Monday, 30 October 2023

Woman Like Mary

How was Jesus childhood like?
His younger years we don't know so much of
At the age of twelve we got a little glimpse
Being raised by a carpenter we infer he learnt same
He was the first child of Mary
She had a front seat view of his life; highs and lows
She saw his life's prophecy come true
She witness him fulfill God ordained purpose
Women of faith; mothers, sisters arise
With the help of God stand tall for your children/ward
Help them navigate the right path
Be their mentor and pray daily for them

I have grown in considerable administration for Mary
She stands tall as a noble woman
She knew her son carried a great destiny
She became his catalyst, believer and disciple
Bible did not tell us much about her after Jesus departure
But her other sons became prominent apostles
Her godly influence spread to her entire family
She truly is highly favoured of God
She was well loved by Jesus
And his disciples adored and honored her
So much so that at the time of his death
Jesus will commend John to take her under his care
The crown of honor awaits women like Mary
Women who seek to please God above self
Women who will be co-laborers with God
Women who nurture the destinies committed to them
A virtuous woman who can truly find
Her worth is more than diamonds
We need more of these gems in our world
They will be celebrated in this life and beyond

Friday, 27 October 2023

Still To Come -3

Man is created with a will; a mind of its own
Severally we love to walk opposite of Gods directive
Taking pleasure in pleasing self not God
For this; man has suffered immensely
Many have disobeyed with dire consequence
As I read the account of Noah and the animals
I’m drawn to the level of obedience of the mammals
These beings could teach us a thing or two
They had no shepherd yet they came from everywhere
Some animals are not seen in the open
Yet because the Lord commanded they moved
They were undisturbed that they could be harmed
In the ark they lived like the days of Eden
Lions dwelled with other animals in peace
None preyed on the other; none complained
They like Noah fully cooperated with Gods agenda
Was their time in the ark, most convenient?
Definitely not; their freedom was restricted
They were fed with meals provide, not hunted
They lived without questioning their latest predicament
Can we have men like Noah in our days?
Who will walk with God and please Him
One who will work at an ark far away from sea
One who looked foolish yet undeterred by mockers
Kudos to Noah whose obedience preserved a generation
His offering to God prompted the rainbow still seen till date
The multi-color sign is a reminder of Gods promise…
Not to destroy the world again by flood
Safe to say we owe our existence to him
For the evil of our day is nowhere near his time
The level of man’s wickedness is alarming
Yet God faithfully keeps to His promise
The end of the present world is also foretold
Our ark of safety now is Jesus; hope you have a seat
For the day of reckoning will come like Noah’s time
He is the one calling; I pray you heed

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Still To Come - 2

For the huge task of gathering preserving birds and animals
Noah is to bring in male and female of all specie
This is a daunting task for anyone
But see the miraculous help of God
God of wonders whose ways is a mystery…
He doesn’t leave us to ourselves
He is there to assist in making us an attraction
He spoke to a fish for Jonah and to animals for Noah

All the animals’ bird; crawling, flying etc
Found their way to Noah’s ark
Some would have travelled a distance
Some were domestic pigs, hens, and sheep from near
There must be the miraculous in our lives
The help of God in His ordained course for our life
Imagine trying to catch a male or female bee
Or identifying which reptile is yet to be brought in
All these animals heard the call out of God
He gestured to each in the language they hear
They also came in the specific numbers
Not more or less than needed
Everything created still hears and obeys its creator
All man, plant and beast acknowledge the IAM
Even inanimate object are at His beck and call
All hosts, spirits clean or unclean submit to Him
He spoke to the woman bent over for eighteen years
In an instant she walked straight
He touched and healed as He desires
Unstoppable in His working
The things He did for Noah was prompted by obedience
As Noah worked on the ark; God worked on filling it
Don’t expect His might when you sit idly by
Get working and see your Lord working things for you
Pairs of each kind of bird and each kind of animal, large
and small alike will come to you to be kept alive Gen 6:20

