Tuesday 8 October 2019

Let Barabbas go!!!

As the chants of the people demanding for his freedom grew, I pondered on the nature of man. Barabbas was a criminal who had been locked up at the time of Jesus for various offences and especially murder.
About this time Jesus had been betrayed, tried for various offences but found innocent. Because his enemies wanted him dead they pushed for the release of a criminal and asked that he be crucified.

What sane mind asks for the release of a security threat against one who went about doing good. It seems many of those he healed or helped had forgotten. As his eyes surveyed the chanting crowd I wondered about his thoughts.

The world he came to save neither appreciated nor wanted him. Betrayal can be hurtful. First, Judas who sold him out for money then this crowd instigated by people who claim to know Gods' law.

As for Barabbas, the criminal has gained a freedom he never deserved. I hope he goes home thinking about the man that died undeservedly in his stead.

Jesus endured it all because he came to hand us true freedom.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5.

By allowing Jesus into your life, you are positioning yourself to receive all his death and resurrection purchased for the world. Don't defer your salvation anymore.

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sins please forgive me and accept me as your own. I make you my Lord today. Please relieve me from every hold the devil has on my life. Help me to know and grow in you. I pray, Amen.

Further study: Mark 15, Isaiah 53

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