The garden was planted by God Himself
The Lord made provisions for its watering
The Lord made provision for security
The Lord made provision for its tending

The Lord is a constant visitor to the Garden
Four rivers conveyed water into it
Adam and Eve tended it
Angels were on hand to secure it
Even when the enemy reared its head
The garden was sustained
The rebel and offenders were sent packing
The garden I believe still exists
Ensure your endeavor is planted by the Lord
Be doubly sure and certain of this
Make sure you married in Gods will
Make sure your business has Gods backing
I can’t do without God in my life
I can’t live where He doesn’t dwell
Having Him around has been my confidence
I have no fear because I have Him close
Be available for His visits
Make Him endeared to your about
Give Him place in your family
Ascribe your success to Him always
Eden thrived because God provided for it
Then the Lord God took man and put him in the garden to tend and keep it Gen 2:15 …tejuwrite…
The Lord made provisions for its watering
The Lord made provision for security
The Lord made provision for its tending

Four rivers conveyed water into it
Adam and Eve tended it
Angels were on hand to secure it
The garden was sustained
The rebel and offenders were sent packing
The garden I believe still exists
Be doubly sure and certain of this
Make sure you married in Gods will
Make sure your business has Gods backing
I can’t live where He doesn’t dwell
Having Him around has been my confidence
I have no fear because I have Him close
Make Him endeared to your about
Give Him place in your family
Ascribe your success to Him always
Then the Lord God took man and put him in the garden to tend and keep it Gen 2:15 …tejuwrite…
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