Thursday, 19 November 2015

Revival Renewal

So much has been written about the person of the Holy Spirit
However, I believe the greatest book has not been written
Today I want to take you down memory as recorded in history books
Of the Holy Spirit and the Azusa revival

There is a whole lot but I will zero in on just two personalities
Lucy Farrow and William Seymour
When I read their stories I am always amazed at how the power of God
Totally removed racial segregations as it was in their days

Lucy Farrow was a black woman of Liberia descent
This black woman preached to white audience
And it said that she displayed tremendous power of the Holy Spirit
You need to know that this was in the 1900s when it was a taboo…
For a woman less of all black to preach and then lay hands on white folks

William Seymour was the son of a former slave, blind in one eye
And the most prominent leader of what we know as the Azusa street revival
You may need to read your history because this was the revival
That began from Los Angeles USA and broke through to the entire world

Mary Woodworth Etter, Aimee Semple Macpherson, Kathyrn Kulman,
Teresia Wairium of Kenya, one the greatest black woman evangelist in the world
The above listed names attests to the fact that…
When The Holy Spirit is given pride of place
He makes the minority a majority

If the Lord says for instance that Nigerians will birth the greatest move of the Spirit ever
Do not laugh, yes check the history book
We were once welcomed in local parlance at stores in the Uk, Harrods for instance
Our naira was greater than the dollar
And yet we fell, but wait the Lord has spoken…
A renounced prophet once said many years ago that a time will come when Nigeria
Will be known all over the world for corruption but suddenly will become known for righteousness

The Lord is making use of one of the most corrupt nations in the world
It looked like a joke when small stammering Moses approached Pharoah and said let my people go
It may look like a joke to you too when I say Nigeria is on cue for the move of the spirit
But believe me or not we just have to wait and see
However, I hope you are set to go
Because things that can only be best imagined are taking place now

Get set       #sharegoodnews

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