Wednesday, 28 February 2024

If Not…

Who is teenage David to stand before Goliath?
Get married to a princess or even become King...
How could he have torn a Lion apart…?
Or defeated a big bad Bear


It is obvious he can’t lay claim on his success
It's not humanly possible to attain all he did
In Fact, if not for God…
Who will hear of him?
I suspect David’s mother was absent
He was a last born that was not a favourite
His father also didn’t think much of him
Jesse didn’t even present him to Samuel
Either he didn’t remember him as a son
Or he didn’t think his presence was relevant
Even at home he got the more demeaning jobs
Taking care of animals is a nomadic chore
It’s often assigned to hired hands not sons
Looking at his life, he must have had it very rough
But while no one wasted a thought on him
God found in him a heart seeking for Him
So while he got no love or respect from many
He didn’t seat and lament his disadvantage
He turned rejection to pursuit of intimacy with God
He soon found out; God loves him
He was valuable to the Creator
This assured him of a better future; he can be great
With a positive look to life, he replaced despair…
With faith, confidence and believe
And by His God; He became a great reference
Turn adversity to opportunity; despair to greatness 
People who know their God shall be strong 
And carry out great exploits. Daniel 11:32
Lord, you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness Psalm 18:25 …tejuwrite… 

Rich In...

Where’s the greatest book ever written
Where’s the sweetest song ever sung
Where’s the grandest story ever told
Where’s the best life ever lived?
Chronicling the past and present
We may never be able to find the answer
We hear the cemetery is a place of unused potential
It may be the store of greatest things yet
We celebrate the inventor of light
But who knows how many tried before; yet failed
How many have given up just before the big break
How many cower at any resistance
Easy is found only on the surface…
Where you need not dig for water
True treasure has to be unearthed
Real value is always hidden
How many times have you tried yet failed
How many times have you called yet no answer?
How many times have you been discouraged?
You wonder when it will be your turn
If you give up; the grave rejoices
If you stop; you add your name to failed people
Will you try again and again and again…?
Will you take your resolve to a new level?
I will not stop, not quit till I reach my finish line
I may be tired worn, drained but I keep going
Keep at it; refuse the tempt to quit
This is the stance of those who win eventually

Friday, 23 February 2024

Duty calls

We all know that prayer changes things
But how many truly pray
We often spend time to talk about problems
Grumble and complain and do little or no prayer
We are specifically instructed to pray for our leaders
If we do this we will be the beneficiary…
Rather we critique, murmur and run them down
The choice we take is shaping our world
For Esther she choose to take up her challenge in prayer
Haman the enemy soon fell after
We must move from knowing about prayer
And truly engaging in it for our benefit
Stop the continued advantage the devil gets
That is why he will rather you complain and lament
He will prefer you do every other thing than pray
He makes praying a difficulty
If you have fallen for this trickery
It’s high time you get enlightened
And a good place and time to start is now
Make prayer a daily important routine
The devil has not stopped being a foe
His mission has not also changed
He is after progress, all the goodness God promised…
You will have him stopped in the place of prayer
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  
As you make your requests, plead for God's mercy 
upon them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and
all others who are in authority. So that we can live in 
peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity.
This is good and pleases God our Saviour 1Timothy 2:1-3

Look Up Still

It’s a difficult time; the heat is felt by many
The cry of the young and old fills the land
The skyrocketing price of goods and service
This seem to be a daily pill
We must acknowledge the pain of the times
Yet hope for better days
Tough times will not last’ tough people will win
This is not the first; it will not see our end
From the ashes of these ruts we will rise
A people stronger; a people richer
Things are at its low
But we will definitely come through the storm
Many may be the affliction of these days
But we take solace in Gods comforting words
This too shall pass
We will look back in wonder at how we survived
The Lord knows our pains; He hear our groans
He feels the hurt and He sends words of assurance
However we must keep our eyes fixed on Him
Refuse any counsel that says otherwise
Though the serpents were present to bite
And many were bitten
Yet the instruction is Moses to lift up a bronze snake
Everyone that looks at the image was made ok

It must have been a difficult thing to do
Snakes were all over the place biting people 
Yet looking up is the only solution
While ignoring the crawler closing in
This reality may not be far from what we have today
Still God says we look to him
He will see us safely through
The serpent may be close; but we will live

Then the Lord told him, Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to the top of a pole. Those who are bitten will live if they simply look at it Numbers 21: 8     ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Sent with a Name

Names are known to convey influence
Great power is resident in some names
This is gotten by great investment
A powerful name is worked for and maintained
Seventy guys were sent into a city
Their mission is to bring deliverance
Their arsenal is to use the name of Jesus
Soon they returned in amazement
They excitedly reported back…
Demons are subject to us in your name
We did this and we did that…
We were able to bring deliverance as you said
Jesus response must have marveled them
They expected he will jump for joy
Rather he told them…
Rejoice rather that your name is written in the book of life
He passed an important message to them…
When used correctly my name does what I order
When i sent you on an errand and you obeyed accordingly
The result is to prosper as promised
The name of Jesus is our anchor of safety
It’s the name we’ve been given to win
It is a name that we must rest our faith on
It’s a name we must use as prescribed
Some opposing doors need the name of Jesus as key
Some sicknesses need Jesus as healer
Some demons are waiting to be cast out in Jesus name
Some storm needs to be stilled by the name
We have seen his name do this and more in scripture
Replicate these miracles in your life
Run life errands in this name
We must embrace it in faith and use as told
Even when those you are sent to does not like you
But what choice do they have
Jesus is the name given to us for our salvation
Use it in faith and receive the advantages
There is no other name given to us under heaven by which we can be saved Acts 4:12 ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 19 February 2024

