Regardless of our perception of this season
There are certain things that will not change
Not for our logic, reasoning or argument
We must give to get

This may be a bitter pill
Considering the high cost of living
This is a time wisdom suggests to hoard
However; the best approach is obedience
To gain the salvation of several; God gave His Son
To get an harvest; a farmer plants seeds
The quality of seed, determines the harvest
No one can manipulate the process
Money is not the only item on the giving menu
After all God gave a son not dollars
Truth be said, when giving is mentioned…
It seems to serve an inconvenience pill
We all seek to have money and increasingly so
We all want to live a life that is full of comfort
Have the best of physical things as much as possible
Money makes this dream possible
There are certain things that will not change
Not for our logic, reasoning or argument
We must give to get

Considering the high cost of living
This is a time wisdom suggests to hoard
However; the best approach is obedience
To get an harvest; a farmer plants seeds
The quality of seed, determines the harvest
No one can manipulate the process
After all God gave a son not dollars
Truth be said, when giving is mentioned…
It seems to serve an inconvenience pill
We all want to live a life that is full of comfort
Have the best of physical things as much as possible
Money makes this dream possible
Accept giving in its entirety
Be it money, service, gift, etc
Have a giving character
You are better than at least one person
Give upwards; give sideways and downwards
You are to give at your level always
Not coerced, forced or emotionally blackmailed
Have a giving character
You are better than at least one person
You are to give at your level always
Not coerced, forced or emotionally blackmailed
A giving that gets is hearty...
Each of you should give what you have decided in your
heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver 2 Cor 9:6 …tejuwrite…
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