Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Ask Him again

When I was going to have my first child
I had purposed he was not journeying from a long distance
So I do not expect his delivery to be more than certain minutes
And just as I purposed he came in less than 15 minutes (God alone be praised)

But because I was not making a scene like other women in the ward
They let me be, judging that the louder you call; the closer you are
So shouting can be a good way of getting the needed attention.
I believe when the disciples of Jesus said those famous words…
Master careth not that we perish, they shouted on the top of their lungs

When they told blind Bartimaeus to stop disturbing Jesus
He cried even louder; Son of David have mercy on me
How much are you feeling the hurt, shame, pangs,
The Lord asks me to say to you, ask me again
But when you do now, let it carry the weight of your feelings

You do not have an High priest that is untouched by the feelings of your infirmities
Jesus wept at the grave site of Lazarus
Jesus healed the mother in law of Peter his disciple
He had compassion on the widow of Nain, and raised her dead son
Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine

He wants you to succeed in all your ways
He does not want the enemy to keep robbing you of your joy
He wants to sup at your table
But you have got to invite Him; If He is not already your friend
But if He is; go right ahead tell Him just how things are.

If you do not know Him; It’s high time you make Jesus your friend, let Him know who you are; here’s a little help…
My lord Jesus, I thank you for your love for me a sinner, please come into my life today. I acknowledge my sins and wrong deeds but Lord I ask that you cleanse me, forgive me and make me your own.
Thank you Jesus for saving me. 

When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me!” Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him”   Mark 10:47-49                                    #sharegoodnews

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