From my searches I discovered that a lot of benefits we enjoy today are as a result of the dogged and unselfish commitment of our forebears. They paid huge prices in ensuring equality, fairness and justice.
It will be right to say therefore, that if not for the labor and sacrifice of our heroes past, we may not be where we are today.
Aside being a male, female, parent, etc... What is posterity recording about me? What is it about me?
What difference am I to make?
What will I be known for?
It's rather amusing that at the end, the wisest man Solomon said... All is vanity.
He amassed a lot of the stuff we seek today. But still lived unfulfilled.
The precious opportunity God gave us at life is not to be in vain. It's meant for something important.
Solomon in saying vanity is trying to save us from the pursuit of irrelevancies. Rather to pursue our singular life's purpose. Which will bring about some of the other things we desire. So pursuit of purpose is not vanity.
In the time aloted us here I think we should make it a plus. So whatever good you have found to do, do very well.
By now you must know that someone is taking note...
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
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