Friday 12 July 2019

Follow Ezekiel

Some situations may seem too difficult to change for the better, such was the issue before Ezekiel. He was in a valley full of dry bones, and was asked..., can these bones live? He answered, only you know Lord.
Can Nigerian overcome all its troubles? Can there be peace in our world? Can my expectations be met? Call them dry bone situations. However, to make his impossibles possible, Ezekiel had to obey a simple rule. Prophecy, speak out in faith. Ezekiel 36:7.

If you stare too long at the negative, believing for a positive outcome maybe very hard. You must see from God's perspective, and speak out based on what you know is possible through him.

The valley of dry bones became a living army. All things are possible with God. Ezekiel is no different from us, in fact we are under a better covenant. He must have had faith  as small as a mustard seed.

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20

I believe God no matter what the odds are. 

Ezekiel separated himself to hear God, praying is important. If you will talk more to God, you will see more light. Disengage from idle chatter that can sink you into unbelief. Who you spend time with matters. What you listen to matters. What you say matters.

You must look away from your dry bones unto God, He can restore but it's up to you.

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