Thursday, 30 November 2023

My Thanks

Have you thanked sufficiently for all He’s done?        
The many near accidents He saved you from
The many bills He helped you sort
The many viruses He shoved off your children
The year has been eventful
So many highs; so many lows
He has been the constant in all
Assuring us that all will be well
Food on our tables despite the famine
Clothes on our backs; good clothes
In the midst of the storm He was there
Think deep, there will be many reason for thanks
The ungrateful don’t get refilled
We increase and sustain His blessing by thanks
Even the days I didn’t want to get up from the bed
Days I won’t want to have a repeat
Coping with targets that seem far fetched...
In all; I can count on His support
In days I had no cheer... His words got me to smile
In days of disappointment... His counsel was anchor

Days I was at my best...
Days I ate my favourite snack...
I couldn’t have gotten by without him
Handling stressful clients...
I have so many reasons of thanks
You may miss it if you don’t think
Thank God for the little cash you got
Also for the large incentives
Thank Him when you misjudged
Thank Him through that error
No matter how bad; it could have been worse
You could have had it more horrible
For all I got, I return with thanks
He healed ten lepers only one returned
Most times the ratio is one to ten
Endeavor to be one who return thanks 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Louder Voice

Crucify him! Crucify him!! rent the air
But this is not the only shout amongst the crowd
In fact Pilate’s voice will not agree to his death
But majority chanted crucify him loudly
In the crowd was Jesus family and disciples...
There were several he had healed or delivered...
There were many that had received miracles
Certainly they will be shouting release him! release him
The voice of the accuser prevailed
The voice of the enemy won and Jesus was crucified
This happened because of Gods predetermined purpose
His death was necessary for our salvation
The enemy is still chanting negatives over believers
However there is no predetermined will for it to prevail
Nothing beats the voice of His Majesty Our Father
Nothing must beat the sound of our voice
Four lepers moved weakly for lack of food
They journeyed to the enemy’s camp in hope
They could die or be spared and fed
The Lord caused their leprous feet to make a large noise

It was so loud that the entire army fled in fright 
They left without taking anything
Their weapons, animals and spoils left behind
All they heard was God amplifying tired legs
Raise your voice and shout down the noise of the accuser
Whatever their lies none will prevail
Raise your voice loudly in prayers to God
Raise your voice and declare God's counsel always

For the Lord had made the Syrian army hear the noise of 
chariots and horse, the noise of a great army 2 kings 7:6
But as I stood there in silence, not even speaking of good things The turmoil within me grew to boiling point My thoughts grew hot within me, then I spoke with my tongue Psalm 39:2,3 ...tejuwrite...

Saturday, 25 November 2023

My Little Seed

The seed is small compared to expected harvest
It has the potential of being lost or sustained
At its formative stage it may be killed or preserved
Seed can be a child, marriage, business...
Prepare the ground your seed will be planted
For marriage; be sure of God's approval in choice
Do well to start off your business in right location
Ensure you get a rhema word for the child you seek
The start may reveal lots of bumps
The business may not gain ground as soon as you envisage
You will discover your partner is not as perfect
Pregnancy in early stage is often associated with sickness
Never forget to nurture the essence of the union
Look out for the positive and celebrate it
Be hopeful for business breakthrough
Look towards the month when you birth your baby
There will be hurdles undoubtedly
For everything you seek to conquer there will be contest
No one gets to have it smooth all the time
The challenge makes the victory more valuable
The devil is not a fan
His desire is your downfall
A good foundation is a formidable anchor
When storms come you will be able to stand
Pray, pray prayer is a good investment
It is like fuel for a car; it helps you keep going
Base everything on God’s word
When believed; it proofs to be unfailing
Planted seed will grow big;
Watered seed will find nourishment
Business, marriage, child will reach its potential
The seed has in it what it takes to grow
For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew Zech 8:12   …tejuwrite…

