An intriguing account of the Israelites
begin in Num 22
Balak sought help from Balaam to curse God's people
His reason; they are a threat to him
Balaam’s mission, curse so he can subdue them

This wicked plot Israel had no knowledge of
Balak sought help from Balaam to curse God's people
His reason; they are a threat to him

A clear case of enemies for no legit
However all-knowing God rose to the defense of His people
He told Balaam you can’t curse those I have blessed
Balaam motivated by gains will proceed
But as he embarked on the journey
The Lord dispatched an angel to block his path
He was saved because his donkey saw and averted the danger
In subsequent chapters;
You will see wicked persistence of Balaam and Balak
Their resolve and work geared to making Israel fall
Israel sinned; the enemy succeeded
Balaam will meet his waterloo in chapter 31:8
But his persistence led several to sin against God
Several died and didn’t reach fulfillment
However, what if Balaam had been stopped in Num 22?
However all-knowing God rose to the defense of His people
He told Balaam you can’t curse those I have blessed
But as he embarked on the journey
The Lord dispatched an angel to block his path
He was saved because his donkey saw and averted the danger
You will see wicked persistence of Balaam and Balak
Their resolve and work geared to making Israel fall
Israel sinned; the enemy succeeded
But his persistence led several to sin against God
Several died and didn’t reach fulfillment
However, what if Balaam had been stopped in Num 22?
He won’t be alive to seek other means to make them err
Imagine if Balaks and Balaams friendship was ruined
They won’t have forged the alliance to topple Israel
Don’t be at ease; the enemy seeks whom to devour
One trait the wicked possess is persistency
A believer must resolve to give evil no room to fester
Immediately they gathered to build tower
of Babel
Immediately the Lord stopped them
Don’t allow the wicked room
As soon as they show up; snuff them out
And do not give the devil a foothold Ephesians 4:27
Immediately the Lord stopped them
Don’t allow the wicked room
As soon as they show up; snuff them out
,,,tejuwrite... read the chapters for more insight
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