Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Are You Set?

 The air of the coming years fills everywhere
With keen expectancy we await it
When the wrapper is taken off; what gift do I get


The countdown has long begun closing in on us
Jubilation's everywhere, the atmosphere speaks loudly
I see more smiling faces, I see more relaxed minds

Some are taking notes of this old year
Some are writing the resolutions that gets abandoned half way
And still some are without any expectation

When the gun shot sounds; the race begins in earnest
You can have a good start if you
Come to the tracks prepared

Each year has its own uniqueness
God always speak forth concerning the year
One way to help you is to do the following

What is God’s specific will for me?
What part do I play to attain it?
Take responsibility to receive your portion

So do not wait for someone to tell you what 2017 will be
Be your own prophet; go to God simply and sincerely
Seek the Lord out in His word and prayers
There is still time…

Here’s a little help: My Father I am glad to be alive and well till now. But as I count down to this year’s end and race towards 2017 please reveal your unique plan for me. Help me to understand your plans for my life and help me to take the needful steps to attain it. I pray in Jesus name

Saturday, 19 December 2015

My 13th Carol

Just some months back it was January
Privileged I was to witness a New Year
And now at the last month I am still here, standing stronger
This end has been indeed better

Each year comes with its own uniqueness
Ups and downs make the climb more challenging
Challenges surmounted make us champions
It was not a smooth sail through
But the faithfulness of my Lord has never waned

Let the thanks pour forth from grateful hearts
Who have climbed the 12 steps of this year and not fallen
While the year had not been without dark clouds
You and I have not drowned in it; the silver lining has sparkled

I sing my carols to the Lord for each of the 12 months
January - my first fresh start; February - I was stabilized balanced
March - The Trinity were there, and in April - good news
Gracefully clothed May-a star was born; June - was Joyous

July - how can I forget the wonderful memory of motherhood
August - lived up to its name; September - the most productive
October - I rep my country Nigeria and November- all shame averted
For obvious reasons December is my favorite- most colorful, well favored

My 13th carol is the Tejuwrite Blog special thanks to God
A while back we started on the Lord’s command
I thought a nation or two will take notice
But I humbly say tens of nations from all but one continent

Even if no one has read the posts and even if no one had been there to
Commend, encourage or counsel the thanks will not have reduced
And as we look towards the New Year; it is new and so it will be better
With a grateful heart I appreciate God and appreciate you also

Let there be resounding praises from all nations to appreciate The Almighty
As for me, from my very depth I appreciate My Most Loving Father

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Monday, 14 December 2015

Ordinary people

We are just ordinary people
Living ordinary lives
Going about our business normally
But doing extra ordinary things
Untitled, unranked, but enlisted
It is not rocket science
You do not need voluminous curriculum vitae
All that is expected is that you be committed

Totally bought over by the Lord’s assignment
The Lord wants the world saved
He needs ordinary men and women
Who have an extra ordinary love for Him
And are willing to do His every bid

Start where you are
Talk to someone, smile and share a word
Just have a sense of duty as you engage in your normal duty
The man or woman you meet today may need your Godly counsel

Do not pass by an opportunity to be good
Act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Say a word of prayer for the fellow whose picture came to your mind
It is so simple to be a blessing
Just have the mindset as you go about your normal day

Your ordinary day will be a most fulfilling one
When you think of how many smiles you brought to peoples face
It is not so much in the big things
Show you care in the little things too

It is that simple, and there’s more
For the good you do today
A bounty reward awaits you
The Lord is not a slave driver
Each worker gets paid fully

Everywhere Jesus went He was doing good, Be a Jesus to someone today

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 11 December 2015

Me and My axe

I and My ax, are just the perfect combination
To destroy opposing trees and hindrance our way
Not either or; but together always

For a while I have been waiting
Excuses I keep getting; I’m too dull…
I’m not strong; I’ve not felled a tree before, and so on

Was my making you a mistake?
Was my sustaining you my wrong?
Why did I invest much, to get nothing?

