The human makeup is same, we may differ in colour, geography, tongue but we are all categorised human. We have same physical structure, same blood, and same God created us all.
The dividing wall of tribe, religion etc has formed partitions we have not been able to break down. sentiments and prejudices refrain us from embracing our fellow human without bias.
The popular John 3:16, reveals God's love to the whole world, and the Bible categorically states His command to love our neighbour as ourself. Anyone flunking this command better have a reason that God can accept.
Unity is one culture we must discernly allow to flourish. Give peace and love a chance. Sin is what God frowns at, rebellion against his tenets is what he cannot stand. Do you know that you are sinning if you are divisive?
When did skin colour, tribe or practising a religion of choice became a crime? The hatred we feel for a fellow human is purely Satan motivated. Everywhere you look there's violence. The prey and predator is human.
It starts with little envy, jealousy, greed etc, It blossoms to hatred and all forms of evil conspiracy.
A world of love is a lofty dream, but a change can start in your own heart.
Deal with your fellow the same way you want to be dealt. This simple truth will breed a culture of respectful acceptance.
Above us all is the creator, watching the horror scene his world has turned to. At His own time justice will be meted out to each one. God's day approaches, He is coming.
The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. Proverbs 15:3
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
The Church
It is a city of refuge, where all is welcome and Jesus is the only message. The church is also called a house of prayer. Prayers, which must be offered to establish the will of God on earth.
The church is a training centre, warriors are raised and equipped to standoff all intimidation and attack to it. Their weapons are more sophisticated than what's out there in the world.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds... 2Corinthians 10:4
Goliath was slain by a single stone shot, Pharaoh and crew was defeated by armless Moses. Stop instilling fear by your messages, what is a witch before God's child. Stop elevating Satan he lost.
However, you must think like a David, know your God. The church is slacking, and failing, preach God's kingdom, preach the essence of Jesus resurrection. Jesus won, we are beneficiary of his winnings not preys of evil groups.
Is your heart perfect towards God, then you must grow in his knowledge and ways. Ignorance will defeat you. Come out of the evil fold their teachings are no good. Let Jesus lead you to green pastures.
The church of Jesus is not weakly or sickly, God's judgement will come strongly on those defiling it and leading many astray. Worship buildings may be important, but it must never be at the expense of building men.
The righteous breed must stand up and speak up. Jesus is our model, he must be the focus, the only message.
The church is a training centre, warriors are raised and equipped to standoff all intimidation and attack to it. Their weapons are more sophisticated than what's out there in the world.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds... 2Corinthians 10:4
Goliath was slain by a single stone shot, Pharaoh and crew was defeated by armless Moses. Stop instilling fear by your messages, what is a witch before God's child. Stop elevating Satan he lost.
However, you must think like a David, know your God. The church is slacking, and failing, preach God's kingdom, preach the essence of Jesus resurrection. Jesus won, we are beneficiary of his winnings not preys of evil groups.
Is your heart perfect towards God, then you must grow in his knowledge and ways. Ignorance will defeat you. Come out of the evil fold their teachings are no good. Let Jesus lead you to green pastures.
The church of Jesus is not weakly or sickly, God's judgement will come strongly on those defiling it and leading many astray. Worship buildings may be important, but it must never be at the expense of building men.
The righteous breed must stand up and speak up. Jesus is our model, he must be the focus, the only message.
Friday, 12 July 2019
Follow Ezekiel
Some situations may seem too difficult to change for the better, such was the issue before Ezekiel. He was in a valley full of dry bones, and was asked..., can these bones live? He answered, only you know Lord.
Can Nigerian overcome all its troubles? Can there be peace in our world? Can my expectations be met? Call them dry bone situations. However, to make his impossibles possible, Ezekiel had to obey a simple rule. Prophecy, speak out in faith. Ezekiel 36:7.
If you stare too long at the negative, believing for a positive outcome maybe very hard. You must see from God's perspective, and speak out based on what you know is possible through him.
The valley of dry bones became a living army. All things are possible with God. Ezekiel is no different from us, in fact we are under a better covenant. He must have had faith as small as a mustard seed.
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20
I believe God no matter what the odds are.
Ezekiel separated himself to hear God, praying is important. If you will talk more to God, you will see more light. Disengage from idle chatter that can sink you into unbelief. Who you spend time with matters. What you listen to matters. What you say matters.
You must look away from your dry bones unto God, He can restore but it's up to you.
