Anywhere a good seed grow
Without fail weeds will also sprout up
The mission is to share the earth’s blessings
And possibly choke the good plant to death
For some crops; they contend with birds of prey
As soon as the harvest start showing up
They swoop in droves to peck out the goods
If care is not taken, the farmer gets nothing
Animals also contend with the earth goodies
A farm left unfenced is in danger of theft
Animals such as monkeys can’t even be stopped by gate
And some animals of prey deals with root crops
Insects, worms; also have destructive tendencies …
Harsh weather conditions; can destroy…
However the earth if left without these vices
Will bring forth beautifully and bountifully
As it is with farm goods; so is it with all human
Family, business, nation; any good thing…
The enemy by default is going to attack
His missions; to steal, kill and destroy
Wise farmers have introduced ways to wade off destroyers
Herbicides, pesticides have helped greatly
Scarecrows are also fantastic innovations
Other countless methods involving man and machines

Over the years these methods have greatly improved
Bespoke approach is also adopted for each unique produce
These investments have paid off with rewards
The earth yields its goods and the farmer is richer
Like the wise farmer learn to guard your assets
As you deploy physical tools and human help
Don’t neglect the spiritual watch
Learn of Gods promises to protect from destroyers
Also obey His instructions
Study of God’s word is non-negotiable
Prayers and fasting when necessary
Learn and enjoy the plenty your life yields
Without fail weeds will also sprout up
The mission is to share the earth’s blessings
And possibly choke the good plant to death
As soon as the harvest start showing up
They swoop in droves to peck out the goods
If care is not taken, the farmer gets nothing
A farm left unfenced is in danger of theft
Animals such as monkeys can’t even be stopped by gate
And some animals of prey deals with root crops
Harsh weather conditions; can destroy…
However the earth if left without these vices
Will bring forth beautifully and bountifully
Family, business, nation; any good thing…
The enemy by default is going to attack
His missions; to steal, kill and destroy
Herbicides, pesticides have helped greatly
Scarecrows are also fantastic innovations
Other countless methods involving man and machines

Bespoke approach is also adopted for each unique produce
These investments have paid off with rewards
The earth yields its goods and the farmer is richer
As you deploy physical tools and human help
Don’t neglect the spiritual watch
Learn of Gods promises to protect from destroyers
Study of God’s word is non-negotiable
Prayers and fasting when necessary
Learn and enjoy the plenty your life yields
No evil will conquer you, no plaque will come near your dwelling Psalm 91:10 ...tejuwrite...
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