Monday 28 October 2019

It's all in the Name

Name is given to all things, living or non for several reasons, but foremost for identity. It's a unique gift we all posses. No one wants to be addressed with unfitting appellation and so we take a dislike to anyone that wants to pin on us a name that contradict our person.
Several powerful individuals have walked the earth and their names brings a recall of their sojourn here. However, in time the power behind the name of a person fades into oblivion. All we have left is the feeling their name reveberate when mentioned.

Of all names, the name Jesus is in a class like none other. It's being more than 2000years He walked the earth, yet His name has only remained popular and powerful. When put to use, His name commands respect in all realms known or unknown to us.

Jesus is the name of quick response given to all who believe in Him. Several use the name but they don't know the potential of the name. Their limited knowledge robs them of the unlimited might the name carries. Sometimes they don't use as lavishly as they ought.

After his physical departure, the disciples were beginning to get a grip of the real worth is name potends and on an occasion they will exemplify to the world their reality. I am thrilled by the words of Peter...

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12.

Under the heavens, above or beneath there's no other name that delivers enormous privileges to its user.

You must seek a divine revelation of the name Jesus. You must believe and embrace it's awesomeness.You must also use lavishly and as often as you desire.

There's so much to learn... put in the time
It's the sweetest tune, the name Jesus.

Further: Acts 3-4, Phillipians 2

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