Success is the destination we’re all headed
The routes we take often differ
Gold and silver is good to have in abundance
Let’s have God involved in the sojourn
The routes we take often differ
Gold and silver is good to have in abundance
Let’s have God involved in the sojourn
It’s common to see flagrant display of wealth online
We are constantly bombarded by glamorous show-offs
Remember, people only share what they want seen
If you see the rest of the picture; you may not envy as much
Remember, people only share what they want seen
If you see the rest of the picture; you may not envy as much
The earth is plenteous in natural resources
Gold, diamonds, treasures; are in vast abundance in our
All these resources are there for man’s benefit
Put there by God our Creator; who also wants us to have them
These earthly goodies are there
But the number of those benefiting is very lean
Man and its system is a major deterrent
Greed and lack of contentment is another
You can amass all the wealth…
But note; when you exit the world you take nothing with you
History tells tales of men who had buried with them treasures…
Something to use in their afterlife; these makes great archeology finds
Another life continues after death
Do not allow materialism hinder your eternity of rest
We have heard that Heaven is real, but Hell is also very real
Life on earth is temporal for all
Make money; but always with eternity in view
Live in comfort without forgetting your creator
Showoff your blessings but always with the right motive
Live in contentment and believe for more
All these resources are there for man’s benefit
Put there by God our Creator; who also wants us to have them
But the number of those benefiting is very lean
Man and its system is a major deterrent
Greed and lack of contentment is another
But note; when you exit the world you take nothing with you
History tells tales of men who had buried with them treasures…
Something to use in their afterlife; these makes great archeology finds
Do not allow materialism hinder your eternity of rest
We have heard that Heaven is real, but Hell is also very real
Life on earth is temporal for all
Live in comfort without forgetting your creator
Showoff your blessings but always with the right motive
Live in contentment and believe for more
This is the time to join
the Lord's company
Decide for Jesus NOW
Decide for Jesus NOW
I acknowledge my sins before you.forgive and help me live right
Please come into my heart and life. help me know you more
and whenever you return don't leave me behind.
This is a simple prayer but it's a start to a new beginning
Let's hear from you, and be a part of your journey to discovering God's love
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