Friday, 24 November 2023

My Little Drop

Little drops of water if allowed make a mighty sea
If the Lord promise abundance
It may not come in massive outpour
If you have His promise; never stop believing
There was famine because rain stopped failing
Elijah the prophet was contacted
He prophesied that rain will commence soonest
It seemed impossible as the famine was severe
He had been labeled the troubler of Israel
The hardship was blamed on him
Prophets of Baal, Jezebel, king Ahab...
Sought to have him punished or killed
Elijah showed up and pronounced an end to drought
He then climbed Mount Carmel to pray
After these he sent his servant to check for sign
Six times he came back; no rain in view
Finally at the seventh check he came with positive news
I see a little cloud; the size of a hand
This was sufficient for Elijah
He announced get in your chariot or rain will stop you
The drought of three years ended that instant
In turning famine to abundance there must be prayers
However, the answer may not come as you will want
It may start slow, dragging or very inconsequential
You are to nurture; fan the small smoke
That little light will be bigger if you don’t give up
Cultivate your small field
Don’t wait till you have the hectares
God may not open all the doors
Tender and nurse the little light he gives
Then Elijah said to Ahab, Go and enjoy a good meal! For i hear a mighty rainstorm coming 1 Kings 18:41  ..tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Brother Brother

The one who killed Abel was his elder brother, Cain
Family wickedness from the very first family
You may ask, who did he take after...
Between Adam and Eve i wonder 
As they strolled in their garden
He didn’t know he was walking with the devil
Who was angered that God accepted his offering
And had a knife in his pocket
Esau came back from the hunt hungry
He met his twin cooking
Innocently he asked for a plate
My plate will cost your birthright; Jacob responded
Will a true brother give you a meal for a price?
I believe Esau does not eat his hunts alone
While he served the family interest…
The other was looking for a way to scam him
Ten brothers gathered to kill one
He is too vocal with his dreams was reason
The heart conceals a lot
If only Joseph knew what they thought of him
The evil in the world…
I thought it’s said the sky allows all to fly
We don’t have to clash
There’s enough space for all to shine
To all schemer of wickedness
You manipulate while playing nice
You hide your intent with a smile
You conceal hate with a cloud of love

Change your ways God’s wrath is sure
There is a judgment day believe it or not
Don’t envy, don’t scheme to bring another down
God has a good plan for each individual 

But the Lord said, What have you done? Listen your brothers blood cries out to me from the ground! Gen 4:10 .....tejuwrite...

Friday, 17 November 2023


Adam thought he had all that’s needed to enjoy life
He was placed in a well-watered beautiful garden
He had lots of animals at his beck and call
He assumed life was at its best
He had no inkling he needed a mate
If God suggest his need of a wife as companion
He can argue he get all the help he wants from animals
A woman in the picture will be the strangest thing
It took Gods observation to know what was amiss
He then sent him to dreamland
He removed a rib from his side
He made a woman and presented her to wow him
If there is anything missing but necessary for fulfillment
You can pray God to input into you
Adam had no idea Eve was necessary for a fruitful living
What is to complete him was absent
Adam could also resist God had it been suggested…
This may be why God caused him to sleep
He may argue, why remove my rib if at all
What can be better than what I presently enjoy?
Nebuchadnezzar needed to learn to reference God
He boasted about the Babylon nation he built
The Almighty sent him out to live like an animal
On his return he had been shaped to acknowledge only God
God is the Potter, we are on His stool 
Joseph was sent to series of hurtful events
By the time he was through with the school
From him came a leader with character to sustain the glory

We are works in Progress
Let’s allow God work us to perfection
Then we can long enjoy the glory he brings us into
Afterall, we are his clays

Then from the rib the Lord had taken from the man. he made it into the woman and brought her to the man Gen 2:22     ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

