Thursday, 28 January 2016

Keep the Speakers On

Four leper’s approaches
A conquering army heard the thundering of feet
The Lord surely turned His speakers on their steps
And amplified their tiptoeing to the enemy camp

What was it o mountains that made you skip like rams tremble
earth at the presence of the Lord, at the appearance of His Majesty

The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightening Psalms 29:7
I heard the voice of God in the snow and nations panicked
Hear them; we’ve not seen it like this before
God cannot be ignored and do not stand in His way
when an Elephant approach; it is not a sight to ignore

I hear the rumbling from the heavens
I hear the gathering of the cloud of the Spirit
It is coming down on man; the prepared man
It is coming to satisfy the thirst of the hungered
Surely it will be a sight like never seen

Until we are drenched and soaked in the latter rain

What happens when the Lord amplifies my voice?
What happens when the Lord multiples your effort?
Nations will stand and take notice
But never forget; nothing ventured zero gained

The kingdom of this world has become
the kingdom of our God and His Christ

Press in to take hold of your portion; it is not for lookers it is for partners
Quit the lukewarm game; get hot for your God
The reward is….

The time comes when it will be unpopular to belong to the devil
And I ask; is it not a shame to be a child of a thief – John 10:10a
If you are not sure of your salvation here’s a little help

Dear Jesus I come in repentance of all my wrongs, please forgive me my sins. I realize that you died for my sins and I acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour. Please save me. Wash me from all my sins and the guilt’s of sin. Make me your child today. In Jesus name I pray (Amen)

For the world will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the  Lord as the waters cover the sea - Habakkuk 2:14 - if you believe share with a friend                                    #sharegoodnews

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