If Jesus were on social media…
What will he put out on Facebook?
What will his status on whatsapp look like?
What will he prioritize on X?

Seek first Gods kingdom…
In all your ways acknowledge Him…
Do for me first; seem to be the Lords command
Let me have a prominent role in your life.
Who doesn’t want to show off?
Our social handles seem to want attention
It wants to celebrate self-attainments
It wants to showcase human accomplishments
Nothing wrong in showoffs
If the Lords been good; don’t hide it
However, wisdom and balance must be on display
Let us consciously draw people’s attention to God via them
The truth is if Jesus were to be on the
He will advertise the meetings he has ahead
He will recount testimonies of prior crusades
He will call attention to the acts of God in the now
The World Wide Web is a platform, God
gave us believers
Everyone is there for all manner of stuff
All is welcome; profanity, decency, etc
No one seem to be its regulator
Share God centered content
Create it if you can
Carry your Jesus to your socials
Do the bit you can as a part of His family
Paul planted, Apollo watered; God brought
Be a Paul or Apollos and watch God bless your obedience
Jesus got the whole world on His mind
He instructs… if you love me, feed my sheep
If only we know the blessedness of
putting Him first
The wise ones are on the go for Jesus
The task is not limited to the pulpit
Every member of God's house must be actively involved..
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good
news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! Isaiah 52:7
What will he put out on Facebook?
What will his status on whatsapp look like?
What will he prioritize on X?

In all your ways acknowledge Him…
Do for me first; seem to be the Lords command
Let me have a prominent role in your life.
Our social handles seem to want attention
It wants to celebrate self-attainments
It wants to showcase human accomplishments
If the Lords been good; don’t hide it
However, wisdom and balance must be on display
Let us consciously draw people’s attention to God via them
He will advertise the meetings he has ahead
He will recount testimonies of prior crusades
He will call attention to the acts of God in the now
Everyone is there for all manner of stuff
All is welcome; profanity, decency, etc
No one seem to be its regulator
Create it if you can
Carry your Jesus to your socials
Do the bit you can as a part of His family
Be a Paul or Apollos and watch God bless your obedience
Jesus got the whole world on His mind
He instructs… if you love me, feed my sheep
The wise ones are on the go for Jesus
The task is not limited to the pulpit
Every member of God's house must be actively involved..