Esther the orphan girl that shot into glory.
It must have been her predestination, because the odds were against her. The involvement of God in a humans life can make the scorned become the preferred
Never look down on anyone. Especially a child of God. The Bible affirms the intent of God towards his own. Tell the righteous it will be well with them... This simple truth assures a believer of a better tomorrow
It is a known fact that the enemy opposses God's intentions and so we see some princes walking while their servants ride on horses. This is an error and it beckons on the prince to fight any oppossing force to its throne
The weapons of prayers is a tool many do not like using, rather than engage the enemy, they run because of fear. That in itself is poverty of the mind, as a child of God is a born winner. Therefore if you want to wear your crown, unseat the thieves
Don't settle for second best, don't negotiate with the devil. Don't even spare him a percent of the hundred God promised. Quit the lazing game. Stop singing what's gonna be gonna be. Bury yourself in the word, let your faith come alive, and live your God live
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
Jeremiah 29:11
If you believe the above, then ensure the word comes alive in your life. As you take the necessary steps you will see your glory unfolding. #PUSH. Pray until you see positive results and dont stop praying
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Church Times: Heaven by choice
Does God want the whole world Saved? Yes
Would the whole world be saved? No
Why? Because of the choices we make.
So despite the provision to get everyone to heaven via the death and resurrection of Jesus, some are still going to hell.
In the times we live, men seem to be able to back anything up with a good argument, and even win the discourse. So all sorts of things seem to fly as being acceptable just because...
God is made to be an all inclusive, anything and everything goes. There's no standards for aspiring heaven dwellers.
I deliberately started my discourse to state that heaven is not for everyone. So that my reader may know that the choices we make here under whatever motivations will determine our final destination.
Not to play judge, but have you ever wondered why two male animals don't mate? But some men can defend their take that God is OK with being gay.
Satan has its own congregants and even from a distance you can imagine what to expect. But the church of Christ is coming up with updated versions of all sort of permissible ideals. If its not already existing, very soon I will hear of the church of witches and wizards
Who will also claim to be heaven bound.
Rather than join the existing arguing which no one is ready to sheath the sword, I will rather implore all to genuinely seek after God. Removing all prior prejudices. This truth I know a genuine seeker of God will be aided aright. As God searches our motives and intentions.
Heaven is not worth loosing at the expense of truth twisters. Know God's truth for yourself and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you always. Remember we are in the last days and even the elect may be deceived, so please test all spirits and let no one steal your good conscience with sweet oratories
For further reading...
Would the whole world be saved? No
Why? Because of the choices we make.
So despite the provision to get everyone to heaven via the death and resurrection of Jesus, some are still going to hell.
In the times we live, men seem to be able to back anything up with a good argument, and even win the discourse. So all sorts of things seem to fly as being acceptable just because...
God is made to be an all inclusive, anything and everything goes. There's no standards for aspiring heaven dwellers.
So someone comes arguing about gay marriage. Another will tell you bestiality is permissible, still another comes bearing the news that divorce is allowed. Each with an argument that can win a case. So many have been aided in being comfortable doing a wrong thing that they don't even bother to search out or seek out God's view on things
I deliberately started my discourse to state that heaven is not for everyone. So that my reader may know that the choices we make here under whatever motivations will determine our final destination.
Not to play judge, but have you ever wondered why two male animals don't mate? But some men can defend their take that God is OK with being gay.
Satan has its own congregants and even from a distance you can imagine what to expect. But the church of Christ is coming up with updated versions of all sort of permissible ideals. If its not already existing, very soon I will hear of the church of witches and wizards
Who will also claim to be heaven bound.
Rather than join the existing arguing which no one is ready to sheath the sword, I will rather implore all to genuinely seek after God. Removing all prior prejudices. This truth I know a genuine seeker of God will be aided aright. As God searches our motives and intentions.
Heaven is not worth loosing at the expense of truth twisters. Know God's truth for yourself and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you always. Remember we are in the last days and even the elect may be deceived, so please test all spirits and let no one steal your good conscience with sweet oratories
For further reading...
Friday, 15 March 2019
Church Times: Prayer Works
If I can pray, I can break free from limitations
Praying is hardwork, but it pays very well.
Prayer is a weapon, if used accordingly has immense benefits.