So many trees standing in my path
Who do I take to work my field?
My war axe full of potential
But not willing to be wielded

God and you in a world of sin Is a potent combination 
It stands undefeated always
Many will rather join the crowd
Than stand with their Maker
They are deceived... the devil tells them...
It is no fun; it is not cool; you will be termed a fanatic

As for me; I will rather identify and be relevant
Than be cool and headed to Hell
God has no need for cold or lukewarm children
State where you stand and stand there firmly
But if you name God’s name; make your life available to Him

Note this; if God is waiting on you; calling you
Soon He won’t; He will move on to someone more willing

God is never short of substitutes
He replaces those who ignore Him
Why deny Him openly; when you know you need Him so

If you will surrender to Him, you can still be relevant at these times
A vessel made for the Masters use

As for me, I ask Him to give me nations
And yes He will, because together with My God
We will wroth great wonders here.

“You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms - Jeremiah 51:20.   You can read further to verse 23

Here's a little help: Simply ask the Lord to help you.

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

You had better let them go

For several years he enjoyed their free service
For several years the Lord’s children cried to be free
The Lord sent a straight command to Pharaoh; Let My People Go

When the time truly comes; God’s will gets done
No human or devilish power can stand His decreed injunction
Let them go! God says to let them go

There is something about God’s appointed time
Everything is put in place and He Himself is present
His plan turns out as planned; always

You can take the camel to water but can you force it to drink?
You have cried to the Lord severally to save; wipe your eyes
He heard, He is come; take His hand let Him lead you out

A super loving Father; A super saving Lord; A super cool Friend
He is all this and much more; He is the terrible one in battle
Stronger than the strongest; who can withstand His Great power

Lift up your heads you ancient doors
Everlasting doors I command in Jesus name be lifted
And the king, the Lord strong and mighty shall come in

The Judge and Chief Advocate of Heaven and Earth says; Let My People Go!

Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. who is this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty – he is the King of Glory Psalm 24: 8-10

Is Jesus in your life? Be doubly sure…
Lord Jesus I come today in repentance of all my wrongs, please forgive me my sins. I acknowledge you as the Lord of all please come and become the Lord of me. Wash me from all my sins and guilt’s of sin. Make me your child today. Also Lord deliver me from all oppression of the wicked. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name I pray (Amen)

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Monday, 7 December 2015

Do you know…?

There was once an angel; made with great beauty
He was full of wisdom and power
He was a great singer; He was named Lucifer
He was God’s creation; he chose to become Satan the devil

He planned to unseat God; he was unsatisfied with all the glory he had
In His words; …I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High (see Isaiah 14: 12-15)
God will never share His Glory with anyone; He sent him packing

He came to earth deceived man and took his place of dominion
Man became subject to his rule of terror and pain
Man once made to enjoy the earth became a slave, a toiler
The princes of God became servants of Satan; oh! What a shame

In comes Jesus the Christ; sent forth to liberate man from His rule
He died in your place and mine; He rose triumphantly from the dead
He fulfilled the legal requirements; Satan was forced to drop all claims on you
You have been delivered; you are free to go home

However; you have a choice in this matter
You choose either Jesus your Deliverer or Satan the slave
Jesus is coming back, to take to heaven, those who chose Him while on earth
And we will live with Him in a new earth; full of love and loving people

Do you know; the judgment of God is coming upon Satan (See Revelations 20:10)
If you reject Jesus; you’ve made a choice to be in hell with Satan
Do you know that Jesus loves you greatly? He loves you He is calling on you…
Let Him remove the yokes the devil put on you;

Make Jesus your Lord today; here’s a little help
Dear Jesus, I accept you as the Lord of my life. Have mercy on me; forgive me of my wrongs, make me your child today. Save me from all sinful desires make me whole. In Jesus name I pray (Amen)

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full John 10:10

Do not postpone, change camps now; hanging out with the Devil has no benefit on earth or in the world to come.