Think Again

If a foe thinks to stop you
Advise that they try harder
Because the result remains same
When darkness moves towards light; it vanishes
Triumphing is a culture
It’s the constant mode of the believer
Mountains rise; they fall
Afflictions come; we are made stronger
The victory of the saved is a deal brokered by Jesus
He negotiated the terms…
He paid the price required
He handled me the title of victory
For me to live any other way is unheard off
I understand what went down
I have upgraded my profile accordingly
I am living in this consciousness
Will the wicked ever stop trying; never
By default that’s their mode too
They watch for occasion of weakness
They seek to draw you from Gods embrace
This side of bliss I will never leave
I stay under the covering of my Messiah
I read His words that build my faith
I speak out in confidence against the foe
The righteous may fall; but he rises
Like Job it only gets better
Let nothing draw you away from His grip
Certainty of victory for those who trust in Him

The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. i trust in Him with all my heart. he helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. Psalms 28:7 ...tejuwrite...

Friday, 16 February 2024

Stop the Dribble

Let God in on your team
Let’s see the opponent strong enough…
Abraham and God. Vs. King Abimelech and goons
God helped him win his wife back
Sincerely, if God had not stepped in
Sarah is gone forever
It is within the king’s power to take any single woman
Abraham had introduced Sarah as his sister not wife
When she was taken as a result of his mistake
He could seat back lamenting his predicament
He could be bowed down in regret
But I believe he turned to God for help
Though it happened largely as his error…
He opined God will take his side as against the enemy
He must have spent time praying
He would have won God to his side by Faith
Do not just seat back and watch…
Acknowledge you’re wrong; repent where necessary
And ask God to divinely intervene
Take the advantage back to yourself
Allow Him reveal Himself to your opponent
Let Him face those frustrating your advance
There are some places you won’t be allowed to speak
There are some people you may never meet
Yet they cast a great influence
They decide how you progress in life
For these you need God to influence their heart
Let Him but your case forward; let him win for you

The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him Psalms 34:18 ...tejuwrite...

Thursday, 15 February 2024


David had a catalogue of Gods deliverance
The many miracles he has gotten
The deliverance from the maul of the bear
The help in destroying a lion
As he stood in front of his next challenge
He recounted to Goliath the result of the combat
Once again he was certain of victory
This he based on the helps he’s gotten previously
This catalogue is a wall of faith
Recounting deliberately the Lords goodness
It is also a boaster to give us needed energy…
In facing future challenge
You can call up to memory testimony of others
If you need similar miracle, it will help your faith
If happened for him; it can happen for me too
If God answered their prayer; He will do mine as well
God is no respecter of person
No child of His is excluded from His blessings
We can receive same; if we believe same
If we have same faith; if we obey same
The days of miracles is not limited to Bible times
The God of wonders have not resigned
His power has not been taken off the earth
He is unchanged in our changing times
Recounting Abraham's blessing; David’s favours
Israel deliverance; Daniels rescue...
Should stir up your faith in believing for yours
He is up to the task and able to surpass all expectation 

List out all His help to you; Share it to inspire others
Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits Psalm 103:2

Tuesday, 13 February 2024


Accelerate; Speed up the process…
Yes we know we have to travel these paths
But Lord we plead for speed
Compress time; make the season roll out swiftly
You  have to specifically pray for speed
Tell the Lord to use the 5th gear
I often tell people when you pray
Tell God to speed things up
The days are hurting; the pain out there is real
How many lack what to eat daily
The pangs are biting; many strive for survival
Lord; I pray speed up this journey
Bring us to the clear blue skies
Let us enjoy a fair weather
Let’s feel the cool effect of the gentle breeze
Let the day fill the sky with smiley sunshine
A woman in the travail of birthing
Wants nothing more than to carry her babe
She knows pushing is the hurdle to cross
Nothing more than to see the end of the phase
Jesus cried out; let this cup pass over me
No one wants pain; but when it comes…
We pray let it quickly pass bye
Lord will compress time so you can bear it
I cannot stress these enough
Praying for speed must be top on your list
You can birth your baby in no time
Or you can spend days travailing; the choice is yours 

and unless those days are shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the elects sake those days will be shortened  Matthew 24:22       ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 12 February 2024


