Saturday, 27 January 2024

I will Not Lack

 A widow with her son were gathering firewood
This was to prepare what they tagged their final meal
Somehow I wondered how this scene will play out
Is it possible to tell a child this is your last meal?
For adults, going without food for days is not unheard off
But when a child wants food; you better supply it
This woman thinks she can watch her child die of hunger
The cry of the child would force you to rethink this stand
Children and food; is a partnership ordained from inception
A pregnant woman is often said to be eating for two
And throughout the growth of the child
Food plays a major role in their progress
You cannot afford not to have to give to your child
Basic essentials must be provided by parents
You cannot afford to be poor
Poverty will rob you of your sense of reason
I have been young and now I am old
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
Nor their seed begging for bread Psalm 37:25
Just believe and act on the word of God...
I don’t care how expensive things get
I will keep having; and also to spare
True there is famine in the land
But righteousness exempts you from the scourge
These are the days to pay more attention to God's word
You need to stay in faith to survive
If you want to walk on water then don’t look at the wind
If you stay with the news you may not make it

There must be a way for me;God must sort me out
His word promise i will go up not down
It is my duty to find out how this will happen
The widow and son ate abundantly in hard times

Friday, 26 January 2024

The Ark

Gods will have always been known…
At creation He blessed man with the command; Be fruitful
After enduring their many sins a while
He became fed up at about the time of Noah
So He had him preach to his world
Of course the people scorned him
That generation perished in the flood
Noah, family and pairs of animals made it
I noticed God gave a new command to Noah
He had blessed similar to Adam; but added…
Do not consume food with blood in it… Genesis 9:4-6
Do not commit murder; animals that kill people must die
Death was supposed to come naturally
Man was living up to 900 years initially
It was God himself who shortened it to about 120
Man was not created to take the life of its kind
Comparing the sins that led to flooding in Noah’s days
To the season and the times we live in
I believe that generation will judge God partial
Its been upmost disregard for Gods ways
However, credit to Noah who obtained a sworn blessing
God said He won’t destroy with flood again
And God introduced the rainbow to remind Him of His word
We are sighting this rainbow less and less now…
And while God said water will not destroy the world
He gave us the opportunity to choose our way back to Him
Jesus was sent as an offering for our many sins
Here again His blood had to be shed to atone for man
No matter the sins we have committed
We can drop them in exchange for pardon and sonship
Even if you feel is unpardonable
Mercy is available; but it won’t be in the offing forever
Jesus is coming soon; believe it or not...
He has offered pardon; accept it
Break out from the bondage of lies
Come into the embrace and family of Jesus
Jesus I acknowledge my sins, forgive me, I want you to rule in my life. I hand my life over to you, make me your child today Romans 6:23    ..tejuwrite…

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Will You Pray Like Stephen?

Money can do a whole lot
It feels good to have it stored up
It can buy pleasure and make happy
But money though powerful is not enough
Having a purpose in life is crucial for fulfillment
Money backing purpose makes for ease
The aligning of the two can save the world
You have a car and the fuel to keep it moving
Money has found its way into certain quarters
Where it is utilized to hurt several
Terrorists have large pockets they draw from
However, these groups need the Lord Jesus
Saul; a man out to kill and imprison believers
He was convinced he was on a good course
And he gave himself wholly to it
He acquired quiet a reputation and was feared…
Stephen; a disciple of Jesus is our model today
He had been arrested for his choice to believe Christ
Dying from the varying hands that stoned him
He saw a vision of Heaven and said a prayer
The martyr simply asked God to show his killers mercy
God in choosing to answer met Saul on his journey
The nemesis of the church was set on another cruise
His wealth, wisdom and zeal for a noble task
If only some of these people know the truth
If only more of us will say a prayer through the pain
The same prayer Jesus said to those hurting him
Father; forgive them for they know not what they do
We know that Jesus died for the whole world
None is excluded; even the worst of us
Let’s continually pray for lost souls
The terrorist Saul will become the Apostle Paul
And as they stoned him, Stephen prayed... He fell to his knees, shouting, Lord don't charge them with this sin, And with that he died Acts 7:59,60  ...tejuwrite... 

Monday, 22 January 2024

Like Hannah...

Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking…
For everyone who asks receives
He who seeks finds
To him who knocks it will be opened Mathew 7:7,8
I don't know how many things Hannah tried
But for someone experiencing delay in conceiving…
Seeking varying approach is not far off
Anything just to get results
All failed and while she lacked
Her hubby picked a new wife
Who was steadily supplying the children
A proof that the man is not the cause of delay
Eventually she sought God at Shiloh
I can’t describe her demeanor
But Prophet Eli helped us
She was perceived as a drunkard
In her sorrows she reached the heart of God
The compassion and love of the Father was drawn
Her seeking, Asking, Knocking has sufficed
She will have Samuel as a proof of answer
Hannah’s need was children
Yours may be different or similar to mine
But we are often in need of miracles
Issues that just must find immediate answer
For the Lord God will help me;
Therefore i will not be put to shame
Isaiah 50:7
For the intervention you need
Are you willing to Ask, Seek and Knock?
You must not stop seeking the help needed
We are assured of answers if we are dogged
Abba is not a prayer storing God
You will get answers; just keep asking seeking knocking
If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask Him Matthew 7:11   

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

The Wise Farmer

Anywhere a good seed grow
Without fail weeds will also sprout up
The mission is to share the earth’s blessings
And possibly choke the good plant to death
For some crops; they contend with birds of prey
As soon as the harvest start showing up
They swoop in droves to peck out the goods
If care is not taken, the farmer gets nothing
Animals also contend with the earth goodies
A farm left unfenced is in danger of theft
Animals such as monkeys can’t even be stopped by gate
And some animals of prey deals with root crops
Insects, worms; also have destructive tendencies …
Harsh weather conditions; can destroy…
However the earth if left without these vices
Will bring forth beautifully and bountifully
As it is with farm goods; so is it with all human
Family, business, nation; any good thing…
The enemy by default is going to attack
His missions;  to steal, kill and destroy
Wise farmers have introduced ways to wade off destroyers
Herbicides, pesticides have helped greatly
Scarecrows are also fantastic innovations
Other countless methods involving man and machines
Over the years these methods have greatly improved
Bespoke approach is also adopted for each unique produce
These investments have paid off with rewards
The earth yields its goods and the farmer is richer
Like the wise farmer learn to guard your assets
As you deploy physical tools and human help
Don’t neglect the spiritual watch
Learn of Gods promises to protect from destroyers
Also obey His instructions
Study of God’s word is non-negotiable
Prayers and fasting when necessary
Learn and enjoy the plenty your life yields

No evil will conquer you, no plaque will come near your dwelling Psalm 91:10 ...tejuwrite...

Friday, 12 January 2024

About Food

Hike in cost of goods is plaguing our world
Many are still going to bed hungry
In the midst of severe famine…
It’s common to see lavishness
While many can barely survive; some are overloaded
This contrast is staggering; but can it change?
The poor will always be with us, it need not be you
Can this line of division be crossed; if yes how?
I was once blind, now I see; I was lame but now I walk
Several miracles in bible requiring different approach
But a common note is faith and obedience
I say here that God delights in our prosperity
However it boils down to our simple choice
Jesus asked an obviously blind man; what can I do for you
Another he asked; do you believe I can make you well
He will ask us if we want to cross the line
The answer and truth as always been there; Give
To save the world God gave
The world operates on the principle of seed and harvest
Acknowledge God in all your ways; please Him first
The widow and son depicts this
They were gathering sticks to prepare their final meal
Elijah came demanding they feed him first
Most human will not oblige this
Somehow she denied her senses and obeyed in faith
She and son fed fat through the famine
When many were cast down; theirs was different...
Practice faith giving as a lifestyle
NOTE it’s not money; the woman didn’t give money
She gave only what was demanded
What is the Lord asking you to part with?
Clothe, watch, food, etc
He will never ask for what you don’t have
After all he only asked for Isaac after he gave them
God will grant us understanding…

Wednesday, 10 January 2024


God set out to save the world after Adam fell...
He achieved it
He wanted Nineveh preached to by Jonah...
He achieved it
He wanted Israel freed from captivity...
He achieved it
He wanted David on the throne...
He achieved it

We have an endless list of Gods achievements
All His accomplishments were not without resistance
He was resisted severally
But we are celebrating His successes today

Certainly there were hurdles on His path; He overcame
Men were not cooperative; it didn’t deter Him
His sight was set on what He wanted to do
So He set up a structure to make it work
What are your goals for the year?
What is your projection for each day
What is the must achieve plan you have
What do you seek to celebrate its attainment?
If God can; then with His help so can i
Take a step and yet another toward the goal
Talking about it will not get you there
Act on it; achievement is possible
The clock of the year is ticking
Nothing ventured; nothing gained
You will have your own list of achievements
Just follow the one; who has a proven record of success

Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn't first sit down and figure the cost so you'll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you're going to look pretty foolish Luke 14:28-30    ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 8 January 2024

The Lords Year!

