Sunday, 24 July 2016

Corporate Socials

When was the last time you prayed for someone other than you?
When was the last time you talked about Christ to someone?
When was the last time you helped someone seeking such
When last was Jesus known because of you?

I have purposed to talk about Christ in my socials
I have decided to help one seeking such
I have decided to pray for Nations and people
I am determined to share Christ, because that is what’s expected

Corporations spend to make their presence felt in a community
A Christian must be known by acts and not by name alone
Do your business but do not abandon God’s expectations
I hear a lot of wow! Great job; I want to say that about you too

Be not quick to say I love you Jesus
Jesus still repeats; if you love me feed my sheep
If one will reach one; if we will take the church to the world
We must use the Medias available to share Christ…

Reach out; Jesus is worth identifying with
If you are afraid of sharing Him, you deny yourself recognition with God
Let the world around you feel God through you
This is a corporate social task; do not fail in yours

The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. John 21:17                                                    #sharegoodnews

Thursday, 21 July 2016

A Good Life

Job was an upwardly mobile man
A pretty wife, brilliant children, flocks of animals
Servants, a great house
He also had a good name in society
A most envied man

He was a known child of God
But things went from good to bad and from bad to worse
In an instant all he had left was just
Himself his wife and a sick body

As the negative tide rolled in; friends and family fled
His friends now had a questioning glare
They questioned his relationship with God
They questioned his sources of wealth
The respect he commanded quickly turned to despise

Job was cut down to nothing
His better half advised; curse God and die
The book of Job is a play back of conversations
Many fine words, all with great arguments

God was blamed, Job was condemned
Job blamed God and questioned His integrity
Here comes chapter 42;
The last chapter teaches a great lesson

God was not the cause of his woes
He had indeed set him up for a greater glory
His light affliction revealed a glorious new beginning
Many like Job blame God for their sorrow

No matter how bitter things are; if God is involved
Your later end will be better than the present
There is a silver lining just ahead
Do not sever your relationship with the one who’s got your back

 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17

Friday, 15 July 2016

The 7000

My brothers’ voice cried to the Lord
See! I am the only one left
What can I do amidst so much hate?
My Father replied him; I have 7000 kept

7000 men who chose to partner with me
7000 men who live under my watch in a cave
7000 men who are being nurtured and trained
7000 men whom I will reveal at the right time

The voice of one whose home is the wilderness
Whose food was honey…
Whose clothing was fur …
John; says to us, the kingdom of God is near Matthew 3:1-3

The impact of one man, so profound
One man who chooses to separate unto the Lord
One man who in spite of other attractions
Says here I am; Use me Lord

The fruit is ripe and ready for harvest
It is time to preserve it from waste
It will be an easy run because
The Lord of the harvest is with us Luke 10:1-19

Peter was unschooled and He became a wonder Acts 4:13
They said of the apostles…
The men who are turning the world upside down have come here
The world is in pains and awaits you and I

One man with God, is a majority
It is time you think of what you can do for God
How can you help the hurting?
Don’t join the complainers, join the preservers

The lord has need of people, if you are one. Simply tell the Lord, ask Him to help you.

There’s more -To receive the tejuwrite blog e-newsletter via mail or whatsapp send your details to, #sharegoodnews.           

Monday, 4 July 2016

Why I am in Business

There is a huge vacuum that needs feeling
The righteous must be in business
So many pretenders are out there
It is time true worshippers take the business stage

There is a plan in the heart of the Lord
To prosper His people at this times
The emphasis here is on His people
And this is because he needs them as partners

Here is a piece of good news in this gloomy time
But this prosperity comes with a definite divine purpose
God makes no mistakes; He is a strategic planner
When the righteous prospers the world will rejoice

It is a common fact that the success recorded
By terrorist and other similar groups
Is because of the huge financial back up they have
Now picture them penniless

God can build something on nothing
However, He wants us to build wealth on His revealed plan
Therefore you must have a personalized plan to make money
This is a good time to start a business

Start something alongside; no matter how small
Don’t live and die under government or man’s employ
No one can make real wealth working for another man
Create your “basket” to receive Gods’ direct blessing

God in these last days is opening doors of business favour
He will not commit real wealth to those who have no interest
In His master plan to get the world saved
If you love the Lord you will press into Him for further direction

Remember when the righteous prosper the world will be better for it
If you are righteous; God needs you to take responsibility

Bible Reading: Proverbs 14:23, 28:19

There is much more on the TWBlog Newsletter                                                             #sharegoodnews

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...