Friday, 29 September 2023

Jesus on Socials...

If Jesus were on social media…
What will he put out on Facebook?
What will his status on whatsapp look like?
What will he prioritize on X?
Seek first Gods kingdom…
In all your ways acknowledge Him…
Do for me first; seem to be the Lords command
Let me have a prominent role in your life.
Who doesn’t want to show off?
Our social handles seem to want attention
It wants to celebrate self-attainments
It wants to showcase human accomplishments
Nothing wrong in showoffs
If the Lords been good; don’t hide it
However, wisdom and balance must be on display
Let us consciously draw people’s attention to God via them
The truth is if Jesus were to be on the socials…
He will advertise the meetings he has ahead
He will recount testimonies of prior crusades
He will call attention to the acts of God in the now
The World Wide Web is a platform, God gave us believers
Everyone is there for all manner of stuff
All is welcome; profanity, decency, etc
No one seem to be its regulator
Share God centered content
Create it if you can
Carry your Jesus to your socials
Do the bit you can as a part of His family
Paul planted, Apollo watered; God brought increase
Be a Paul or Apollos and watch God bless your obedience
Jesus got the whole world on His mind
He instructs… if you love me, feed my sheep
If only we know the blessedness of putting Him first
The wise ones are on the go for Jesus
The task is not limited to the pulpit
Every member of God's house must be actively involved..
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Isaiah 52:7

Saturday, 23 September 2023


Obededom; a wonder in scripture...
So blessed he became;
That the king  envied him
He is a reference of God's benevolence
Job; a master who became a forbidden mystery
When the lord will restore his losses
His entire, brothers, sisters and friends brought gold
His later was far greater
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob; the cunny
He seems to know how to play it smart
But he got outsmarted by Laban
Who capitalized on his love for family…
He will receive instructions to prosperity
He will know God as the smartest there is
He became plenteous in livestock by divine insight
He will become blessed exceedingly
The Lord is still benevolent today...
He still does His wonders as of Bible times
Greatness is still being bequeathed to his own
He will bless you and the earth will take notice
Financial blessings are children’s bread
Some spend their wealth to devastate the world
Sponsors of violence are individuals with means
We have had enough of their noise
It is time children of God take their place
Stop crying bless me; bless me
Start praying show me, show me
The earlier our discovery; the earlier we take over
I know seedtime and harvest is a foundation for prosperity
But that's not all there is to it; find your own path
The three instances I cited above
Also includes three bespoke routes
Discover your own road to greatness
God promised and commanded us to be fruitful
God never lies, His word must be proved true
As we can only subdue by means
Break free from the norm
You can be another Obededom
So blessed you make news
Wealth must be in the hands of lovers of God

The gentiles shall see your righteousness and all kings your glory... Isaiah 62:2

Remind. Remember

King Hezekiah received a death sentence
He turned his face to the wall in prayers
He reminded God of his loyalty to him
God heard and healed him
Cornelius was unknown
But he will receive a visitation of an angel
The apostle Peter will visit his home
Because God remembered his alms and goodness

King David remembered he received favour
He will want to return the kindness...
Mephibosheth will be helped because of Jonathan
His late dad deeds will earn him a seat of honour

The Almighty will not owe any of us
None of our deeds will ever go unrewarded
God had this to say to Noah… As long as the earth exists
There will be seedtime and harvest time
Our many prayers; acts of service; deeds of kindness
Our giving to the poor and needy
Our help to the widow and fatherless
Will not go unrewarded
But sometimes we need to ask God to remember
Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall
And said, remember now, O Lord, I pray, how I have walked
before you in truth and with a loyal heart… Isaiah 38:3
May God remember you and honor your loyalty
That you experience a harvest of joy
You may equally ask God to remember your deeds..
That it count for something in your down time

You can equally remember helps you received
And reach out to help another
The world needs acts of kindness 
If we take the time to remember...