Help save a friend; share

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 4 December 2015

I refuse to look

The media is doing a great job updating us with happenings
Consistently it keeps us abreast of the goings around us
Kudos for a great job; but careful


The same news in different wrappings daily
Killings, bombings, corruption, bad economy, on and on
Yes I need to know what’s up; but careful

What we see and hear consistently influences
The pictures can haunt, the memory stays on
This soul food can kill our faith; but please be careful

It is no news; the Bible broke it first
We are in the last days, famine, wars this are signs
It becomes more glaring each day; be careful

I wish I can shut down the news, but I can not
I must rather tune up God’s word; yes increase the volume
Strategically play down contrary news

I will not live in fear; My God will see me through these times
Help will come for the helpless; the light will shine brighter
Nations shall be won for the Lord; God’s army march triumphant

Fellow soldiers; above the commotion
God sends marching orders, the harvest is plentiful
Do not be idle, use God’s tool in your hands

The world groans; awaiting you to arise
The cries are your cue; pray, fast but act
God’s got an army. Get up; March through the land

You are sent to give Hope to the world, says The Lord to His own
Share to fellow comrades

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Jacob’s Place

His greatest fear was just before him
He will be meeting his twin after forty years
It is supposed to be a great reunion
But with the way they parted; it was a much dreaded meet

Esau had gotten quiet an army; four hundred men on foot
This huge crowd against Jacob and his team of tens
Something must happen and it must happen fast
He went apart from his family to be alone with God

He found a spot; I call it Jacob’s place
And he prayed until he got his answer
Jacob’s place is a place of total concentration
Total focus on God who can deliver

There are instance where we need deliverance
From things too much for us to handle
Toiling all night with little returns
Is a clear case of deliverance

The will of God for you is not poverty, sickness
It is not stagnation, barrenness or harassment from demons
But will you separate yourself to seek God…
Like Jacob did till he got a change of name

Take some time out to seek God in prayers
Ask Him to intervene and defeat enemies too great for you to handle

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till day break   Genesis 32:24

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

No. 12

It is a wrap, the countdown has begun
2015 quietly bade bye and I pause in wonder to recount
It was just yesterday that I shouted Happy New Year
And now I am right at the final lap

So many waters have passed but I did not get drowned
The thanks is to the Lord
Whoa! In December already
What is still in this year’s kitty for me?

December I am glad it is my birth month and Jesus’ too
If a single piece is missed from a jigsaw puzzle; the beauty is lost
What is still in this 12th month?
What is the last piece that will make my beauty glow?

The best is always kept for the last
As we peruse this month together
Let’s be confident…
He who began a good work in us; is able to perfect it

Happy December, Joy to the world

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Monday, 30 November 2015


What really can satisfy?
Wealth, marriage, children, business
I realized that when you get one you are out to look for another

If you have seen it all like Solomon
Then you will agree… vanity upon vanity is vanity
The poor wishes; if only I have money
He wealthy wishes; may I never revert to poverty
The one that is married wishes; if only I have children
The one that has children wishes; may I live long to take care of them
The business tycoon wishes; to make more money
And those whose business is to cause pain; wishes for success

The marvel of the world we inhabit
So are you satisfied?

Most wishes to have more money
If you really know the secret pain of those you admire
You will not envy them as much

Make your house a home
Enjoy today as you aspire for a better tomorrow
One day at a time happily

Find satisfaction in your in perfect world
Or you may realize worry will rob you of your joy
Enjoy your life with those you have the way you are

So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him. Ecclesiastics 3:22

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Fight this D

As long as we are here on earth discouragement will come constantly
Things may not turn out as planned in spite of the input
Mistakes will occur; our good intentions may be misinterpreted
Close allies may let us down. This is the reality we must embrace
Some may be discouraged because God did not come through at their time of need
Please take note: This is a tool often used by the devil
What drowns a ship is not the water around it but the water that enters it

The best way to fight discouragement is to acknowledge it; yes I feel discouraged
I made a mistake; my spouse, friend, child, boss, caused me this hurt
You have a right to show emotion; cry, get angry, etc
But never stay at this position of your emotions
It has happened; move on with your life; stop crying over the spilled milk

When David came back home to discover all he had has been carted away (see 1 Samuel 30)
He wept for two days. Then his allies blamed him for their loses and wanted to stone him
Have you been blamed for a wrong you did not commit; welcome to David’s world
When you are at your pit in despair, your safe haven must be in God
Never let it cross your mind to blame God; because He is your salvation

Your constant song must be; what is the way forward
How do I overcome this?
God hears the faintest prayer, ask Him for help
The loss may be irrecoverable but you will get to smile soon
He will definitely help his child; just as you will not abandon yours

Have I been discouraged before; yes regularly?
But each time I have looked beyond my hurt to the cross
I see each time the love Jesus has for me
I reach out to receive His comfort
I have also learnt not to put my trust in man

Family, friends, spouse, child, mentor, boss,
Those you have helped the most can hurt the most
Only God is perfect in love
He will not fail you
And if you are discouraged He is there waiting to embrace you
Draw strength in His love and words and pass on to those in need

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God 1Samuel 30:6

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Whatever Happened to Him?

