Saturday, 30 March 2024

No Ordinary Day

The day is called Easter Sunday
It marks the day of Jesus resurrection
His death was to meet the law’s requirement
He rose for our claim to victory
It’s a day of great significance and joy
Several years of training and learning
Years of laboring at birthing purpose
Thankfully we have this day to reflect on His triumph
In the years He lived on earth
It’s clear He knew and pursued His mission
Even though it put him at arm’s length
He journeyed on with His goal in mind
We all have a reason for being birthed
At arrival we may not have been well received
But now here; what is it about us
Life is meant to have a meaning
We must have a goal we are shooting towards…
It’s not about popularity, fame or fortune
We may never be known or appreciated
But will God record that we are relevant?
Truth is back then Jesus was not celebrated
History tells of efforts to erase his mission
We read of people whose work made news posthumously
We must live to die empty…
As we party with friends and family
Let’s reflect on our own lives
Have I set out on my sole mission?
Where do I fit in Gods overall agenda?
I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work John 9:4   …tejuwrite… 

Thursday, 28 March 2024


The day is called Good Friday
Looking at the experience of Jesus
It was a day full of beating and bashing
A day he was betrayed by closest allies..
A day of sweat, tears and pains
I tried to picture what the scripture says...
The lies constructed against him by false witnesses
The beating by soldiers that tore his body

His shout as a crown of thorn was rammed on his head
The pain as nail is hammered on his hands and feet...
The taunting insults from young and old
How the tears rolled from Mary's eyes
But the height of His pain to me…
Was to be forsaken by Father God
In a loud voice he cried; Eli Eli lama sabacthani?
This was to question the Lords abandonment
Prior Jesus had boasted of Gods involvement with him
But on Good Friday; He journeys alone
How he longed for Gods affirmation... 
A word or sign to prove His innocence...
But he had become sin 
And Abba Father would not behold iniquity...
Words can’t capture all the essence of Good Friday
But we have an opportunity to remember in thanks
Thank you Jesus for agreeing to go through the day
You took all the pains and shame, borne all sickness...
Paid the required fee for our total freedom
You made not only Friday good; but all our days

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

The Scent...

As Israel blessed Jacob, i took a liking to his words...
...the scent of my son as a field which God has blessed...
How does this kind of field smell?
What will make my life fit this type of description?
The bible is full of people who got unique favour of God
Enoch walked with God and the Lord took him...
Moses whose burial place is unknown...
Elijah who departed in a chariot of fire...
Mary blessed with Immaculate Conception...
Mordecai who received high honor...
David a man after God's heart...
Several of our generals with unique testimonies
But, at the time Jacob received this blessing...
He came impersonating his brother Esau
And though he got the pronouncements...
It took several experiences to shape him to mold
A close walk with God will bring about His presence
The Lord will leave His scent as we spend time with Him
His constant visit to Eden revealed when the garden…
Will require a man to tend it; and so came Adam
He also did not hesitate to judge all detractors of Eden
May my life smell like a field blessed by God...
May I continue to thrive in all seasons...
May the Lord leave His scents in my home...
A well-watered garden, lacking nothing in famine...
No thought of drought in scarcity...
Constantly producing in all seasons...
May I be described thus now and always, Amen

 And he came near and kissed him, and he smelled the smell of his clothing, and blessed him and said; surely the smell of my son is like the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed. Gen 27:27 …tejuwrite… 

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Lessons from the Garden

The garden was planted by God Himself
The Lord made provisions for its watering
The Lord made provision for security
The Lord made provision for its tending
The Lord is a constant visitor to the Garden
Four rivers conveyed water into it
Adam and Eve tended it
Angels were on hand to secure it
Even when the enemy reared its head
The garden was sustained
The rebel and offenders were sent packing
The garden I believe still exists
Ensure your endeavor is planted by the Lord
Be doubly sure and certain of this
Make sure you married in Gods will
Make sure your business has Gods backing
I can’t do without God in my life
I can’t live where He doesn’t dwell
Having Him around has been my confidence
I have no fear because I have Him close
Be available for His visits
Make Him endeared to your about
Give Him place in your family
Ascribe your success to Him always
Eden thrived because God provided for it
Then the Lord God took man and put him in the garden to tend and keep it Gen 2:15                             …tejuwrite… 

Thursday, 21 March 2024

No Void

In Genesis chapter1 the earth was described thus...
Empty, void and darkness filled the whole place
Then God started out in creating His intent
Firstly He commanded; Light be
And light, scripture says appeared
Perhaps to clearly see what needs to be done
He then began filling up the once empty space
Trees, seas, stars, sun, moon, fishes, birds etc...
All came because God will not leave earth unoccupied
The once empty mass soon teemed with varieties
Whatever occupied the void previously was no more
God intentionally put His desire in place
Scripture tells us… when an evil spirit is cast out
The location is left empty
If the owner leaves it so         Matthew 12:43-45
It goes seeking to return with more harm in tow
Where there were thorns, cypress trees will grow
Where briers grew, myrtles will sprout up Isaiah 55:13
Here cypress replaced thorns and myrtles; briers
Life as scripture abhors vacuums

