A widow with her son were gathering firewood
This was to prepare what they tagged their final meal
Somehow I wondered how this scene will play out
Is it possible to tell a child this is your last meal?

For adults, going without food for days is not unheard
But when a child wants food; you better supply it
This woman thinks she can watch her child die of hunger
The cry of the child would force you to rethink this stand
Children and food; is a partnership ordained from
A pregnant woman is often said to be eating for two
And throughout the growth of the child
Food plays a major role in their progress
You cannot afford not to have to give to your child
Basic essentials must be provided by parents
You cannot afford to be poor
Poverty will rob you of your sense of reason
I have been young
and now I am old
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
Nor their seed begging for bread Psalm 37:25
This was to prepare what they tagged their final meal
Somehow I wondered how this scene will play out
Is it possible to tell a child this is your last meal?

But when a child wants food; you better supply it
This woman thinks she can watch her child die of hunger
The cry of the child would force you to rethink this stand
A pregnant woman is often said to be eating for two
And throughout the growth of the child
Food plays a major role in their progress
Basic essentials must be provided by parents
You cannot afford to be poor
Poverty will rob you of your sense of reason
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
Nor their seed begging for bread Psalm 37:25
Just believe and act on the word of God...
I don’t care how expensive things get
I will keep having; and also to spare
True there is famine in the land
But righteousness exempts you from the scourge
These are the days to pay more attention to God's word
You need to stay in faith to survive
If you want to walk on water then don’t look at the wind
If you stay with the news you may not make it
I will keep having; and also to spare
True there is famine in the land
But righteousness exempts you from the scourge
You need to stay in faith to survive
If you want to walk on water then don’t look at the wind
If you stay with the news you may not make it
There must be a way for me;God must sort me out
His word promise i will go up not down
It is my duty to find out how this will happen
The widow and son ate abundantly in hard times