The great man Elijah had just moved in the Power of God
He showed the awesomeness of His God; Fire fell
As he journeyed home he was joyous
What a marvel he had suddenly become to all

Then came the message from Jezebel
I will deal with you mercilessly;
Elijah’s response was puzzling; he feared and ran for his life
The man that was fearless before many; ran for one

What can be learned from this story?
After a great victory, the devil likes to return with an attack
He uses discouragement a lot, fear etc
It could come from those closest spouse, friends, mentor, boss etc

We limit God when we take our eyes off Him
These was the sole reason Peter began to sink
God’s position is unchanged; what He promised or said stands
We have to keep up with Him, or we may lose out of His blessing

Friends I encourage you to pray for His grace to sustain you
Pray that you will not limit God in anyway.
God will do what He says He will do
You decide if He will through you or someone else

God sometimes uses hard times to bless us
You have got to endure till the very end
The devil will not strip me of my portion in Jesus name (Amen)
Please pass this on

Bible verse
The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God Daniel 6:23

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews

Thursday, 26 November 2015

I Have a Question

If each of us does his own thing
Who does God’s?
God has a need and many ignore Him
God is hungry, but who is bringing food

As I view my environs
I see lost souls going about their business
Ignorant of the love of God
Or the impending judgement as Christ returns

It is not a task that should be left only for the clergy
Or a few that feel concerned
Considering the world to be reached
It becomes our duty

Mine and yours; untitled lovers of Jesus
But with a right heart that the Lord can use
Many ask me why I do what I do
And I wonder what am I even doing

Not wanting to play down the effort to write
I feel it is normal for me to use His gifting for His Glory
It is my Fathers job and He asked me to
So I ask; why should I not

But I am not the only lover of Jesus
By the number of those who profess Christ as Lord
Why are few hands left to handle, what is paramount in God’s heart?
Or maybe I am over assuming

My question
Is Jesus the lord of your life?
Do you love Jesus more than these?
If yes; You need to arise and feed His need

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these? “Yes, Lord, you know that i love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” John 21:15

tejuwrite@gmail.com                    #sharegoodnews                                             

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Ask Him again

When I was going to have my first child
I had purposed he was not journeying from a long distance
So I do not expect his delivery to be more than certain minutes
And just as I purposed he came in less than 15 minutes (God alone be praised)

But because I was not making a scene like other women in the ward
They let me be, judging that the louder you call; the closer you are
So shouting can be a good way of getting the needed attention.
I believe when the disciples of Jesus said those famous words…
Master careth not that we perish, they shouted on the top of their lungs

When they told blind Bartimaeus to stop disturbing Jesus
He cried even louder; Son of David have mercy on me
How much are you feeling the hurt, shame, pangs,
The Lord asks me to say to you, ask me again
But when you do now, let it carry the weight of your feelings

You do not have an High priest that is untouched by the feelings of your infirmities
Jesus wept at the grave site of Lazarus
Jesus healed the mother in law of Peter his disciple
He had compassion on the widow of Nain, and raised her dead son
Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine

He wants you to succeed in all your ways
He does not want the enemy to keep robbing you of your joy
He wants to sup at your table
But you have got to invite Him; If He is not already your friend
But if He is; go right ahead tell Him just how things are.

If you do not know Him; It’s high time you make Jesus your friend, let Him know who you are; here’s a little help…
My lord Jesus, I thank you for your love for me a sinner, please come into my life today. I acknowledge my sins and wrong deeds but Lord I ask that you cleanse me, forgive me and make me your own.
Thank you Jesus for saving me. 

When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me!” Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him”   Mark 10:47-49

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Who spoke to you?