And David said, is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that i may shew him kindness for Jonathans sake? 2 Samuel 9:1 

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Your Prayer

It seems we get everything from God by prayers
Isaiah gave King Hezekiah a prophetic word 
…Set your house in order for you will die...
The king turned to the wall and prayed
Before Isaiah reached the gate
He was asked to go back
God has heard the prayers
And also answered beyond the kings request
It can be quiet frustrating for a prophet
Whose word is supposed to be from God
And therefore infallible and unshaken
But prayers can change any situation
So he turned back and relayed the message
…you will not die; you will live and also…
Fifteen years has been added to you.
What if the king kept quiet and didn’t pray...
Why will you accept an unpleasant situation?
Why not turn to your wall and pray
Do as king Hezekiah did
Cry out for change and more
The Lord will hear and answer
After all he asked us to call
Why will you not take him at his word?
Why do you continue in unpleasantness?
Prayer changes things
As exemplified in the above story
He did not accept a negative prophecy
Even when it was coming from God the Highest
Whose report do you have before you?
Have faith; it need not be permanent
Is there any sorrow in your life?
Why not change it in prayers

It takes a lot to pray
But it pays with joy in the answers
Sowing seeds can be hard
But reaping the harvest is glorious
then he turned his face toward the wall, and prayed saying 2 Kings 20:2
return and tell Hezekiah  the leader of my people , thus says the Lord the God of David your Father. I have heard your prayer, i have seen your tears, surely i will heal you...2 Kings 20:5

Friday, 15 September 2023


David is one graced persona in the bible
It seems the Lord has a soft spot for him
Concerning him the bible says…
I have found a man after my own heart…
Unloved David by the Jesse clan
He was not even presented as a candidate for kingship
But the Lord will not let Samuel off easily…
He demanded he be fetched from wherever he’s been
So right in the presence of those who thought him small
Before the ones who expect less from him
He was anointed by the chief prophet of the land; Samuel
He mattered to God; so men began to take notice
Events will present him before King Saul
He became his personal minstrel
The entire Saul family will be endeared to him
He will win a lifelong friend; Jonathan and wife Michal
From this humble beginnings rose a giant
A global star will emerge from a slum
David found himself in the very front
The Lord lifted the man after his heart
You may be from the miry clay
But who says you can’t rise above it
Your beginning may be humble
But you have a seat amongst the great
This is one of the stories in the Bible
It depict Gods several goodness
His love to the least of us
His help to those who love Him
You may be born with or without the golden spoon
But be born of God
You may be liked or unliked by many
But make God a fan

After removing him, He raised up David as their king and testified about him. I have found David the son of Jesse, a man loyal to me, who will carry out all my will Acts 13:22

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Ditch the Frown

Why the despair on the countenance of people
Why the long face of un-fulfilment
Many heads bowed in shame
Cowered in a corner as though hopeless
The stars still shine in their brilliance
The sun brightens the world with intention
The future ahead is colourful
The present you see is pleasant
Turn the frown back up
Let the smile light up your face
Burst into laughter; dance and be merry
Play the music; sing aloud melodiously
How many worriers have become winners?
How many doubtful have received honor?
You moan as though in pain
Head bowed; as one in mourning
Declare your weeping is ended
The morning of rest has dawned
The time of testifying is here
The season of unending harvest
I bear good news from a loving Maker
I bring good tidings of joy from Jesus
Weep no more child of a great king
The Lord calls out to you; yes you
Stand on his promises; bask in his love
He never fails… Why do you give up on yourself
Why do you want to quit living
Who told you it's over

Brace up, the story is still been written
The end holds for you sweetness
You are just at the turn of a breakthrough
Smile, Laugh, Dance, Rejoice

Why are you downcast o my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him
my savior and my God Psalm 42:5

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Faith Living

It took a great deal of faith for Peter
He had seen Jesus walking on water
And he called out if he could do same
Peter walked on water as though on land
The other disciples watched in amazement
They were staring at an impossible scene
Jesus who they had earlier perceived was a ghost
Now Peter; and both walking on water in a great storm
Some things are just indescribable….
But then; Peter considered the reality of an impossible
He noticed the boisterous wind on his face
He saw the high waves; he doubted
Soon the sea suddenly lost its firmness
He felt his feet quickly plunging into wetness
As he began drowning he cried out for help
Jesus grabbed his hand and they walked back to the boat
The exact moment he began to doubt
The exact moment he began to sink
We like Peter have a thing or two to learn
We have to live solidly everyday on faith
What is the reality of the situation saying?
What is the word of God Saying?
What are we going to believe in?
Faith implies believing Gods word nevertheless
Do not look at the obvious, look at the word
Facts will bring doubts, which will bring fear
Fear is fuelled by doubt, because you ignore faith
Failure results from doubts and fear. Failure is not my heritage
We have to keep our gaze continually on Jesus
We have to hear from him on all issues
We have to pitch our tent with him at all times
We won’t survive if we continually doubt...