More than Good

What’s your mental picture?
What do you say about yourself?
How do you see yourself?
Who are you truly in your heart?
Perception often result to experience
However you see you, is the real you
If you think you can; you can
If you think you can’t; then you can’t
A way to help your mental perception
Is to read books 
Things abound without to challenge you within
Stay glued to only God's view of you
At the end of each creative day
God has this to say; it is good
After creating man his comment was different
He said it is very good or excellent
If Gods good is beyond amazing
His very good is uniquely outstanding
Have you been to beautiful places on earth?
Have you seen pictures of amazing scenery?
They all point back to Gods genius in creation
His architectural masterpieces scattered world over
Yet in creating you he said you are exceptional
Give a careful thought to the masterpiece you are
You are priceless, unique and highly valued
You are bespoke in a class of itself
Your maker speaks highly of you
Do not relegate yourself to man’s mold
No one knows you more than your manufacturer
Do well to seek His view via His holy written word
More so He made you in His own image
This must be etched in your mental picture

Monday, 13 November 2023

Still a Liar

The names we go by give a peep to our identity
We want names that put us in good light
Jesus is the Truth; what He says happens, if you believe
He is called father of lies; no iota of truth in him
The natural language of satan is falsehood
He is not able to speak a word of truth
Believing a liar is setting you up for heartbreak
Blame yourself if you allow his lies rule your mind
The deceiver prowls nonstop
Seeking words to convey his deceit
He wants to steal your valued treasure
He will spew out lies from his well to win you over
Guard your heart securely
Science teaches; it works hard to keep us alive
Don’t allow a known deceiver in
All he wants is to kill, steal and destroy
The liar lies is out there
Increase the volume of God’s word
This is the prescribed way to clear his falsehood
Let Gods word dwell in you RICHLY
When he came to Jesus with his lies
Christ spoke out loudly
For each well packaged lie
He used God's truth cancel them
If he came calling for the son of God
He won’t exempt you from his to and fro trips
Do what Jesus did and you will send him packing
However, you must store up Gods word in your heart
Don’t let the crook in; guards up your heart
For each lie he whispers to you
Shout out to the rooftop Gods word
I will be fine; I am a child of God; I will be fine

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it 
flows the issue of life Prov 4:23 ...tejuwrite...

Good Plan

The head houses most of the senses
Chief of it is the sight
This is the light of the body
Movement is hampered without vision
When you lead you must have a goal
There must be something you are shooting towards
A soccer game becomes tiring without a goal post
Efforts are directed towards achieving known goals
You also must have a plan put in place to achieve set goal
Failure to plan is planning to fail
The plan gives vision a structure
It’s a draft you can use to build the future
A good plan can be broken into bits
When each feat is achieved you know
It makes a larger goal achievable
It is taking little steps towards the main goal
In the planning stage of a building
You have to identify personnel; who will do what
At this stage don’t compromise on quality
Great brands select the best the market has to offer
People management is a skill to possess as a leader
Ability to identify talent or the resource you need
Ability to get the wheat and throw out the chaff
Your personnel won’t be angels; you must glean the good stuff
See your life as a project
From your start to where you tend to reach
Put down written plan on how to get there
You will get there if you stick to the good plan
But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin
construction of a building without first getting estimates and then
checking to see if there is enough money to pay the bills? Luke 14:28 ...tejuwrite...


Good Head

In every human relationship there must be a head
The head cast the vision; it sets direction and pace
It is a huge responsibility to take on
To have a good one is bliss
When a home experience delay in having children
Fingers are often pointed to the wife as the cause
Many women assume this guilt
And hence take it upon them to find a way out
 Isaac pleaded with the Lord to give Rebekah a child, because
she was childless so the Lord answered Isaacs prayers… Gen 25:21
Kudos to Isaac who sought God for solution
If you are the head of a home, business or nation
You owe it to your followers to be their servant
A lot of leaders seek to be demi gods
This wrong idea of leading has put the world in chaos
The populace slave for the head
They live in slums, while they feast in palaces
This misplacement of role should be shown the exit
Heads must be like Isaac who when there was a problem
Sought ways to have it solved
Unlike many who blame the wife or pick another woman
He was a selfless leader who brought home the solution
Jesus also exemplified this attributes to his disciples
And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all Mark 10:44
He totally humbled himself before them
Till date he is still serving the interest of His body

If you are head in whatever capacity
You took a role of being responsible for your team
Servant leaders; problem solving heads. Please be one
You owe them bliss not ills; to thrive not die under you

let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness 
of mind let each one esteem others better than himself Phil 2:3 ...tejuwrite...