A saying says ... If there's a man to pray, there's a God to answer. If you will give that situation the prayer push you will birth your testimony
Peter was in prison but prayers was constantly made for him by the church. The intention of his captors was to parade him shamefully. But God intervened and rescued him
Jesus told a parable of a woman in Luke 18 That was persistent in asking for her right from an unrighteous judge. At first he wont budge but because she persisted he granted her request
Jesus used this parable to encourage his followers to pray. Persisting in prayers is not easy, however if you believe you will receive answers, it helps steer the decision to pray
If you are finding it hard to pray then you need to get yourself in an environment of prayer, soon the same grace of prayer will rest on you and you will be able to reclaim lost grounds
For your prayers to be acceptable, you must adehere to its rule. It must be scripturally based. Prayers is talking to God based on His words
It's time you quit complaining. Prayer works
"For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming
Luke 18:4,5
Praying is hardwork, but it pays very well.
Prayer is a weapon, if used accordingly has immense benefits.
A saying says ... If there's a man to pray, there's a God to answer. If you will give that situation the prayer push you will birth your testimony
Peter was in prison but prayers was constantly made for him by the church. The intention of his captors was to parade him shamefully. But God intervened and rescued him
Jesus told a parable of a woman in Luke 18 That was persistent in asking for her right from an unrighteous judge. At first he wont budge but because she persisted he granted her request
Jesus used this parable to encourage his followers to pray. Persisting in prayers is not easy, however if you believe you will receive answers, it helps steer the decision to pray
If you are finding it hard to pray then you need to get yourself in an environment of prayer, soon the same grace of prayer will rest on you and you will be able to reclaim lost grounds
For your prayers to be acceptable, you must adehere to its rule. It must be scripturally based. Prayers is talking to God based on His words
It's time you quit complaining. Prayer works
"For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming
Luke 18:4,5
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Blame God
When bad things happen, often time the one that gets the blame is God. Human error or mistakes are often ignored. God is the constant name on the lips of the unwise.
The first man also happens to be the first one to tow this line. Rather than accept he disobeyed, Adam's excuse was ...the woman you gave me... From that time till now not much has changed. See Genesis chapter 3
Applying the simple rule of love your neighbor as yourself..., would have averted a lot of the hatred in our world today. But rather we ignore and are faced with the unpleasant consequences of hate
A plane falls from the sky, God gets blamed. A train or bus overruns people, God gets blamed. Natural disasters happen, God is the name some mention. When a creation starts discrediting it's maker... Ask Adam
The world is made up of more water than land. We are seeking how to claim more landmass. and when there is a revolt and the bad happens. Where is God, is the next question
Rather than playing this blame game, a careful observation of our actions should be put to the fore. Blaming God has never, and will never solve any of our problem.
God is the creator, he has a plan for all He made. Despite the terrible things happening he calls to all to choose his way. As this will lead to your own personal fulfilment and joy in a depressing world.
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
Dueteronmy 30:15,16
The first man also happens to be the first one to tow this line. Rather than accept he disobeyed, Adam's excuse was ...the woman you gave me... From that time till now not much has changed. See Genesis chapter 3
Applying the simple rule of love your neighbor as yourself..., would have averted a lot of the hatred in our world today. But rather we ignore and are faced with the unpleasant consequences of hate
A plane falls from the sky, God gets blamed. A train or bus overruns people, God gets blamed. Natural disasters happen, God is the name some mention. When a creation starts discrediting it's maker... Ask Adam
The world is made up of more water than land. We are seeking how to claim more landmass. and when there is a revolt and the bad happens. Where is God, is the next question
Rather than playing this blame game, a careful observation of our actions should be put to the fore. Blaming God has never, and will never solve any of our problem.
God is the creator, he has a plan for all He made. Despite the terrible things happening he calls to all to choose his way. As this will lead to your own personal fulfilment and joy in a depressing world.
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
Dueteronmy 30:15,16
Monday, 11 March 2019
History Says...
As a huge fan of history, hardly does a week go by without my reading about someone that made a mark positively or otherwise in our society. Luckily for me the internet helps aid my quest.
It will be right to say therefore, that if not for the labor and sacrifice of our heroes past, we may not be where we are today.
Aside being a male, female, parent, etc... What is posterity recording about me? What is it about me?
What difference am I to make?
What will I be known for?
It's rather amusing that at the end, the wisest man Solomon said... All is vanity.
