Have you
thanked sufficiently for all He’s done?
The many near accidents He saved you from
The many bills He helped you sort
The many viruses He shoved off your children

The year
has been eventful
So many highs; so many lows
He has been the constant in all
Assuring us that all will be well
Food on our
tables despite the famine
Clothes on our backs; good clothes
In the midst of the storm He was there
Think deep, there will be many reason for thanks
The ungrateful
don’t get refilled
We increase and sustain His blessing by thanks
Even the days I didn’t want to get up from the bed
Days I won’t want to have a repeat
The many near accidents He saved you from
The many bills He helped you sort
The many viruses He shoved off your children

So many highs; so many lows
He has been the constant in all
Assuring us that all will be well
Clothes on our backs; good clothes
In the midst of the storm He was there
Think deep, there will be many reason for thanks
We increase and sustain His blessing by thanks
Even the days I didn’t want to get up from the bed
Days I won’t want to have a repeat
In all; I can count on His support
In days I had no cheer... His words got me to smile
In days of disappointment... His counsel was anchor
Days I ate my favourite snack...
I couldn’t have gotten by without him
Handling stressful clients...
You may miss it if you don’t think
Thank God for the little cash you got
Also for the large incentives
Thank Him through that error
No matter how bad; it could have been worse
You could have had it more horrible
He healed ten lepers only one returned
Most times the ratio is one to ten
Endeavor to be one who return thanks