Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Will You Pray Like Stephen?

Money can do a whole lot
It feels good to have it stored up
It can buy pleasure and make happy
But money though powerful is not enough
Having a purpose in life is crucial for fulfillment
Money backing purpose makes for ease
The aligning of the two can save the world
You have a car and the fuel to keep it moving
Money has found its way into certain quarters
Where it is utilized to hurt several
Terrorists have large pockets they draw from
However, these groups need the Lord Jesus
Saul; a man out to kill and imprison believers
He was convinced he was on a good course
And he gave himself wholly to it
He acquired quiet a reputation and was feared…
Stephen; a disciple of Jesus is our model today
He had been arrested for his choice to believe Christ
Dying from the varying hands that stoned him
He saw a vision of Heaven and said a prayer
The martyr simply asked God to show his killers mercy
God in choosing to answer met Saul on his journey
The nemesis of the church was set on another cruise
His wealth, wisdom and zeal for a noble task
If only some of these people know the truth
If only more of us will say a prayer through the pain
The same prayer Jesus said to those hurting him
Father; forgive them for they know not what they do
We know that Jesus died for the whole world
None is excluded; even the worst of us
Let’s continually pray for lost souls
The terrorist Saul will become the Apostle Paul
And as they stoned him, Stephen prayed... He fell to his knees, shouting, Lord don't charge them with this sin, And with that he died Acts 7:59,60  ...tejuwrite... 

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More than enough...

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