He amassed a lot of the stuff we seek today. But still lived unfulfilled.
The precious opportunity God gave us at life is not to be in vain. It's meant for something important.
Solomon in saying vanity is trying to save us from the pursuit of irrelevancies. Rather to pursue our singular life's purpose. Which will bring about some of the other things we desire. So pursuit of purpose is not vanity.
In the time aloted us here I think we should make it a plus. So whatever good you have found to do, do very well.
By now you must know that someone is taking note...
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
From my searches I discovered that a lot of benefits we enjoy today are as a result of the dogged and unselfish commitment of our forebears. They paid huge prices in ensuring equality, fairness and justice.
It will be right to say therefore, that if not for the labor and sacrifice of our heroes past, we may not be where we are today.
Aside being a male, female, parent, etc... What is posterity recording about me? What is it about me?
What difference am I to make?
What will I be known for?
It's rather amusing that at the end, the wisest man Solomon said... All is vanity.
He amassed a lot of the stuff we seek today. But still lived unfulfilled.
The precious opportunity God gave us at life is not to be in vain. It's meant for something important.
Solomon in saying vanity is trying to save us from the pursuit of irrelevancies. Rather to pursue our singular life's purpose. Which will bring about some of the other things we desire. So pursuit of purpose is not vanity.
In the time aloted us here I think we should make it a plus. So whatever good you have found to do, do very well.
By now you must know that someone is taking note...
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Bringing Forth
Every woman knows that bringing forth a baby requires some physical exercise. Part of the training she receives during the pregnancy is how to channel her strength towards this nobel accomplishment
At some point she will be asked to push out what she had nurtured inside. This process has taken about nine months. In life there will come seasons when what we have stored up will be in demand.
Push out the treasure that you have stored up through learning, training or study. At some point in David's life what he has done secretly was to be needed in the palace. His skill as a musician was needed to save the king of his woes
He has a future in the kings employ. No longer will he be defined as the errand boy. His nomadic life as a shepherd was to also end. There must be a huge difference between life in the palace and life as a nomad
The topmost high is yours, your best days are before you. Your secret labours will be rewarded with untold favours. It's rewards time, your harvest season. The palace beckons, your head will wear the crown
Nothing happens by chance, ask God to put you in your own blessings.
One of the servants answered, "I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the LORD is with him." 1 Samuel 16:8
David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. 1 Samuel 16:21
At some point she will be asked to push out what she had nurtured inside. This process has taken about nine months. In life there will come seasons when what we have stored up will be in demand.
Push out the treasure that you have stored up through learning, training or study. At some point in David's life what he has done secretly was to be needed in the palace. His skill as a musician was needed to save the king of his woes
He has a future in the kings employ. No longer will he be defined as the errand boy. His nomadic life as a shepherd was to also end. There must be a huge difference between life in the palace and life as a nomad
The topmost high is yours, your best days are before you. Your secret labours will be rewarded with untold favours. It's rewards time, your harvest season. The palace beckons, your head will wear the crown
Nothing happens by chance, ask God to put you in your own blessings.
One of the servants answered, "I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the LORD is with him." 1 Samuel 16:8
David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. 1 Samuel 16:21
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Restore Me
Can what has been lost be replaced?
Yes, it can and better too
The story of Job relays the sweetness of restoration
...the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10
His, is a fine example of God's blessing after a loss
No one wants to have a bad turn, but it sometimes happens
Bad things can happen to good people
Restoration is what turns the frown to a smile
The closest person to Job doubted his intergrity
The wife and friends of Job were faith killers
They believed for him to suffer this much loss
His offences must have been great
Our God has a way of spinning surprises
He will pleasantly surprise you and wipe your tears
You may not have answers as to why the trouble came
But let it not tear you away from God. Hold on
There will be light at the end of the tunnel
Your sighings will turn to singing
Your shame will bring you glory
Your testimony will marvel all
However, stay true to the end
Continue to believe for a better day
The God of restoration will visit you and all your losses will be restored
Restoration is a privilege right of a child of God
Expect it, demand for it in prayers and wait for it
The last laugh is yours.
