Wednesday, 24 February 2016

My Front Seat View: QUACKS

I tend to take an offence at anyone who chooses to hide under the name of Jesus to perpetuate evil; peddling lies and taking advantage of people who seek them in desperation because of need in their lives and the facts that they were adjudged ministers of God.

I was recently accosted and sought for counsel by a young graduate lady. After narrating her plight in the hands of some young pastors of a budding ministry where she sought for deliverance; I could not hide my disgust and annoyance firstly at her and to the so called fakers she assumed were pastors.
She had innocently narrated her life’s struggles and how she needs God’s intervention. Being a single young girl she was just the right candidate for their many male advances and persistent demands for sex. The part I find offensive is that these are happening right in the Lord’s house and by persons who were to be sought out for help and counsel.

Are you a child of God? If yes; then you are qualified to be directed by your Father. This He does through His word (Holy Bible); stop patronizing prophets to see visions for you.

I told her that the best form of deliverance was self deliverance. In an atmosphere of prayer where the fire of the Holy Spirit burns fiercely; you will slug it out in word based prayers and demand the freedom Jesus procured for you. If there is a need for more the Holy Spirit will divinely direct and connect you to whosoever could aid your quest for freedom.

Take responsibility for your life; set time apart, get a quiet place or locate a word based and praying church. In such environment the Spirit of God is present. Patronizing quacks is a clear sign of Spiritual laziness and many have been laden with more burdens and curses.  

As for fakers; you are crossing the line and just in case you do not know here is a reminder for you. If you are for the devil, please feel very free to romance him however you desire. Stop hiding under the cover of Christ’s mercy. Be very proud of your lord Satan and stand publicly for him, stop heaping curses on your lineage as cursed is anyone who says God said when God has not spoken. Better still; repent and forsake your evil ways.

From the girls’ tale I saw a great lack that must be corrected in our churches. Serve your congregants a nutritious meal of the word. If she being a Christian for many years as she claimed does not know how to sort herself out in times of need; I wonder at her shepherd. And I fear for the other sheep. Or I forget you can only give what you have. Our pulpits must be manned by quality in and quality out.

Finally the church of Jesus is a house of prayer, make it a priority. Fakes and quacks get out! The Lord’s fire will destroy you if you do not repent in Jesus name. AMEN

The Lord knows that His and let anyone who mentions the name of the Lord depart from iniquity                                    #sharegoodnews

For more helpful Post
Which House comes first?

To the Church in the United State of America

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