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

The Uplift

Driving on bumpy roads can be highly frustrating
We all want our cars to have it smooth each time
But the manufacturer made the car rugged…
Making it attractive and able to endure hardship
At the sight of any resistance
We want to question if we are on the right path
A little set back and we are worried
It’s as though we will never get back up
Things will  not always be the way we want it
We will never have a perfect workplace
Our families and children can never be perfect
Even God at creation wasn’t staring at beauty
We can make beauty come from ugliness
We can have a perfect home
We can make our workplace better
God later saw his creation and said very good
Can we face off our pharaoh despite his rejection?
Can we conquer the barrier that stands in the way of our joy?
Can we refuse to back down from warring adversity?
Can we say let my people go and not accept no?
The place of your triumph is the place of contention
Devil will fight you at each turn
He will not allow you to have it easy
But are you going to allow yourself be defeated
Will you allow fear despite Gods word to move forward?
Are you going to stare at the wind or walk on water?
Are you going to face pharaoh or continue in slavery?
Are you willing to put in the works to breakthrough?
That God sent you, doesn’t mean you won’t be resisted
Infact resistance is the proof of God's call
No one came through without a story
It won't be without a face-off, but don't back down

...Tejuwrite... For a great and effectual door has opened to me,
 and there are many adversaries 1 Cor 16:9

The Face Off

When Moses went to Pharaoh with these words...
Let my people go!
He thought in an instant pharaoh will comply
Rather, he vehemently refused
He went further to make the Israelites more miserable
Boasting that no one can take them from captivity
I believe in all these God sat back and laughed Psalm 2:4
However Moses was not pleased
The people he was sent to…
Who earlier received him gladly; are now bitter
He has become the source of their new pain
We are better off before you promised freedom, they said…
The hardness in the heart of pharaoh continued
Despite the display of great signs and wonders
It seemed after each miraculous sign...
He was more resolute to keep them in bondage
Moses definitely was unpleased at these happenings
His desire had been to help his people
And now God is backing him on this lifelong pursuit
Unlike earlier; when it seemed he sent himself
Why are there these huge contentions?
If God wanted day to become night; he can do it
Why will the Almighty allow a mere man stall his will?
These questions will definitely pop up in Moses head
At their expense God was having fun
He showed his might and power
Yet Pharaoh won’t bulge
He was more hardened and Moses…
Face Off continues …tejuwrite…
Come now therefore and i will send you to Pharaoh  that you may 
bring the children of Israel out of  Egypt Exodus 3:10

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

A People Helped

Moses life is characterized by helpers
At infant he was spared from death by his mother
Who placed him in a basket and set him on the Nile
God divinely directed his basket to pharaoh’s daughter
She will have compassion and raise him as her son
Mariam help secure Moses mother to be his nurse
When on assignment from the Lord and Moses hesitated
His wife Zipporah will step in and stop the angel of death
He will receive help from his father in law; Jethro...                                                                    
Who advised him on how to be a better leader
His brother Aaron will help him as an interpreter
He will also be helped by Joshua, Hur and several others
We like Moses also need divine help in our journey
It can come in various shape or size
To be helped at the point of need is best
This help is crucial in fulfilling purpose
Helped when you are unable to help yourself
Helped when you couldn’t even ask for it
Helped so you won’t fall in a ditch
Helped with godly counsel or financial resource
That you are being helped doesn’t mean you sit idle
You don’t cross your legs and look
You will have continued help if you are not a burden
Help also gravitate to those who are gracious
You will not find a success story without helpers
Recommendations, referrals, patronage for service…
These are helps that a child of God must partake in
At every turn you need help; it will be available in Jesus name

If you lack sufficient help, then pray
Life will be stressful without it
Rest and peace is Gods will for you
To be helped is blessing

…so his fame spread far and wide, for he was marvelously helped till he became strong 
2 chro 26:15b               …tejuwrite…

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...