Thursday 20 June 2024


So much is known of Moses first 40years
How as a new born he was put in a basket
And set on the Nile; His rescue and care
How he lived and studied as a youngster in Egypt
We also know of his attempt to help Israel
How it backfired and sent him on exile
However the next major news will be…
When he met with God in the burning bush
The next 40 years were silent years
But there are tell tale signs of Gods involvement
How was it he came to settle down in Jethro house
Who himself was a Priest of God in Midian
As a son-in-law; living with him
He must have had indirect interactions with the Lord
Burning of incense, sacrifices and offerings
Godly virtues will have been rubbing on him
Lets not forget that when he first arrived 
They addressed him as an Egyptian
His looks, dressing, accent, demeanor etc.
Will have communicated where he is from
In this we see The Lords hand silently molding...
Behind the curtain a prominent future leader
Those 40 years with Jethro helped model and train him
To attain Gods glory purpose for him
If like Moses you seem to be in obscurity
Confused of life, dream and destiny pursuit
Allow for the hand of God to shape you
Be assured that like Moses you are not forgotten
Watch out for and learn from your Jethro(s) 
They may be difficult and confused times
However believe that He sees, knows and cares…
In Gods time; He will light the fire to get your attention 
Exodus 3    ...tejuwrite...

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