Little drops of water if allowed make a
mighty sea
If the Lord promise abundance
It may not come in massive outpour
If you have His promise; never stop believing

There was famine because rain stopped
Elijah the prophet was contacted
He prophesied that rain will commence soonest
It seemed impossible as the famine was severe
He had been labeled the troubler of
The hardship was blamed on him
Prophets of Baal, Jezebel, king Ahab...
Sought to have him punished or killed
Elijah showed up and pronounced an end to
He then climbed Mount Carmel to pray
After these he sent his servant to check for sign
Six times he came back; no rain in view
Finally at the seventh check he came with
positive news
I see a little cloud; the size of a hand
This was sufficient for Elijah
He announced get in your chariot or rain will stop you
The drought of three years ended that
In turning famine to abundance there must be prayers
However, the answer may not come as you will want
It may start slow, dragging or very inconsequential
You are to nurture; fan the small smoke
That little light will be bigger if you don’t give up
Cultivate your small field
Don’t wait till you have the hectares
God may not open all the doors
Tender and nurse the little light he gives
If the Lord promise abundance
It may not come in massive outpour
If you have His promise; never stop believing

Elijah the prophet was contacted
He prophesied that rain will commence soonest
It seemed impossible as the famine was severe
The hardship was blamed on him
Prophets of Baal, Jezebel, king Ahab...
Sought to have him punished or killed
He then climbed Mount Carmel to pray
After these he sent his servant to check for sign
Six times he came back; no rain in view
I see a little cloud; the size of a hand
This was sufficient for Elijah
He announced get in your chariot or rain will stop you
In turning famine to abundance there must be prayers
However, the answer may not come as you will want
It may start slow, dragging or very inconsequential
That little light will be bigger if you don’t give up
Cultivate your small field
Don’t wait till you have the hectares
Tender and nurse the little light he gives
Then Elijah said to Ahab, Go and enjoy a good meal! For i hear a mighty rainstorm coming 1 Kings 18:41 ..tejuwrite...
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