Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Good Economy or God Economy

Life is all about choices
And we make lots of it each day
What shoe to wear; which piece of jewelry to use?
What is the best route to take; where do I eat or what do I eat?
We make these choices without given it much thought time
The thing about choice is… as you make your bed so you lie on it
The spouse you choose is the spouse you live with
I heard the story of a man who won the lottery
Over seventy thousand pounds in the days our Naira was tops
Like the prodigal boy the money suddenly grew wings and flew
He became worse than a beggar

It is not how hard or smart you work
Peter also worked hard but nothing to show for it
It is how much you allow Jesus to help
Let me share a secret with you
There is going to be a wealth transfer
It will happen very soon and suddenly too
Some other time I will write on that
Good Economy is good, God economy is best
You can choose the chariot of Ahab to carry you
But those who go like Elijah will outrun charioteers
When we take a ride with The Holy Spirit; that is God Economy

The Holy Spirit is a big grammar to some, so let me break it down
Firstly he is a friend that is eager to hang out with you
So do not ignore Him, talk with Him in the car, while doing dishes, everywhere
Create a conducive environ for Him, good worship music helps
You have to prioritize His need; He is Holy and cannot cohabit with sin

No one can please The Lord in the flesh
Shall we say this prayer to ask for His Help?

Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for your continued love to me. Please forgive me my sins and wrong dealings. I ask you to help me know you more. I ask for your help in my business and career pursuits, I want to live in your Economy. Holy Spirit I need you as a friend today and always. Thank you Jesus.

In God’s own Economy you do less you get more; