and what He created you for
Gifts, talents and desires may be a pointer
But get your own clear details from God
So many unutilized potentials in the grave
If you die without fulfilling destiny
You have wasted your time here
So drop the wrong pursuit. Start talking to God
Do us all a favor...
...Find your purpose
In one word can others describe you
If i mention Bill Gates what comes to your mind
Now try imagining the world without him
Until you know your purpose...
You are just playing around
Your creator made no mistake in forming you
There's something unique about you
Child of God discover yourself
Leave the crowd, come out of the multitude
You came to run an errand for God
Stop loitering around, find it
To discover purpose you must meet your maker
Ask Him why and what He created you for
Gifts, talents and desires may be a pointer
But get your own clear details from God
So many unutilized potentials in the grave
If you die without fulfilling destiny
You have wasted your time here
So drop the wrong pursuit. Start talking to God
Do us all a favor...
...Find your purpose
Friday, 1 February 2019
Do to Me
How long can your critics talk?
Can they critic as long as you have been acting?
Can they sustain their momentum?
Soon your critics will become criticized
What you do to others...
Will you want same done to you?
Those you can't look in the eye...
Because of social media, you talk anyhow
I have no issues with critism
But remember those you critic have emotions
Words can be very hurtful.
I want to know...are you insulting, abusing or criticising?
What you hide behind the camera to say
Can you say it in a one-on-one meet?
You think you are holier than thou?
Let's see how you will fare, if it were you
Inciting others to hate, encouraging disrespect and parading yourself as the better is not critism.
If you have a better message preach it.
If your action is not motivated by love then what are you instigating?
Can you confidently say. What i do to my neighbor be done unto me?
Can they critic as long as you have been acting?
Can they sustain their momentum?
Soon your critics will become criticized
What you do to others...
Will you want same done to you?
Those you can't look in the eye...
Because of social media, you talk anyhow
I have no issues with critism
But remember those you critic have emotions
Words can be very hurtful.
I want to know...are you insulting, abusing or criticising?
What you hide behind the camera to say
Can you say it in a one-on-one meet?
You think you are holier than thou?
Let's see how you will fare, if it were you
Inciting others to hate, encouraging disrespect and parading yourself as the better is not critism.
If you have a better message preach it.
If your action is not motivated by love then what are you instigating?
Can you confidently say. What i do to my neighbor be done unto me?
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