Tuesday 30 July 2019

Watching All

The human makeup is same, we may differ in colour, geography, tongue but we are all categorised human. We have same physical structure, same blood, and same God created us all.
The dividing wall of tribe, religion etc has formed partitions we have not been able to break down. sentiments and prejudices refrain us from embracing our fellow human without bias.

The popular John 3:16, reveals God's love to the whole world, and the Bible categorically states His command to love our neighbour as ourself. Anyone flunking this command better have a reason that God can accept.

Unity is one culture we must discernly allow to flourish. Give peace and love a chance. Sin is what God frowns at, rebellion against his tenets is what he cannot stand. Do you know that you are sinning if you are divisive?

When did skin colour, tribe or practising a religion of choice became a crime? The hatred we feel for a fellow human is purely Satan motivated. Everywhere you look there's violence. The prey and predator is human.

It starts with little envy, jealousy, greed etc, It blossoms to hatred and all forms of evil conspiracy.
A world of love is a lofty dream, but a change can start in your own heart.

Deal with your fellow the same way you want to be dealt. This simple truth will breed a culture of respectful acceptance.

Above us all is the creator, watching the horror scene his world has turned to. At His own time justice will be meted out to each one. God's day approaches, He is coming.

The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. Proverbs 15:3

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