So many people do not know who God is, yet they cannot
deny His existence.
God is in all. The great hand that upholds the universe.
The seeing eyes that nothing is hidden before.
The know it all that sees your hidden thoughts.
So many people do not know of His works.
The witty creator that formed bones in a woman’s womb.
The wonder worker that created the seas and its
innumerable dwellers.
The tamer of mammals, the Lord of all creation.
So many people do not know His ways.
The self-existing God who became world ruler without an
The one who is as ancient yet forever current
The uncreated kingmaker that uses the weak to confound
the strong
So many people do not understand His might
And truly no one has seen the full extent of His power
Unmatched by the strongest beast, ever strong, forever
Nothing can be compared or likened to His powerful might
So many people do not know His love
A love so strong that He gave His son to die for all
A love that brings the best out of the worst of us
A love daily available for all to receive
So many people do not know Him and truly none of us knows
Him fully
The little I know of Him, the little I have heard, the
little I have seen…
Tells me I am in the safest place possible
This knowledge gives me the best assurance and peace
Will you like to know Him?
Will you like to begin a love relationship with the Lord?
Please say this words out loud. Lord Jesus I will like to know you more. I will
like you to be my Lord and savior. Please forgive me all my sins and make me
your child today. Help me to grow daily in you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen
Getting to know God is a lifelong project and you can
start by getting a Bible and reading. You can also know God by fellowshipping
with other believers.