Can Nigerian overcome all its troubles? Can there be peace in our world? Can my expectations be met? Call them dry bone situations. However, to make his impossibles possible, Ezekiel had to obey a simple rule. Prophecy, speak out in faith. Ezekiel 36:7.
If you stare too long at the negative, believing for a positive outcome maybe very hard. You must see from God's perspective, and speak out based on what you know is possible through him.
The valley of dry bones became a living army. All things are possible with God. Ezekiel is no different from us, in fact we are under a better covenant. He must have had faith as small as a mustard seed.
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20
I believe God no matter what the odds are.
Ezekiel separated himself to hear God, praying is important. If you will talk more to God, you will see more light. Disengage from idle chatter that can sink you into unbelief. Who you spend time with matters. What you listen to matters. What you say matters.
You must look away from your dry bones unto God, He can restore but it's up to you.
Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Several adjective have been used to describe the wicked, each with varying unpleasant meaning. The chaff is the blown away part of most food crop e.g. wheat, bean or rice. In psalms 1:4 the Bible describes them thus...
Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Vs 6. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
If God says your enemies are chaff, then why are some afraid of a chaff.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Hosea 4:6
Stop allotting honor to chaffs, rather blow them off your lots.
Ignorance of their divine ancestry is denying many their blessed privilege as a child of God.
The enemy may come in any form, but address them exactly as God instructs. Chaff.
Who are you? What do you see about yourself? What do you say about yourself? It is puzzling that many fail in the place of identity.
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
A child of God is a god. This profound statement was made by Jesus, it attracted resistance then and even till date the devil is fighting that statement. He has all manner of arguments, but who do you believe?
We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." Numbers 13:33.
While Caleb and Joshua saw the enemy as surmountable, the other ten spies saw themselves as grasshoppers. What a mindset, the enemy saw them just as they saw their self.
You are a winner, stop calling chaff giant.
Read more in Numbers 13
Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Vs 6. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
If God says your enemies are chaff, then why are some afraid of a chaff.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Hosea 4:6
Stop allotting honor to chaffs, rather blow them off your lots.
Ignorance of their divine ancestry is denying many their blessed privilege as a child of God.
The enemy may come in any form, but address them exactly as God instructs. Chaff.
Who are you? What do you see about yourself? What do you say about yourself? It is puzzling that many fail in the place of identity.
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
A child of God is a god. This profound statement was made by Jesus, it attracted resistance then and even till date the devil is fighting that statement. He has all manner of arguments, but who do you believe?
We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." Numbers 13:33.
While Caleb and Joshua saw the enemy as surmountable, the other ten spies saw themselves as grasshoppers. What a mindset, the enemy saw them just as they saw their self.
You are a winner, stop calling chaff giant.
Read more in Numbers 13
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
There are certain truths I have seen in God's word, and I believe totally. This convictions have shaped my thinking, confession, expectation and I have severally seen it manifest just as I have believed.
I believe God's promises to the extent that I say to Him, even if you meant it as a joke I still believe. I know He can do more than my small mind can conceive. By believing I'm just helping myself get more of what He's got to offer.
As a child one of my disappointing experience was a cancelled trip to a Father Christmas grotto. I can't recall the reason for bailing, but I remember refusing to undress and starring all-day at the TV watching others enjoy the fun I was denied.
The best of parents can fail, circumstances beyond their control could be the reason but children just want to see you make good your promise. So when I'm told, ...but mummy you said..., then I know bailing out won't be easy.
When it comes to God, the entire world was framed at his words. He's got the capacity, ability and willingness to do as His word says. He's got no reason to back out, the only barrier is the receiver.
Look beyond your circumstance, look at the one promised.
Luke 1:45
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
The virgin birth was as unbelievable now and even inconceivable to young Mary back then. But she believed
Whatever you are believing for...
For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
I believe God's promises to the extent that I say to Him, even if you meant it as a joke I still believe. I know He can do more than my small mind can conceive. By believing I'm just helping myself get more of what He's got to offer.
As a child one of my disappointing experience was a cancelled trip to a Father Christmas grotto. I can't recall the reason for bailing, but I remember refusing to undress and starring all-day at the TV watching others enjoy the fun I was denied.
The best of parents can fail, circumstances beyond their control could be the reason but children just want to see you make good your promise. So when I'm told, ...but mummy you said..., then I know bailing out won't be easy.
When it comes to God, the entire world was framed at his words. He's got the capacity, ability and willingness to do as His word says. He's got no reason to back out, the only barrier is the receiver.