When thorns was removed if cypress wasn't planted...
Another shrub or weed will occupy the land
It is a deliberate effort to introduce replacements
That’s why God didn’t leave the world empty
If you are free of bad habits take up good ones
Otherwise there’s tendency you return to old ways
If you change a negative association
Intentionally seek friends similar to your new status
Do not leave your life empty; replace curse with blessing
Intentionally cast out what you don’t want
Intentionally place in it what you desire
However; start from the place of vision

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Giving to Getting

Regardless of our perception of this season
There are certain things that will not change
Not for our logic, reasoning or argument
We must give to get
This may be a bitter pill
Considering the high cost of living
This is a time wisdom suggests to hoard
However; the best approach is obedience
To gain the salvation of several; God gave His Son
To get an harvest; a farmer plants seeds
The quality of seed, determines the harvest
No one can manipulate the process
Money is not the only item on the giving menu
After all God gave a son not dollars
Truth be said, when giving is mentioned…
It seems to serve an inconvenience pill
We all seek to have money and increasingly so
We all want to live a life that is full of comfort
Have the best of physical things as much as possible
Money makes this dream possible
Accept giving in its entirety
Be it money, service, gift, etc
Have a giving character
You are better than at least one person
Give upwards; give sideways and downwards
You are to give at your level always
Not coerced, forced or emotionally blackmailed
A giving that gets is hearty...

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver 2 Cor 9:6   …tejuwrite…


Thursday, 14 March 2024

Great Days

An ordinary day became unforgettable
David woke up to chores lined up
Shortly he left home to care for animals
Unknown to him; a prophet is being instructed…
The Lord has chosen him as the next king…
Samuel is journeying to his home to anoint him
The prophet has his fears
Saul the present king must not know
It will be dangerous for the anointer and anointed
But despite his reasons; God's will is done
David’s normal day is about to be rearranged
A great interruption is in the lineup
Divine coincidences must be in our lives
Ordinary days that turns unforgettable
Moments we have fortune changed
Days that will be significant in our history
You can prepare for this type day in prayers
You can expect to see this day emerge
However, nothing beats the pure bliss and surprise
It’s like a dream when Zion’s captivity was turned
Imagine David; sweaty and smelly….
Being hurriedly summoned home and anointed
Its utter shock and unbelief
Yet the oil ran from his heard to his entire body
He woke up a shepherd; he went to bed as king in waiting
Its same for Joseph as he stood before Pharaoh
Or the Israelites when delivered from slavery 
Your day will come and the feeling will be indescribable...
So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the olive oil he had brought and poured it on David’s head… 1 Samuel 16:13    …tejuwrite…

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

To God

I had a long prayer list
I was eager to engage in asking
So many issues to be sorted
But the Lord wants to be praised
You can horridly prepare a meal
And your guest will be pleased...
Not knowing the effort you put into it
If God wants praise; He knows how it’s prepared
You can package a damaged gift
And present it anonymously
The receiver may not know who gave it
God knows the content and the giver
You can deceive with a broad smile
It is to hide hurt; shame, envy etc.
To everyone you are such a great person
Behind the feigned smile God sees the heart
Every word on my prayer list God knows
The need I don’t know exist; He sees
Unpleasantness i am ignorant of; He’s averted
From me He wants praise
Praise is in your natural abode Most High
You are constantly seeking adoration
No wonder the trees constantly bow
I believe all animals have a way of worshipping
To man your most prized creation
Who’s made in your image and likeness…
Who also seeks gratefulness and affirmation…
Who abhors complainers and grumblers…
We should know and do better
You like me may have much request
But Abba seeks worship first
Like me endeavor to give Him His due
  ...Hallelujah. To God Most High     …tejuwrite…. 

Sunday, 10 March 2024

All Things

From the mouth of babes and suckling’s
From trees and birds that fly
From all that walks the earth
God commands we praise Him
Through the good and not so pleasant
In moments of strength or weakness
When we receive answers or none coming
God commandeers praise from all
A purpose of Him creating us is worship
Conferring worth and Honor with intention
It is a debt we owe that must not be forgotten
We must adore and worship Him daily
To the One who sit on the throne and the lamb
Who towers above all and knows all
The determinant and changer of times and season
He who can bring down or pull up
The owner of the breathe in our lungs
He need not pursue to capture anyone
He does not change in size and posture
Ageless, ancient, infinite
Your present thought He knows
Your present predicament He can help with
He wants us to give Him first place
Adore Him even when you don’t feel the need
We will have different experience in life
Sometimes we wonder if He is in our boat
We may think He’s abandoned us
How can I praise the one who let me down?
Praise draws Him closer
Worship gets His attention
He wants to smell your incense of worship
It is what you must offer daily
And every creature in heaven and on the earth… I heard saying. Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever. Rev. 5:13

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...