It may not happen overnight
When it does happen, will you be there
Every great story is packaged in great prices
Otherwise it will just be a smokescreen
At a seating you may read through a biography…
Testimonies attesting God’s goodness
What you read in few minutes
Took the author a lifetime to become
I know you want the promise now
Often time that wish doesn’t get granted
I know you need the change now
But, you just have to trust God’s timing
He has no trouble granting the desires
You may need to patiently wait for Him?
Stand firmly, trust His word
Do not seek alternatives
My confidence; my sole trust is in God
This assurance helps me to keep gong
Regardless of how vague things may look
No matter how weak my resolve gets
I know He won’t let me down
So I stride to attain the fulfillment promised
I carry His word always in my heart; I know my time will
This is my anchor; it keeps me stable and consistent in
If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my
appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
Job 14:14
Your Change of level will definitely come, please wait for
it. God will make it worth the wait.
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