Companies, organizations set targets for the year
Individuals call theirs New Year resolution
The aim is to set achievable goal
Which they hope to meet within a specified time
This goals can be met, exceeded or fall short
If the Lord were to set a business target; will He fail?
For instance if He chose to heal, save or deliver billions…
Can it be done; will He meet His target?
My answer is God cannot fail 
After All; It is He who help us achieve ours
He may needs us to get things done...
However; If men will not; stones will
My own prayer; Lord don’t replace me
Use me to achieve your goals…
Help me to reach people for you
Make me your hand, feet, mouth whatever…
It is the year of the Lord
Wherein He exhibits His largesse without restraints
Where He shows off His might unreservedly
Where He will make a little much more
If He is tugging your heart for a good course
Count it as the highest honor
We are replaceable; it’s a privilege to be motioned
Deem me a suitable vessel
Criteria of holiness is key
Willingness and obedience is necessary
A Lord’s year is the year of the Holy Ghost
You must make time to seek instructions from Him
This will be one interesting season
I believe we will see great works
All gearing to bring deliverance and hope
Stay true; give your all if you make the team

Friday, 5 January 2024

Fantastic Helpers

Lot; Abrahams' nephew is an interesting man
He joined his uncle on the search to wherever God leads
As his uncle progressed he also prospered
So much so that their servants were clashing
To resolve the dispute uncle suggest they part ways
And Lot to choose first where to settle
Seeing the lushness of Sodom he chose by sight
Abraham was left with whatever remained
In my culture the elder picks first
I believe with the halo right of the firstborn it’s the same
Soon Lot realized beauty is vain
Sodom is to be punished for their many sin
God informed Abraham of His intent to destroy the land
He then proceed to intercede for Lots sake
He prayed and God agreed; for the sake of 10 will spare
However; Lot had not spread his influence in Sodom
God was left with no choice than to destroy
But first, he needed to get Lot and family out
Surprisingly he wasn’t ready to leave
So the angels bundled them out

At dawn the next morning the angels became insistent. 
Hurry they said… when Lot hesitated the angels seized 
his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters 
and rushed them to safety for the Lord was merciful.  
 Angels are fantastic helpers
They ensured Lots hesitancy didn’t stop Gods will
When he stalled; they pulled him out forcefully
They are still helping believers till date

The above story is in Genesis 19

Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) Sent out  in the service of God for the assistance of those Who are to inherit salvationHebrews 1:14 AMP            …tejuwrite… 

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Never Walk Alone

I am a Liverpool fan
Tall Peter Crouch is my favorite player
As a new bride; I knew football will be a part of the family
As watching football relaxes my husband
So to go with the flow; I decided to at least support a club
My choice is motivated simply by the slogan
You will never walk alone
My message today is this. Never walk alone
Bible tells us; two is better than one...
Again it says... two will put ten thousand to flight
As against one; who can chase a thousand
Do not be a loner…
Find and nurture meaningful friendships this year
You may not lack people to gist with
But friends that will help your spiritual growth...
That you can have time of prayers together is a must
The year is pregnant; its goodness is to be hatched
A person of purpose knows... prayer is the key
It is our way of birthing in this kingdom
It is the way we unlock true greatness
You may need a partner to start you off
However; it’s not only at the start you need help
To journey far; the strain is less if you have company
As iron sharpen iron; a friend sharpens a friend

Find yourself the iron to help sharpen yours
We do not know how much we miss
When we ignore these simple truths
It has been my way of making the journey smoother
I have seen the rescue it has brought to several
I have witnessed interventions almost immediately
I want to advice that you choose this way this year
You will be amazed how it will simplify things for you

Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one, they get a better return for their labour.                       Ecclesiastes 4:9-12   ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 1 January 2024

Women Rise

Happy New Year Dear Ones; This shall be a year to treasure.

I am seeing some baffling videos on the socials
I can’t differentiate if they are skits or real…
Young girls behaving absurdly
After being dropped off or alighting from a vehicle
If its drama; then, the lady put out quite a show
But if this is reality, then it’s a problem
Accompanying the video will be solicitation
Of how the girl can be identified and helped
Someone in the video will shed details…
What they noticed after she alighted from the car…
Going further to tell us; she has just being used
Used meaning; for ritual purposes
Are girls’ now endangered species?
That can be exploited and dumped
Used as ingredient by those seeking quick wealth
Virtue harvested by beings hunting them for destruction
That we are women is that we are important
No meaning without us; we are nation and home builders
Though we outnumber men and called the weaker sex
We are not weaklings to be preyed upon

What happens to these girls shown on the media…
Were they reconnected back to their families?
Did they receive the spiritual attention needed?
Or they roam the streets with none to rescue them...

We may not be able to take on this evil head on
But our action can help the next victim
Let us help our race; I believe there are God lovers
A good place to start is from your own nest

Then gradually spread your influence in your environ
Teach, mentor, be a woman that virtue can be drawn from
The lasts days is indeed upon us; increased evil
The love for material things is on the rise

The extent many are going to get wealthy
The deceit and the greed of these generation
The unwillingness to go through legit route to succeed
May none we know be their victim

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...