Friday, 29 April 2016

One Thing

No one seem to care how hard you try
How much you fasted or prayed
How much sweat or effort it took
The truth is; the world just don’t care

Everyone longs and seeks for proofs
Proof is the evidence…
The story is for biography
If the proofs do not speak; then you have no voice

In this quick serve; fast paced world
A Christian can get easily discouraged
The big question silently asked is
Where are the proofs of your supposed labour(s)

You were not created for shame or embarrassment
The answer to their questioning stares is your proof
I come with a word from the Lord to you
This is your time of proofs

I do not possess the qualification…
I cannot pray or fast enough…
I ask that the Lord will glance in my direction
I ask for Him to touch my life

The battle is not won by skill, In God lies all I need
Just a touch, just a word from Him
Just a glance in my direction
Just one thing that the Lord will do
Will make me a proof producer

God delights in your success
God is ever willing to help you
God is good and He does good things
Could you ask the Lord for that help now?

Bible Reading: John Chapter 4 (The entire Chapter)
Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?”  John 4:28-29

Global Missions’ Focus: pray for the hand of God to stop all wicked judgments and legislation against His people and church                                    #sharegoodnews

Monday, 25 April 2016

My Language

What is the language of an English man? …
What is the language of a Dutch? …
What is the language of a Jew? …
What is the language of a Chinese? …
What is the language of a Christian? …

Languages give us placement and identity
From infancy a child begins to learn
Soon you see him trying to speak and form words
Hopefully this language becomes a part of his life

The language of a Christian is the Faith dialect
The trainer is God, and it’s a lifelong quest
When things are not going the way he wants; God does not keep quiet
He also does not speak carelessly or negatively

God speaks what He wants to see
A student in His class must learn from Him and adjust
Thus says the Lord God… are famous lines in scripture
His words springs quickly to address each circumstance
And it always submit to His counsel

We are not thought to be cowards, we are taught to be bold
We must talk to bring forth miracles
We must talk to pull down the enemy
Your mouth can rectify what is wrong
Your eye can see evil but your mouth should correct it
Do not live by sight, Christians live by faith

Nothing is over in your life because Christ is over you
Change your language to change your world

Global Missions’ Focus: Repent on all wrong speaking, ask God to create in you and your family a right heart.

O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth Psalm 78:1
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Jeremiah 15:19b

For more: Learning the A-B-C of God                                    #sharegoodnews

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Help; who needs it

God has come to help his people
This were the exact words of people to Jesus’ acts
I wonder who needs the help of God
How can we get the help of God?

The widow was en-route to burying her only son
Jesus happened to be entering the city
They connected at some point
Jesus noticed the pain of this widow

What exactly was the prayer of this desolate woman?
The compassion and mercy of God was her bail out
A bad destiny was about to be reverted
A closed case was about to be reopened

Who needs the help of God?
I know I do; but our nations need it more
O! That you would rend your heavens for the sakes of our lands
That you will come to comfort the hurting

Our eyes are fixed on you as several plaques bite simultaneously
The righteous have their heads buried in confusion
We can’t seem to think of a way out of this
But our hope is in you

Our world needs you, our churches is lost without you
Confusion ravages in your absent
It seems joy as dried in our hearts
You turned the eternal pain of the widow of Nain to eternal rejoicing

Those awaiting her sorrow had their expectation cancelled
Lord most merciful, Lord most compassionate
Seated on your Mercy Seat hear our faint cries of help
For the sake of our lands, for the sake of your Christ

This is beyond us
Look down and hear the cries of your children
The innocent and helpless
Defenseless against the lethal terror of terrorist

Come to our aid
As we run to your loving embrace
Heal our lands; restore your love amongst us
Let our song be …God has come down to help his people

This is my prayer to God, hear and answer me swiftly Lord I ask

Bible Reading: They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.”  Luke 7: 11-16

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

My www… Evangelism on my Mind

The power of the www is real today and has got quite a large following. Some are practically hooked online surfing for hours without end. The social mediums facebook, twitter, periscope…, boasts of billions of people. When I think in terms of the volume of people connecting via the internet, I often wonder what information they are been exposed to and it makes credible sense for anyone with a product or service to have a voice on the www.

