Wednesday, 13 April 2016

My www… Evangelism on my Mind

The power of the www is real today and has got quite a large following. Some are practically hooked online surfing for hours without end. The social mediums facebook, twitter, periscope…, boasts of billions of people. When I think in terms of the volume of people connecting via the internet, I often wonder what information they are been exposed to and it makes credible sense for anyone with a product or service to have a voice on the www.

If Jesus were living in our day; I bet you He will be on facebook, twitter and have several blogs. We must embrace wisdom and start meeting with people on the www. We need Internet Evangelists and every believer that accesses the www MUST be one. If we can promote our favourite team or players; it is time we promote our Saviour and Lord.

I think it is ungodly for Christians not to use the www to the maximum advantage of the Kingdom of God just as I am sure Jesus will do.

I tagged my www as word of God worldwide. I see the world as my harvest field.  And to the glory of God The Tejuwrite Blog is read from four continents and we aim at covering the whole expanse with Jesus Christ’s gospel via the internet and other mediums God avails us.


Evangelism has got to be as fast paced and dynamic as our ever changing world. On my blog I have written much on evangelism and prayers just to spur people on to this dire need. And in the place of prayer asked God to touch the reader because I believe “God’s touch; touch hearts”.

As I pray and seek for divine strategies to help my readers; I came up with some helpful instructions for those who genuinely want to be used of God but are tied in busyness. 

Evangelism is a commanded instruction from God to every believer. And through the internet we can help bring in more harvest than ever before.
·         See the world as your harvest field
·         Like and share the gospel posts online
·         Pray for the salvation of all your accepted friends on your social Media group faebook, twitter,

These three steps employ the service of online believers and afford us all the reach that no other means of transport can give. See every friend you add as one more candidate of heaven, pray for them and share or like post that teaches on Jesus love always. Nurturing online.

Like I say it’s not so hard to be a blessing.
For more read my posts:
The power of one
The prayer of one
Ordinary People
Which house comes first?
Announcing a Vacancy Etc.

Global Missions’ Focus: Pray for all the salvation of all your friends on facebook

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7                                    #sharegoodnews

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