He need not lie, whatever He says stands
He is The Truth; He speaks the truth and nothing but the truth
If He spoke to you, you will be joyous
You will get a drummer and dance

There is a thing called fullness of time
It is a journey from a promise to manifestation
Who as ever birthed the day he conceives?
No, you wait your three trimesters

Come! Was the word Jesus spoke to Peter
He took is feet off the boat and walked on water
Go! Was the Lord’s word to Abram
He packed his wife and possessions and went not knowing his destination

If you will walk with God you must be quick on your feet
But first you must know who spoke to you
And if you know who spoke to you
You will be joyous

Several voices speaking: God’s, mine, friends, family, economy, reality…
Each voice seeking attention
If you keep your Bible and heart open you will keep hearing God
And if you hear God you will ignore other voices

God does give instant miracles but many a time you wait
While waiting you playback on His promises and you repeat after Him
Speak it to yourself and speak it above other voices
The one who spoke is Faithful, you can NEVER be disappointed

His voice determines my destination
I know exactly where I am going
This is my constant assurance
I ignore the distractions; I am over confident in Him

My God walks His talk
I walk tall 'cos He spoke to me 

So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised - Hebrews 10:35, 36

tejuwrite@gmail.com                                    #sharegoodnews

Friday, 20 November 2015

Help is Here

The easy part in a venture is always the talk part
The action part is what makes the difference
While it is interesting to mention the person of The Holy Spirit
And what He stands to offer, there is an acting part

As the deer pants after the water, so my soul longs for you          
It is not enough to wish for Him you must seek for Him
The generals I mentioned yesterday were men and women
Who sought His presence as though their lives depended on it

The Holy Spirit is not a strange phenomenon to the church
But clearly He is not given room to operate in our churches
The Acts of the Apostles was the Actions of The Holy Spirit through men
How we need Him more than ever before

Jesus left a bit hurriedly with eleven unsure disciples
Remember the popular statement of Peter; I Go A Fishing (for fishes)
But when the baptism came, weak Peter became bold
And this weakly team reached the entire world because they were helped

If you have been called by God to play a part in this dispensation
Then you must seek the empowerment of The Holy Spirit
Without His Presence,
Your best intentions will end in unfruitful struggles

The world still awaits you; son and daughter of The Most High
You are the light to eject darkness; you are the Lords’ body
The Lord is looking unto you to say or do something
I believe you will not let His deposits in you lie unused
The Holy Spirit is available to help get the job done
Reach out to Him today, do not keep Him waiting

tejuwrite@gmail.com                     #sharegoodnews

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Revival Renewal

So much has been written about the person of the Holy Spirit
However, I believe the greatest book has not been written
Today I want to take you down memory as recorded in history books
Of the Holy Spirit and the Azusa revival

There is a whole lot but I will zero in on just two personalities
Lucy Farrow and William Seymour
When I read their stories I am always amazed at how the power of God
Totally removed racial segregations as it was in their days

Lucy Farrow was a black woman of Liberia descent
This black woman preached to white audience
And it said that she displayed tremendous power of the Holy Spirit
You need to know that this was in the 1900s when it was a taboo…
For a woman less of all black to preach and then lay hands on white folks

William Seymour was the son of a former slave, blind in one eye
And the most prominent leader of what we know as the Azusa street revival
You may need to read your history because this was the revival
That began from Los Angeles USA and broke through to the entire world

Mary Woodworth Etter, Aimee Semple Macpherson, Kathyrn Kulman,
Teresia Wairium of Kenya, one the greatest black woman evangelist in the world
The above listed names attests to the fact that…
When The Holy Spirit is given pride of place
He makes the minority a majority

If the Lord says for instance that Nigerians will birth the greatest move of the Spirit ever
Do not laugh, yes check the history book
We were once welcomed in local parlance at stores in the Uk, Harrods for instance
Our naira was greater than the dollar
And yet we fell, but wait the Lord has spoken…
A renounced prophet once said many years ago that a time will come when Nigeria
Will be known all over the world for corruption but suddenly will become known for righteousness

The Lord is making use of one of the most corrupt nations in the world
It looked like a joke when small stammering Moses approached Pharoah and said let my people go
It may look like a joke to you too when I say Nigeria is on cue for the move of the spirit
But believe me or not we just have to wait and see
However, I hope you are set to go
Because things that can only be best imagined are taking place now