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Still To Come

The Lord was grieved at the extent of man’s wickedness
He sought to destroy the world he created
In that generation Noah alone favour with God
He will be spared; others to be destroyed
God gave him the task of preserving a remnant
Those who will multiply and fill the earth
Mankind, birds and animals
All to be kept alongside his family 
For this huge task, he was to build a massive boat
The bible details the length, breath and height
Quiet an enormous structure
An imposing sight for all to behold
Many wondered as he labored on the edifice
Several mocked when he disclosed its purpose
He was building a sanctuary against a flood
God will not destroy the world they mocked
Man’s wickedness continued all the more
Rather than seek repentance they reveled in evil
The ways of sin and unrighteousness pleased them
It grieved God that he made men
Their mockery didn’t stall Gods will
He sent the rain as predicted
The unending downpour soon became a flood
Only Noah and those in the ark made it
Severally the word of Jesus has reached you
He is knocking the door of your heart
Take the step toward his love
Accept him today as the Lord of your life
Dear Jesus I want you to come into my life, safe me. Forgive me all my sin and wrongdoing
Help me to live right in you
This simple genuine confession is the start, locate a bible believing Church and begin to know more of His love and will for you…

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Placed by Joe

The famine predicted reached Jacobs family
They heard there is food in Egypt
So Jacob sent ten sons to buy
But it was time for the family to reconnect
Joseph had become lord in Egypt
The dreams of a teen is now reality
The brothers paid homage to the one they sold
They acknowledged the one once hated
Joseph had the entire Egypt at his disposal
He could have located them anywhere
He placed them in Goshen…
Saying I want you close to me
Closeness to your source is wisdom in famine
Have your wall continually before God
Time to have Him smell the incense of your worship
Don’t refrain in famine; draw nearer…
Goshen prospered even when Egypt lacked
They had access, they were helped and favoured
They were placed near their help
The one that new the entire land sorted them
You don’t know like God
He knows the end from the start
Wisdom wants you to embrace him
Folly tells you to keep your distance
Time to keep his words before you and not just news
You are not of this world, don’t forget
Your sustenance in famine depends on your closeness
God is our unending source, not the exchange rate
When others say there’s casting down; you are going up
When many are lacking; you have more and to spare
If Israel had not moved to Egypt they would have perished
Stay close; God has a Goshen for you
For there *Goshen will I nourish thee; for there are yet five years
of famine, lest you and your household come to poverty Gen 45:11

Friday, 13 October 2023

The Hunger Question?

Severe hunger; heads bowed in despair…
Who feeds the hungry or encourage the broken
Real need must meet true help
Several are still going to bed hungry…
Jesus spent ample time teaching the multitude
After a meeting; he refrained from sending them away
Get them something to eat, he instructed…
No money to feed this many; they replied
A boy will release five loaves and two fishes
How far will it go amidst thousands of people?
Where we are deficient, Gods power is available…
This little will feed the many and there was leftover
If only more people will release their little like the boy
Who unselfishly gave at his own expense
He opined he will share rather than hoard
He like Jesus had compassion on the hungry
The poor will always be with us, says the bible
But they must decrease not increase
Giving excuse is another form of giving...
But is it solving the hunger problem
The early church was a charity house
Question anyone not given to true charity
Be the big babe or dude by being generous
Support and help don’t look away
God wants us to live more than for ourselves
Me, myself and I; break free from the selfish mold
We bring up logic, rather just doing our little bit…
God burdens no one but He expects us to help
A huge lesson from a child who dropped his lunch…
He did what he can, with what he had
Deliberate, intentional let’s feed the hungry
Your little will, my little will make a difference 

Start where you are with what you have

Tuesday, 3 October 2023


Salt, light; essentials in their right
You won’t eat a meal without salt…
It just will not make any sense
Light in a dark room… most important
We are categorized as salt and light
These shows our much importance
Not only are we made in God’s image
We are also very valuable to Him
You came in tired, hungry; cooked some rice
As you sat to eat, you realize it’s unsalted
Check and you have no salt at home...
You are the salt of the earth… Matthew 5:15
You must continually affirm this value to yourself
You must deliberately celebrate you
You must say positive to and about you
You must pronounce positives to your circumstance
Father God was faced with a dark world…
Yet He continued to speak His desire
The void and formless soon became very good
Learn His style
He will call timid Gideon, man of valor
Unstable Simon, He call a Rock
Stammering Moses; sent to talk to a king
You like them, are ordinary but His choice
God seal of approval is on you
Unmerited, but not a license to sin    
Keep your eyes always on His word to you
Put His counsel always in your view
If you do not no one will, Remember the Israelites...
... we even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak.
We felt like grasshoppers next to them, and that's 
what we looked like to them. Numbers 13:33
I am who God says I am; I have what God says I have
I can do what God says I can do
I am Precious and essential in the world
This is God thought and must be yours always
Because you are precious in my eyes, you are honored and I love you. Isaiah 43:4

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...