If Jesus were living in our day; I bet you He will be on facebook, twitter and have several blogs. We must embrace wisdom and start meeting with people on the www. We need Internet Evangelists and every believer that accesses the www MUST be one. If we can promote our favourite team or players; it is time we promote our Saviour and Lord.

I think it is ungodly for Christians not to use the www to the maximum advantage of the Kingdom of God just as I am sure Jesus will do.

I tagged my www as word of God worldwide. I see the world as my harvest field.  And to the glory of God The Tejuwrite Blog is read from four continents and we aim at covering the whole expanse with Jesus Christ’s gospel via the internet and other mediums God avails us.


Evangelism has got to be as fast paced and dynamic as our ever changing world. On my blog I have written much on evangelism and prayers just to spur people on to this dire need. And in the place of prayer asked God to touch the reader because I believe “God’s touch; touch hearts”.

As I pray and seek for divine strategies to help my readers; I came up with some helpful instructions for those who genuinely want to be used of God but are tied in busyness. 

Evangelism is a commanded instruction from God to every believer. And through the internet we can help bring in more harvest than ever before.
·         See the world as your harvest field
·         Like and share the gospel posts online
·         Pray for the salvation of all your accepted friends on your social Media group faebook, twitter,

These three steps employ the service of online believers and afford us all the reach that no other means of transport can give. See every friend you add as one more candidate of heaven, pray for them and share or like post that teaches on Jesus love always. Nurturing online.

Like I say it’s not so hard to be a blessing.
For more read my posts:
The power of one
The prayer of one
Ordinary People
Which house comes first?
Announcing a Vacancy Etc.

Global Missions’ Focus: Pray for all the salvation of all your friends on facebook

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7                                    #sharegoodnews

Monday, 11 April 2016

Destination Delay

A quick serve economy; a fast paced world
Getting things done quicker is the vogue
Don’t be caught napping, or you become obsolete

Delay of any kind is frowned at
People are fast loosing the patience virtue
It must be now and not later
But what happens when God says to wait?

God severally puts us in His waiting room
Many have furiously departed just before they get called
If the one you wish to see is behind the door you are knocking…
Then you better stay put or you could further lengthen your stay

To be asked to wait is no fun command…
Especially when you see others with what you are denied of
You may conclude it’s because of sin or a “but”…
But please note; some delays can be divinely ordained

Several reasons exist why God asks us to wait
But it will ultimately be to our advantage if we are patient
It is not to punish us; it may be to discipline us
But it is always for His name to be glorified

Keep seeking God for your desired change in prayers
Keep hoping and serving Him… (At the end it will speak)
Have a positive view of God, (He has not abandoned you)
Keep a positive confession and have a vision of your preferred future

You will out run those that have gone ahead of you
The Lord will make up for all the wasted years
Your cries will turn to tears of joy
Your shame will become the reason for your fame
God has got your back; you will sing a new song

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end it will not lie. If it seem slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 ESV

The second son he named Ephraim and said, “It is because the Lord has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.” Genesis 41:52

Global Missions’ Focus: Pray that God should remove from your life every limitation and weakness against the evangelization of the world.                                    #sharegoodnews

Saturday, 9 April 2016

My Love Interest

I have eyes for just her
I carry her in my thoughts
I want to be the best man for her

She is my bride; my love interest
I can die for her and I did die
But so she will not be lonely, I rose again

The love of Jesus to us is so great
We are the reason He defied the shame(s)
The strokes, nails, thorns, nakedness…just for us

What can we really do to reciprocate the love?
Firstly, we must know we are loved by Him
This knowledge comes in handy when the enemy suggest otherwise