Mathew 14:22-32

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Father Gives

He gives his DNA, he gifts his name
He gives his attention, he gives his care
He gives his counsel, he gives discipline
He leads and protects; he chastens and cheers
When fathering is done properly
The family is better for it
He is the head; almost all the senses are inherent
To be the best leader, please learn from God
The few interactions of Adam with him reveal a lot
He created and never abandoned
He came daily to converse with him
Adam will garner wisdom from such visits
He watched him name the animals; Adam ruled Eden
He allowed him lead while he coached
When he noticed the void in his life
He provided the perfect mate
Though all-knowing; he expected Adam to open up
And not hide when he sinned
He will provide clothing, though in great disappointment
He seeks reconnection; his love is infinite
Real men know the Lord; your maker, your best model
Your disconnection is hurting our world
Keep the ego, but let the prodigal return
The world needs men with heart, not proud haters
So many hurting men out there
If you don’t receive His love
You may be hurting the ones you chose to protect
If your father knows the Lord; you are better for it

Please don't leave your seat vacant
Your role must not be seconded to anyone
Your are made to lead your pack
You are a man, who bears and gives good gifts

A good man lives an inheritance to his children's children Proverbs 13:22

Friday, 8 September 2023

Return It

Praise is not yours, always return it
Praise is the atmosphere God lives in
It must be in your access to him
Therefore always without fail bring Him praise
The Bible details the array of worshippers
The array of musical instruments
Everything arranged in perfect symphony
To grace the one who owns it
When you are thanked or praised for good done
Never accept praise, it’s not yours
You were only used to convey the help
Please return it to the owner
It is He who enabled you to be the blessing
He will never share His Glory with anyone
So consciously and dutifully not deny Him what He seeks
Don’t take what is not yours
He healed ten, nine left and never came back
Only one returned to say thanks
If it was not important Jesus will not make reference
You retain His blessings by being grateful
Jesus asked didn’t I heal ten men, has no one returned to
give glory to God except this foreigner…Luke 17:17
Before the one who seats at the center of the earth
The determinant of who sees each day
The owner of the breathe in your nostrils
The mystery that constituted your entire system
To be feared lovingly; to be worshipped in wisdom
To be praised always; to be sought with gratitude
Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never
forget the good thing He does for me Psalms 103:2

Sunday, 3 September 2023

The Day They Rise; The Day they Fall

An intriguing account of the Israelites begin in Num 22
Balak sought help from Balaam to curse God's people
His reason; they are a threat to him 
Balaam’s mission, curse so he can subdue them 
This wicked plot Israel had no knowledge of
A clear case of enemies for no legit reason
However all-knowing God rose to the defense of His people
He told Balaam you can’t curse those I have blessed
Balaam motivated by gains will proceed nevertheless
But as he embarked on the journey
The Lord dispatched an angel to block his path 
He was saved because his donkey saw and averted the danger
In subsequent chapters;
You will see wicked persistence of Balaam and Balak
Their resolve and work geared to making Israel fall
Israel sinned; the enemy succeeded
Balaam will meet his waterloo in chapter 31:8
But his persistence led several to sin against God
Several died and didn’t reach fulfillment
However, what if Balaam had been stopped in Num 22?
Imagine if the angels’ drawn sword had destroyed Balaam
He won’t be alive to seek other means to make them err
Imagine if Balaks and Balaams friendship was ruined
They won’t have forged the alliance to topple Israel

Stop whatever seeks to stop you
Don’t be at ease; the enemy seeks whom to devour
One trait the wicked possess is persistency
A believer must resolve to give evil no room to fester
Persist in word and prayers; If necessary fast
Immediately they gathered to build tower of Babel
Immediately the Lord stopped them
Don’t allow the wicked room
As soon as they show up; snuff them out
And do not give the devil a foothold Ephesians 4:27
,,,tejuwrite... read the chapters for more insight

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...