Get set

tejuwrite@gmail.com       #sharegoodnews

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Good Economy or God Economy

Life is all about choices
And we make lots of it each day
What shoe to wear; which piece of jewelry to use?
What is the best route to take; where do I eat or what do I eat?
We make these choices without given it much thought time
The thing about choice is… as you make your bed so you lie on it
The spouse you choose is the spouse you live with
I heard the story of a man who won the lottery
Over seventy thousand pounds in the days our Naira was tops
Like the prodigal boy the money suddenly grew wings and flew
He became worse than a beggar

It is not how hard or smart you work
Peter also worked hard but nothing to show for it
It is how much you allow Jesus to help
Let me share a secret with you
There is going to be a wealth transfer
It will happen very soon and suddenly too
Some other time I will write on that
Good Economy is good, God economy is best
You can choose the chariot of Ahab to carry you
But those who go like Elijah will outrun charioteers
When we take a ride with The Holy Spirit; that is God Economy

The Holy Spirit is a big grammar to some, so let me break it down
Firstly he is a friend that is eager to hang out with you
So do not ignore Him, talk with Him in the car, while doing dishes, everywhere
Create a conducive environ for Him, good worship music helps
You have to prioritize His need; He is Holy and cannot cohabit with sin

No one can please The Lord in the flesh
Shall we say this prayer to ask for His Help?

Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for your continued love to me. Please forgive me my sins and wrong dealings. I ask you to help me know you more. I ask for your help in my business and career pursuits, I want to live in your Economy. Holy Spirit I need you as a friend today and always. Thank you Jesus.

In God’s own Economy you do less you get more; Quit the rat race, come for the ride

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that has been freely given to us by God - 1 Corinthians 2:12

tejuwrite@gmail.com            #sharegoodnews

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Are you angry?

Anger can be a good sign
Take for instance Jesus who got angry
His House was becoming a den of robbers
When you feel something is wrong
And seek for ways to correct it
Angry at a wrong and not at an individual

Many of us a angry at the state of the Church
And I know friends who have written books to address it
Some of us are angry at government policies
Man’s inhumanity to man, corruption etc
Many reformers have been born through this

You may also have been wrongly accused or robbed of your rights
Like Joseph you may have been betrayed by closest allies
Remembering hurts can bring anger
Especially when there is no closure
I pray the Lord will exonerate you
And just like Joseph
Turn it around for your elevation

David also got angry
After Prophet Nathan told him the story…
Of a man who had plenty but chose to take his neighbors
He was soon to discover that He was the thief
A lot of times when we are angry
We may need to watch it
Because we may just be like David
Quick to judge our brothers speck
While forgetting we have a log in our eyes

Whatever our story
The Lord is saying to us to let go of the hurts
Allow Him to take the burden off you
For His sake forgive
And if you need to let the load off
He is a trusted friend, talk to Him about it
 Let His words soothe you today
Let go of anger, do not let it have a hold on you


Monday, 16 November 2015

Why Settle Here?

One fearful thing I notice amongst friends
I see settlers
Those who stopped pursuing their dreams
And in tired pursuit of another’s vision

I see tired legs strolling each day for pay
I see eyes whose light is fast growing dim
I see accepters rather than fighters

I remembered not far off when dreams were shared
I remember the chase at first
Then distractions came along
 And some settled for the temporary relief that often lead to regrets

Friend, I see a way out, I see a hand reaching to help
I see a door open just for you to pass through
 I see an opportunity again

You are wiser now,
You are determined now
You are restored now
You are empowered now

It is not too late to pursue your own thing
It is not too late to drop the pretense

Reach out to The Understanding Father
He is been waiting for you to come home
Come, come let Him revive and restore you
And set you en-route fulfillment


Are You Current? (2)

Hello, recent events in the banking sector has caused me to look into God's word and know that the rapture of the saints is no longer near but right at the door. It all started with SIM registration, then to NUBAN (ten digit bank account numbers), now we have BVN and NIN without which you cannot transact your business.