Look beyond your circumstance, look at the one promised.
Luke 1:45
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
The virgin birth was as unbelievable now and even inconceivable to young Mary back then. But she believed
Whatever you are believing for...
For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Playing Judge
A woman caught in the act of adultery was brought before Jesus. It's rather surprising that her male partner was not arraigned. The mobs intention was to stone her to death once Jesus passed his judgement.
His response took all by surprise. ...he who is without sin should throw the first stone.
Don't join in the error of casting stones, don't play judge. Jesus standpoint is for the sinner to be restored.
On the social media, it's common to find juries and judges, dishing out judgement as they seem fit. Before you play the judge you owe it to both parties to hear their cases. When in doubt, a juror asks for evidences that supports the claims.
No guilty party will miss the judgement of God. With man's Justice, a guilty person can be pronounced innocent. But never with God, there's nothing hidden before him. Perhaps that's why he cautioned us in playing judge.
Jesus is the truth, if you chose to be identified with him better walk upright. Do not hide under his cover and lead a double life. Your secret sins will soon be exposed, enough of hiding behind his name and condoning evil.
From the pulpit to the pew, let us take heed, God sees. Our way of life must not repel, don't be the stumbling block. Depart from iniquity. Don't make a mess of the mercies of God.
Remain steadfast in love.
There are many sides to a story, don't be too quick to judge.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Mathew 7:3
His response took all by surprise. ...he who is without sin should throw the first stone.
Don't join in the error of casting stones, don't play judge. Jesus standpoint is for the sinner to be restored.
On the social media, it's common to find juries and judges, dishing out judgement as they seem fit. Before you play the judge you owe it to both parties to hear their cases. When in doubt, a juror asks for evidences that supports the claims.
No guilty party will miss the judgement of God. With man's Justice, a guilty person can be pronounced innocent. But never with God, there's nothing hidden before him. Perhaps that's why he cautioned us in playing judge.
Jesus is the truth, if you chose to be identified with him better walk upright. Do not hide under his cover and lead a double life. Your secret sins will soon be exposed, enough of hiding behind his name and condoning evil.
From the pulpit to the pew, let us take heed, God sees. Our way of life must not repel, don't be the stumbling block. Depart from iniquity. Don't make a mess of the mercies of God.
Remain steadfast in love.
There are many sides to a story, don't be too quick to judge.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Mathew 7:3
Monday, 1 July 2019
When He restores...
Job was blowed over by Satan, but he was never out. The devil touched all he could, threw his best shoots but Job was spared. He lost all his worldly possessions, his children, but he never lost his God.
To outsiders, the God he trusted had abandoned him. Not even the wife believed him, family and friends stood a distance. He was wished death, and encouraged to curse God, and rest in peace.
Trouble time comes, but there's always an end, nothing lasts forever. Job was down in every way possible, but his day of change was here. In the last few chapters of the book of Job, we see God take up Job on a question and answer spree.
God took the stage to reveal details of himself that can be found only in the book of Job. It was a real eye opener, God is indeed bigger than any man can comprehend. Job was completely at a loss of words. God is beyond measure.
It was restoration time. Houses, businesses, animals, children, friendships and all that he lost was added doubly to him. His set down was a set up for greater glory.
Don't be too quick to judge your fellow believer. Leave all judgement to God. They believed the worst of him, friends turned to foes. Wife became a knife. God vindicated him.
God is working on us all, He will come true for us. We will be restored. Whatever is meant for your shame will bring you great glory.
The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first.
Job 42:12
To outsiders, the God he trusted had abandoned him. Not even the wife believed him, family and friends stood a distance. He was wished death, and encouraged to curse God, and rest in peace.
Trouble time comes, but there's always an end, nothing lasts forever. Job was down in every way possible, but his day of change was here. In the last few chapters of the book of Job, we see God take up Job on a question and answer spree.
God took the stage to reveal details of himself that can be found only in the book of Job. It was a real eye opener, God is indeed bigger than any man can comprehend. Job was completely at a loss of words. God is beyond measure.
It was restoration time. Houses, businesses, animals, children, friendships and all that he lost was added doubly to him. His set down was a set up for greater glory.
Don't be too quick to judge your fellow believer. Leave all judgement to God. They believed the worst of him, friends turned to foes. Wife became a knife. God vindicated him.
God is working on us all, He will come true for us. We will be restored. Whatever is meant for your shame will bring you great glory.
The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first.
Job 42:12
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