Saturday, 29 April 2023

Why Would God Want To Help Me

He loves a world full of the worst possible beings
Filled with murderers, idolaters, all manner of criminalities’
He came for a people terribly afflicted by devils
He came for you; to save and deliver
If you do not understand this unique love of God
You will be deceived that He loves you not
No matter the terribleness or error of your past
His coming was to save the worst of us

The Pharisees were indignant. Why does your teacher eat with such scum?
They asked the disciples. When he heard this,
Jesus replied healthy people don’t need a doctor sick people do Matthew 9:11, 12

Simple repentance is all that is required from you 
Not one was ever turned back by Jesus
All manner of people came seeking his help
All manner of people got helped
Remember the two criminals hung alongside him on Calvary Luke 23:32-43
One condemned him, the other repented and asked for mercy
While one died in the judgement of his sin; the other received pardon
You can also receive pardon, the choice is yours to make
He still says to you to come…Come unto me all you that labor
and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Matthew 11:28
Why allow self-guilt stop you...
Why will you allow your doubts get in the way...
Suicide is not the way out, the bottle or drugs can only suppress the pain
When it wears off, you will need to fill the void again
As for pagan gods, works of man cannot save man
Why not try Jesus

Jesus indeed died. His death paid the price for your sin
He asks you to simply come as you are
Come to receive the rest and help you need
Take this step of faith towards Him today

This is the time to join the Lord's company
Decide for Jesus NOW
This is a simple prayer but it's a start to a new beginning
Pray...Lord Jesus please have mercy on me.
I acknowledge my sins before you. Forgive and help me live right 
Please come into my heart and life. help me know you more
and whenever you return don't leave me behind.
Let's hear from you, and be a part of your journey to discovering God's love; 234-8179334805 (WhatsApp)
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