It is important to know these are consolidation of data for the mark of the beast which is an identity and money system. I have watched customers queue up and denied access to their money because they don't have BVN and by September 1st 2016 no transaction will hold without your NIN (national identity number). These are a build-up to the Mark of the Beast. You cannot buy or sell without it. Now BVN and NIN are no longer optional in transacting your banking business and the world is fast going cashless. Observing the speed and deadlines given, what will be the banking system in the next two years?

Brethren are we still playing church at this time? Jesus is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. After the rapture comes the great tribulation, who can stand? If now is so hard for many how much more then? If you have a social network, BVN, SIM registration or NIMC, welcome to reality, your data is already captured. The only way out now is making rapture. You will be treated as a traitor if you refuse the code which will no longer be on plastic cards but on your right hand or forehead. It won't be visible to the eye but picked with a hand scanner everyone can afford.

This is a call to seriousness to everyone who has an ear to listen. If you are not born again, please do so now by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and live by God's standards. For many that are already born again, remember it must be a church without spot or wrinkle, so let go of all sin, malice and unforgiveness. Pray for every soul and the weak. He is no longer near, but right at the door. Please share this with your loved ones. THINK ABOUT THE WORD. GOD HELP US ALL, AMEN

Article Credit: Pastor Tonye Oliver www.walkinginhealing.com

Sunday, 15 November 2015

You will be asked

The land that constantly receives water is expected to yield
God is not a waster but a prudent investor
He may be making deposits of faith and courage through this blog
One day He will expect commensurate action from His savings 

From the feed backs I get, my efforts is not without impact
Now you read as often as you can, Great
But today He asked me to let you know
You will be asked
What are you doing with what you are reading?

It is no joke
Get up and get going has been the constant message
Take commensurate action

The Lord be praised

Saturday, 14 November 2015

I am in luck

I do not know his name
But he must have looked like a failure
If after organizing a huge crusade
Preached a powerful message
Just one soul; Billy Graham answered the altar call

We often allow ourselves to sink into despair
When we compare our success in terms of human standards
I do not know so much about the round leather game
But each player has a role in determining the final outcome
There are several parts of the body we do not see
But I pray they all keep working happily

Face your job
Happy is the man whom His master finds faithful on his given task
Only fools compare themselves with others
There were twelve disciples, but not everyone will be Peter
We will need a favorite John, a Dr. Luke and a treasurer Judas
It is great to be Prophet Elijah, but Prophet Zephaniah is also of use

I hear the Lord say …Go about your task faithfully
I am the judge and also the rewarder
When I get to heaven I look forward to meeting
The great revivalist at whose meeting Graham got saved
I think his effort paid off

What if you all you put into it yield little by human standards?
Plant or water all you can, only God brings increase
If you know the mind of the Lord towards you; your purpose
And you are working at it faithfully
I think you rank highly before the Lord
Than several that choose to hoard the grace and gifting of God

I am in luck, if God is pleased with me
I hope you take courage from this
Seek to please God; that alone is required


Friday, 13 November 2015

Wait for Me

Waiting can be very hard
Slowly I am watching the months turn to years
Here I am still waiting for the promise
He is not a liar; I was told
Surely He does not come quickly or does He…

Waiting can be strenuous, as you slowly get tired
The ten virgins were excited, the joy of being with their furlough husband
They giggled and gisted checking eagerly for any sign of Him
At lunch they were optimistic; it won’t be much longer

But as dinner time approached each began to get a little worried
You could see the questions they did not ask
Then they remembered the tales of the past
How several ladies have been jilted at the altar? Why is He Delaying?
From our last converse, He said to wait

The waiting game is no fun, especially in this quick serve age
How much longer do I endure the questioning stares?
Where is your God? Where is my God
For the up tenth time I asked
Others are taking alternate routes; but I cannot curse God and die

God never lies; Never has and Never ever will
We may have to wait patiently for several of His promise
We help ourselves if we keep His word before us always
This will help us knock out doubt
I tell you it is not easy to wait, but I tell you
He will make it worth your while

So if you like me have been waiting
I bring you good tidings of joy
Your groom approaches, Can you feel it
I hear the sound of a mighty out pour
The drought is over, the refresher rains are falling

My season of fruitfulness is here
I better start praising Him like never before
You should too


More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...