Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Joel makes a grand entry

It may take a while, but eventually it proves true
Yes, we have fully entered the days Prophet Joel spoke of
I wonder if my brethren noticed.
The more I view the Medias the more clearly I see
Disturbing for me is that we go on like it’s not our cue

Who is waiting to receive the consolation of Israel?
I for one have purposed to say what I am shown
We have a prophetic chance to stomp it down
Pockets of Christians are gathering everywhere
If the purpose reflects Joel’s’ writings, then I heave a sigh of relief

Who do you expect to speak up for the scared majority?
If you still think political institutions will; then hear me laugh
Esther must have thought so when Haman attacked her people
Face the camera at you, what you see in the mirror is the answer
However, you do not look too good so go wash up

Get trained, get prepared, and get going
It is time to break the doctrinal walls between us
I am of Paul or Apollos is not the way to go now
One waters, one plants the job gets done
I am Clergy you are not. What matters is that we are brothers

Bury the hatchets, extend a hand of fellowship
Our conquest is in our unity, stop the lone stroll, it leads nowhere
Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast
Call a sacred assembly, gather the people
…Why should they say among us, where is their God (Joel 2:15-17)

Hope we won’t wait all day for you?
Way to go Queen Esther, She sure got the urgency
As she acted wisely and promptly
I kind of like what she said… if I perish, I perish
If you don’t have a purpose to die for, you have no need around here

Prophet Joel has stepped in
It’s your turn to step out
Take responsibility, make a move
Like Esther you won’t fail on God’s course

Turn to me in repentance, says the Lord, Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful
Slow to anger…, and He relents from doing harm (Joel 2:13, 14)

Please share

Monday, 26 October 2015

The Power of One

All I want is one life; one mic; one stage; one song;…
What will you do if you are just one?
And you have an assignment from the Lord
Will you say like my uncle Moses…I am a stammerer
Or like my brother Gideon …I am the least in my family
Or like Jeptha…My mother was a prostitute

When God sends on an errand
I wonder why He doesn’t chose the best in the team
Why choose a stammerer to speak to the King
Why choose a coward to lead an army
Why choose a bastard to preserve a people
Or why choose me to write; or you for another task

What can one do?
Mary Slessor left all the comfort of her country
Relocated to a remote village in Calabar, Nigeria
Walked long miles with her bare feet, lived in a mud house
Slept on the bare floor, ate the local food
Drank from the river, no electricity, never married
Had no child biologically, Spoke their local dialect,
She lived and died in Calabar

I need not recount oppositions she faced and surmounted
Or the hard life she endured
She defiled the culture and wrath of a kingdom
She stood her ground and stopped the killing of twin children
Read her Biography, That’s an example of the power of one

Till you are willing to die for something
You are not yet living
The task is always bigger than you
That is why He never leaves you to it
Moses, Gideon, Jeptha, David, Mary and others
Stands today as cloud of witnesses
Wondering whatever is wrong with this generation
Would they have fared better than us?

Do not say it is three months before its harvest
The time to act is now
Do not wait to get it all perfect
That time may never come
Do not say, but what can I do?
Because there is power in one

Sunday, 25 October 2015

To the Church in the United State of America

If the Lord is to write to the church in the USA?
If He chooses to appraise His church?
Wonder what the content will be
Will He give a pat on the back, or a nod of approval?

Will He condemn what you accept?
Or accept what you frown at
I awoke in a dream
It sure was terrifying to see the anger of God

Write to the church in US was the command
So my pen and paper I took
What O Lord do I write?
Let’s start with the motto

In God we trust
How true it was then
We are a Christian nation…
One country, under God…
Seem like blah, blah, blah
Whatever happened to the representatives of IAM

How could you not speak up against the vices I see everywhere
Was it your liberality?
Was it the blessing of the head and hand?
Or you got so comfortable you forget the One that gives the gifts

Your forebears acknowledged me and I made you great
I made you the first; the cynosure of eyes
You walked tall, proud in beauty and grace
Why has Satan so delude you to deny me my place amongst you

Why has my representatives suddenly gone dumb
The more I look the less I see and more faintly I hear
Who is upholding the cause of Messiah?
Judgment comes swiftly
As no one seem to placate Him
If you find ten righteous will you spare the land Abraham pleaded
Can God find a million or ten?

Yes, the Lord has men who have not bowed their knees
Hidden in caves as the days of Elijah
Now is the time to arise
Now is the time to lend your voice
The Lord in the midst of you is Mighty
Make haste; the Masters’ work seek urgency

I always have a way in every desert
My work will always get done,
My desires will always stand
Evil may be on the increase as I foretold
But still the world must hear the GoodNews
Let Aaron and Hur lift up Moses hands
Let the Joshua’s step out
And let My Moses seek me with hands raised and eyes on Me

My investment will not go up in flames
As the Lord is never without a voice
It’s the turn of the remnants
Scattered dry bones
Issue the command let the bones locate themselves
Let the flesh cover them
I will blow on them and my army will arise

What have you to feed the multitude?
Oh two loaves, five fishes amongst this crowd
Bring it to me and it will be more than enough

Do not say what can I do
Or how far can I get, as your feet I will strengthen
Your few I will make plenteous
Gather together, seek me,
Start wherever you are with whatever you have
Speak, sing, teach, act
Whatever I give use and I will bless
Your faint voice will echo loud
Your feet will chase armies
Go in this your might

Uphold my cause
Seek to speak as I will
Go; go in my name for

In you lies the hope of tomorrow
Let the Christians arise in a fast
In repentance, repair the broken walls
Destroy the strange idols in your midst
None must be spared

The time to act is now

The Lord spoke it and I wrote it; do not add, do not deduct please Pass it on to the church

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Why I cannot die?

Of course I won’t jump in front of a moving train
And I won’t do anything stupid
But I have a right to live
And live I will

I tell you why I cannot die
I have a purpose that consumes me
I have a job from the Lord
I am a vehicle; I move the Lord around town

I have discovered purpose, I am living it
This is me; it’s in me
Hey, wake up get up and go
It’s a new day
The sun’s been up since

If you can say as I say, I am the Lords
Then as you move around
Pay attention to the One seated at the owners’ corner
Ignore Him, I won’t advice

Remember He knows just where to throw the net
A great harvest awaits you
A swell day you are bound to have
And of course you can’t die

If you have not gotten your life assignment from IAM
Then do not rush out
Stay back, pray through
Life without purpose, is a life without sunshine
Life without Jesus, is as a soup that has no salt

Joy comes when you live for something
You persevere till you see it through
And what you love doing is better rewarding
So discover purpose, give it a hot chase
The rewards is endless

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...