Moses life is characterized by helpers
At infant he was spared from death by his mother
Who placed him in a basket and set him on the Nile
God divinely directed his basket to pharaoh’s daughter

She will have compassion and raise him as
her son
Mariam help secure Moses mother to be his nurse
When on assignment from the Lord and Moses hesitated
His wife Zipporah will step in and stop the angel of death
He will
receive help from his father in law; Jethro...
Who advised him on how to be a better leader
His brother Aaron will help him as an interpreter
He will also be helped by Joshua, Hur and several others
We like Moses also need divine help in
our journey
It can come in various shape or size
To be helped at the point of need is best
This help is crucial in fulfilling purpose
Helped when you are unable to help
Helped when you couldn’t even ask for it
Helped so you won’t fall in a ditch
Helped with godly counsel or financial resource
That you are being helped doesn’t mean
you sit idle
You don’t cross your legs and look
You will have continued help if you are not a burden
Help also gravitate to those who are gracious
You will not find a success story without
Recommendations, referrals, patronage for service…
These are helps that a child of God must partake in
At every turn you need help; it will be available in Jesus name
At infant he was spared from death by his mother
Who placed him in a basket and set him on the Nile
God divinely directed his basket to pharaoh’s daughter

Mariam help secure Moses mother to be his nurse
When on assignment from the Lord and Moses hesitated
His wife Zipporah will step in and stop the angel of death
Who advised him on how to be a better leader
His brother Aaron will help him as an interpreter
He will also be helped by Joshua, Hur and several others
It can come in various shape or size
To be helped at the point of need is best
This help is crucial in fulfilling purpose
Helped when you couldn’t even ask for it
Helped so you won’t fall in a ditch
Helped with godly counsel or financial resource
You don’t cross your legs and look
You will have continued help if you are not a burden
Help also gravitate to those who are gracious
Recommendations, referrals, patronage for service…
These are helps that a child of God must partake in
At every turn you need help; it will be available in Jesus name
If you lack sufficient help, then pray
Life will be stressful without it
Rest and peace is Gods will for you
To be helped is blessing
…so his fame spread far and wide, for he was marvelously helped till he became strong
chro 26:15b …tejuwrite…
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