Secondly, we must accept His love
Jesus loves me just as I am; imperfections and all
But will not stop working in me to reveal my best

It is important we reciprocate is love
A way to do this is to find out what pleases Him
And nothing delights Him more than winning souls

He needs us to join up in saving the lost
We are not to warm church settees
We have been saved to save and disciple others for Him

Please reflect on this; enlist for this
Let this be a part of your itinerary (busy or busy)

His love to you has been proven; could you prove yours to Him

Mention the name of one person you want saved to the Lord in prayer.                                                  #share goodnews

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Learning the A-B-C of God

How does God Speak? What is the A-B-C of the Almighty?
It is important that we speak just as He does
So that we can get results just as He
But who teaches a Christian the Lord’s way of speaking?

To learn the Lord’s language you must read His word (Holy Bible)
In there you will see how He speaks and align your vocabulary to His
I am finished; I am doomed; are disappointing responses at times
The mouth is the gateway of the future and a huge game changer

How does God view and speak about issues…
For instance; what does He say about ISIS and similar groups?
What does He say about all nations, what does He say about you?
What does He say in seemingly impossible situations?

How do we speak when we are in dire need of help?
Do we say we are like grasshoppers or giants?
Do we refute the Goliath or we bow in fear?
The power lies in you, don’t fall cheaply to the father of lies

If we will learn the heavenly language
If we will speak to issues just as God will do
If we will not become subdued by the wiles of Satan
Then we will see impossibilities become possibilities

Speaking like God is a lifetime quest
Mistakes may occupy but do not stop
The more you learn and copy God’s language use…
The more fluent you become

I want to see all God’s children speak like their Father, God
Read your Bible and take particular note of God language use

if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Jeremiah 15:19b

You said, ‘No, we will flee on horses.’ Therefore you will flee! You said, ‘We will ride off on swift horses.’ Therefore your pursuers will be swift! Isaiah 30:16

 So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say: Numbers 14: 28                                    #sharegoodnews

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Let us Pray

I have written so much on the need of prayers, because I have come to know it is a weapon that brings solution. As I meet with people I see that a lot are ignorant of this fact or just lazy. Prayer is a deep communion with God and it is pure stupidity to ignore God in your daily affair. So whatever your excuse I have written this so that you will simply pray.

My dear Father I thank you for the privilege to be called your child. I thank you for my life, family, business, health…, I appreciate the great love you have for me and how you keep drawing me back when I stray away.
My dear Father I thank you for the love that you have for the world; you do not want any to perish but to come to know you. My Lord I pray that you will break every barrier that the enemy has put in their way and pull them to yourselves. I ask that you will empower the feet of those that bear the gospel of Jesus, that they will not get discouraged or be weary but will keep fulfilling the assignment or call you gave them.
Lord, I also ask that you will strengthen the weary heart and support them with the helpers they need to excel.  I pray for the restoration of godly fear and reverence of Jesus in our churches and in the world. Let the deceptions that has crept into your house be sent out by your fire.
Lord, I also pray for my brethren that are in of a miracle from you please Lord help them.
I commit myself to your hands, Lord forgive me all my wrong doings… (Confess them) I ask that you will dethrone every enemy occupying my seat; I ask that you will help me to know you more; I ask that you will grant all the desires of my heart… (Build on this)
I thank you for hearing and answering me as I pray in Jesus name. Amen

The above prayer is for those that are already children of God. Please pray it out loud to make Jesus your Lord.

Lord Jesus I ask to become your child today. Please forgive all my sins and remove its guilt from me. I acknowledge that you died and rose again for me, so that I won’t be under the rule of Satan again. I make you the Lord of my life today; help me never to look back. Lord also direct me to a godly church where I will be nurtured and groomed for your glory. Thank you for saving me in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

To know more about Jesus get a Bible locate the book of Luke in the New Testament and get reading.

The love of God to you is great…                                                    #sharegoodnews

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...