You have a right to not just live
But enjoy living life
Bask in the favors your Lord throws around…
Enjoy unashamedly His bestowed goodness
We often quote this scripture
Goodness and mercy shall follow me...
All the days of my life Psalm 23:6
He daily loads us with benefits... Psalms 68:19
Are you living based on these scriptural truths?
Or it’s just another word of promise left unclaimed
Expect things to turn out well
Be optimistic; God does not need to lie
How often do you make life comfy for loved ones?
You bestow favours without being asked
You grant requests as much as you can
You make sacrifices to see a frown change to smiles
You go the extra mile for a friend
You give up your comfort to sort someone’s need
You deny yourself sleep to help the hurting
You take up another shift just to please a beloved
If you that is evil know how to give good gifts
How about your heavenly Father
Whose love has been before your existence
Embrace His counsel; go to Him ask in faith
You are made in His split image and likeness
He knows every detail about you
He can protect you like no bodyguard can
He will feed you better than the birds flying about
The question then is; will you trust Him
Will you drop off your burden at his feet?
Will you quit complaining and belief?
Will you live on your creator’s terms...?
Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is,  and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much  more clothe you, O you of little faith Mathew: 6:30

Friday, 9 February 2024

The Wise

Two women approached the king for justice
Who is the real mother was their inquest
One bare lies; the other truth
How will Solomon mete out true justice?
When you are asked to make a request
You will mostly ask for what you lack
Solomon choosing wisdom above riches and fame
Gives me an inkling that he may not have been so wise
History records Solomon has the wisest man
By it he amassed the wealth and fame
He used it to determine the real mother
Wisdom helped him see through the packaged lie
Like Solomon we will be faced with similar instance
Wise counsel will help us arrive at right answers
Just like the wisest king
Let’s seek wisdom from same source he got his
God is the giver of true wisdom
The kind that brought peace and prosperity to a nation
How many special advisers have counseled
Yet there is increase in war and hunger
Can we be wiser than the one who crafted all creation?
Whose masterpiece can’t be matched by any?
The more we distance ourselves from Him...
The more we seem clueless to bringing solutions to issues
At every stage in life we need to apply wisdom
The offer to get it is for all
Wisdom is said to beat weapons of war
If you lack it; seek for it as did Solomon
A man asked for wisdom and his country enjoyed
Peace and Prosperity became their lot
We need to review our ways
And copy the acts not just reminisce on the story
In your home, family, business you will need it
Looking inwards and across the world
It seems Gods type of wisdom is lacking
Lets understand its real worth and go for it

Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! and whatever else you do, get good judgement. Prov. 4:7  ...tejuwrite...

Thursday, 8 February 2024

People Blessed

Thanking God for the gift of people
They are important in receiving blessing
People are used to enhance worth
Some sadly bring hurt
Our sojourn in life starts at the instance of two
They choose to be a parent
In some case the children are unplanned
These persons you owe the gift of honor
You can’t arrive at your destination without people
At various stages; they show up to aid
These valued assets are bestowed on us all
We must handle with care and treat with respect
As you seek these valued persons; specify your need
Honesty, peaceful, God fearing etc
You will get what you want even in relationships
However, If you seek good things; be good yourself
While some have glowing testimonies about people
Several have suffered greatly and even lost lives
Jesus was hurt by close Peter and Judas
Joseph suffered greatly from siblings…
But their lives was not all about the pains and hurt
Joseph will receive help and favors from strangers
Jesus will show is eternal love for an erring friend
People ultimately helped make their dreams realized
Run your relationships through the lenses of the Holy Spirit
He knows all men; no one can hide their true self from Him
Pay attention, He will communicate if you are discerning
Also learn to build fences and define friendships
Jesus had lot of fans coming around for differing reason
There was the crowd and multitude…
The seventy he sent out in twos and the twelve apostles
There was a privileged three; and a special one; John
God indeed blesses with good relationships
Pay attention to them and nurture deliberately
People come at divers time, season  and circumstances
I always pray, Lord give me the best there is

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother Prov. 18:24   ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Pray For Them...

The story of Samuel started before he was born
Before he could understand his parent’s decision
He was shipped off to Eli the prophets’ house
This as a result of a vow made by his mother
He is to serve as what I tag altar boy
As he slept one day; he heard his name being called
Thrice he rose to meet Eli; who he thought called
By the forth, he was told to answer; Here I am Lord
His encounter with the Lord is quiet astonishing
The lord was reporting the sin of His master to him
Eli; his role model and Israel’s revered prophet…
Had flaunted Gods rules and was about to be punished
I like the fact that God warns us when we err
This implies we are not above Gods correcting rod
Remember He has a rod and a staff… Psalm 23:4
The rod for discipline; the staff for direction
However, Elis won’t budge at the Lord reprimand
He could have repented and make amends
But his response suggests otherwise
He is the Lord let him do as He pleases… 1 Sam. 3:17
Quiet disappointing from one familiar with Gods ways
But in his case we can say he became too familiar
He may have started well; but he finished dastardly
He mourned the sons he refused to correct
Under his rule the Ark of the Covenant was taken
Many Israelites also died in battle
The sin of a proud man brought untold hardship to many…
Everyone in leadership needs prayers
Our contribution must not only be criticism
We may do worse if we are so opportune
Let’s cultivate a habit of praying for them
They have enough critics; they need more prayers
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
Intercessions and Giving of thanks be made for all men
For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead
quiet and peaceable life… 1 Timothy 2:2



More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...