Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Pray For Them...

The story of Samuel started before he was born
Before he could understand his parent’s decision
He was shipped off to Eli the prophets’ house
This as a result of a vow made by his mother
He is to serve as what I tag altar boy
As he slept one day; he heard his name being called
Thrice he rose to meet Eli; who he thought called
By the forth, he was told to answer; Here I am Lord
His encounter with the Lord is quiet astonishing
The lord was reporting the sin of His master to him
Eli; his role model and Israel’s revered prophet…
Had flaunted Gods rules and was about to be punished
I like the fact that God warns us when we err
This implies we are not above Gods correcting rod
Remember He has a rod and a staff… Psalm 23:4
The rod for discipline; the staff for direction
However, Elis won’t budge at the Lord reprimand
He could have repented and make amends
But his response suggests otherwise
He is the Lord let him do as He pleases… 1 Sam. 3:17
Quiet disappointing from one familiar with Gods ways
But in his case we can say he became too familiar
He may have started well; but he finished dastardly
He mourned the sons he refused to correct
Under his rule the Ark of the Covenant was taken
Many Israelites also died in battle
The sin of a proud man brought untold hardship to many…
Everyone in leadership needs prayers
Our contribution must not only be criticism
We may do worse if we are so opportune
Let’s cultivate a habit of praying for them
They have enough critics; they need more prayers
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
Intercessions and Giving of thanks be made for all men
For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead
quiet and peaceable life… 1 Timothy 2:2



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More than enough...

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