Monday, 16 April 2018


What makes your trend?
What makes your hot topic?
What do you share on the Medias?
What are you known for?

I call out Christians
I call out lovers of Christ
I call out to you, yes you
Have you made Jesus your trend lately?

Why must I discus Him only on Sundays?
Why must I hide the fact that He comes soon
Why must I not tell others to get prepared?
Why must I not make Him my trend?

Get creative, get on the media
Inspire one with your words
Or better still much more
Use your space to make Christ the trend

When He is trending, I am trending

I am not ashamed of the gospel it is the power of God unto salvation.
Truth is the world out there is in chaos, they are confused the good news of Jesus is the way out. People need hope. You will be amazed of how much hopelessness is out there, share your faith with one. Share your testimony. Whatever God has done for you make it a trend.

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