Monday, 9 November 2020
The Tejuwrite Blog: Basics
A grain of seed is small, but if planted; has the potential of feeding a multitude. Seed has life. Our words and actions also serve as seeds. The wise plant good seeds knowing there will be a harvest.

Do not look down on anyone, the beggar can rise to be the ruler. Remember the God factor. Do not be proud, the ruler can also become the beggar.
Enjoy life with your spouse and children, time spent with them are not a waste. Create a fun filled atmosphere in your home. Befriend yourselves, bond well, don't be absent except its unavoidable.
Don't be a nag, seek better ways to pass a message. Use words wisely, build up, don't tear down. Desist from slander, backbiting and other wrong use of the tongue. Truth is better than lies, with a lie you need more lies to cover it up.
Don't be careless, discernment will help you know who your true friends are. Deceivers are really subtle. Fight off all detractors, give no room to the wicked in your life.
Your relationship with God is very important, you need Him always. Study your Bible, pray and be watchful. Consider this as your foundation, it will sustain your life.
Not all who wants success become successful. Don't only pray be diligent. Tap from the minds of those you seek to be like. Read, don't just laze about. You owe yourself success.
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Proverbs 4:6
Saturday, 7 November 2020
The Tejuwrite Blog: Don't Quit
Don't Quit
Her story best capture the phrase its not over, until you win. She had blood flow every single day for twelve years. Her case defied every available medical aid. But this woman did not resign to fate.
The Lord NEVER denies us what we qualify for. Often time we give up when we feel the answer is taking longer than expected. Do not stop believing for the miracle you seek. Be assured that you will have it, if you don't quit.
Twelve years of continuous flow of blood is no small burden for anyone to carry. Only the woman can adequately quantify the hurdles she had to surmount. She must have been drained financially, emotionally etc.
There's no chance of a meaningful relationship, the shame her problem brought her... Marriage or having children must be some of the things she dream of achieving but it was a no go area for as long has the blood kept flowing.
The strain of the flow ate up her finance as well as her health. But, despite all the trouble she contend with daily she hoped for a better tomorrow. She heard about Jesus and all He's been doing. She had a faith so great she took her miracle.
Your miracle is yours to take if you will get inspired and refired by her story. Don't accept the lies, Jesus loves you and wants your best. Play your part, build your faith. Hope for a fresh start.
...all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Job 14:14b
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:25Read her story...Mark 5:25-34
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
The Tejuwrite Blog: Home Coming
Home Coming
At creation, God thought of everything that will be needed to make a man's life comfortable. Food to sustain him, a job to keep him busy and a wife for companion.
These additions were to complement and bring fulfilment. Life was good until sin came. How easy it was for Adam, but can we say the same for ourselves these days?
We are not created to labour and toil. We inherited a destiny of struggle. No more free meal in the park. The longer we live, the more we see the mean way man goes about seeking for survival.
Is there a way back into Eden, the first abode of man? Can these life of toiling stop? The answers is with the creator, the mess we have created in trying to get ahead is just too much.
Man that was to live off other creation, is now turning on itself. Mans inhumanity to man. At the base of all these is survival, but the means to the end is sometimes horrific.
Jesus is coming soon, but how soon is this soon? His return brings an end to this chaos and reintroduction of an Eden experience. Also mans greatest foe, the devil, will be locked away for good.
The way to Jesus is the way to peace in the storm. It is a safety nest that guarantee protection from oppression. A live of clean prosperity is available - making a living by His instructions.
As we live in these times, we must think more than the life that ends here. For no matter how long we get to live. There's another lifetime. You can have a good life here and after. Relationship with Jesus guarantees this.
Eternity is important while on the present.
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul. Matthew 16:26
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Escape shame
To wade off her late husband creditors; who were coming to take her sons. She sought audience with the prophet Elisha. Upon enquiry, he got to know she had a little oil. He instructed her to borrow empty vessels, lock up and pour the oil into them.
Miraculously, the pots got filled as she poured into them. Narrowly she escaped a life of sorrow; her sons were to be taken as slaves. She also cease to be called the poor widow as her journey into prosperity begins.
It seems Elisha knows God in a way any seeking for divine abundance should. The Lord is available to help overcome anything that could cause shame. This knowledge inspires faith which produces result.
As you believe God for your breakthrough, build up your faith to believing the Lord for not a few. Learn from the story of this widow whose nightmare disappeared at the Lords intervention.
Take also her step in seeking for solution from the right place. A word from the Lord will be your own blank cheque. God is no magician but a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently.
Don't go looking for a prophet, be led by the Holy spirit. Pay the price of fellowshipping with the Lord and get from Him your own specific instruction. This task you must commit to in getting your desires actualised.
Read her story 2 Kings 4:1-6
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4
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