Your story will end in glory
for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again Proverbs 24:16
Yes, it can and better too
The story of Job relays the sweetness of restoration
...the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10
His, is a fine example of God's blessing after a loss
No one wants to have a bad turn, but it sometimes happens
Bad things can happen to good people
Restoration is what turns the frown to a smile
The closest person to Job doubted his intergrity
The wife and friends of Job were faith killers
They believed for him to suffer this much loss
His offences must have been great
Our God has a way of spinning surprises
He will pleasantly surprise you and wipe your tears
You may not have answers as to why the trouble came
But let it not tear you away from God. Hold on
There will be light at the end of the tunnel
Your sighings will turn to singing
Your shame will bring you glory
Your testimony will marvel all
However, stay true to the end
Continue to believe for a better day
The God of restoration will visit you and all your losses will be restored
Restoration is a privilege right of a child of God
Expect it, demand for it in prayers and wait for it
The last laugh is yours.
Your story will end in glory
for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again Proverbs 24:16
Monday, 4 March 2019
If there's one thing many don't take to account, is their use of words. Words they speak to themselves, others, or use generally. We form our worlds with our words
Taking a cue from the story of creation, God laid the precedence for the discerning to copy. Note also that words carry the authority of the one who issues it.
Words start wars, words end wars. In whatever form it is communicated (written, oral, sign). It has the ability to motivate negatively or positively to action.
Adolf Hitler's oratory was what earned him relevance in his country's polity. His words was the weapon he used to fuel hatred and the great massacre of people the world withnesed
How are you framing your world? What you don't want to see don't say. However, If you must speak right, it is important to store up the right information, as out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
Careless use of words have ruined promising friendships, as like a broken egg some relationships can't be perfectly realigned. Silence is not always golden as unspoken words can destroy a union
Your world awaits your words.
Your words is doing more for you than you know.
Speaking the right words is a good seed to sow into your future
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Taking a cue from the story of creation, God laid the precedence for the discerning to copy. Note also that words carry the authority of the one who issues it.
Words start wars, words end wars. In whatever form it is communicated (written, oral, sign). It has the ability to motivate negatively or positively to action.
Adolf Hitler's oratory was what earned him relevance in his country's polity. His words was the weapon he used to fuel hatred and the great massacre of people the world withnesed
How are you framing your world? What you don't want to see don't say. However, If you must speak right, it is important to store up the right information, as out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
Careless use of words have ruined promising friendships, as like a broken egg some relationships can't be perfectly realigned. Silence is not always golden as unspoken words can destroy a union
Your world awaits your words.
Your words is doing more for you than you know.
Speaking the right words is a good seed to sow into your future
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Sunday, 3 March 2019
Church Times: Titled
There's a truth that originated from God which the devil has used to its advantage. Unity, and the power it portend. Because of the simplicity of God's word many have disbelieved it wanting something rather more complex or complicated.
Unity is a great force. It is at the root of continued success. Disunity is what Satan introduced to the church. It has limited the church which is the strongest army in the world. As with anything the devil offers, it's always with subtility.
I looked keenly and discovered a silent cancer growing almost unnoticed. Church titles. The purpose is to differentiate for service, but in some quarters it's more of a superiority show off. Only the head of the humble is fit to wear the crown of service.
I believe age, grace, anointing should be recognized and respected, however we must realize that the first title Jesus gave was disciple. A disciple is simply a follower of Christ. It is adopting His way of doing things
Titles is to recognize the office you are called to serve. Not to turn yourself to an unapproachable deity. It is to bring people to Jesus not repel. To be separated for service is a privilege, serve as a true disciple
We have been made priests and kings unto our God. Any other human title is far lesser. Disallow the deception. What more can top the word of God
Revelation 1:6
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Unity is a great force. It is at the root of continued success. Disunity is what Satan introduced to the church. It has limited the church which is the strongest army in the world. As with anything the devil offers, it's always with subtility.
I looked keenly and discovered a silent cancer growing almost unnoticed. Church titles. The purpose is to differentiate for service, but in some quarters it's more of a superiority show off. Only the head of the humble is fit to wear the crown of service.
I believe age, grace, anointing should be recognized and respected, however we must realize that the first title Jesus gave was disciple. A disciple is simply a follower of Christ. It is adopting His way of doing things
Titles is to recognize the office you are called to serve. Not to turn yourself to an unapproachable deity. It is to bring people to Jesus not repel. To be separated for service is a privilege, serve as a true disciple
We have been made priests and kings unto our God. Any other human title is far lesser. Disallow the deception. What more can top the word of God
Revelation 1:6
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
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