It may take a while, but eventually it proves true
Yes, we have fully entered the days Prophet Joel spoke of
I wonder if my brethren noticed.
The more I view the Medias the more clearly I see
Disturbing for me is that we go on like it’s not our cue
Who is waiting to receive the consolation of Israel?
I for one have purposed to say what I am shown
We have a prophetic chance to stomp it down
Pockets of Christians are gathering everywhere
If the purpose reflects Joel’s’ writings, then I heave a sigh
of relief
Who do you expect to speak up for the scared majority?
If you still think political institutions will; then hear
me laugh
Esther must have thought so when Haman attacked her
Face the camera at you, what you see in the mirror is the
However, you do not look too good so go wash up
Get trained, get prepared, and get going
It is time to break the doctrinal walls between us
I am of Paul or Apollos is not the way to go now
One waters, one plants the job gets done
I am Clergy you are not. What matters is that we are
Bury the hatchets, extend a hand of fellowship
Our conquest is in our unity, stop the lone stroll, it
leads nowhere
Blow the trumpet in
Zion, consecrate a fast
Call a sacred
assembly, gather the people
…Why should they
say among us, where is their God (Joel 2:15-17)
Hope we won’t wait all day for you?
Way to go Queen Esther, She sure got the urgency
As she acted wisely and promptly
I kind of like what she said… if I perish, I perish
If you don’t have a purpose to die for, you have no need
around here
Prophet Joel has stepped in
It’s your turn to step out
Take responsibility, make a move
Like Esther you won’t fail on God’s course
Turn to me in
repentance, says the Lord, Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and
Slow to anger…, and
He relents from doing harm (Joel 2:13, 14)
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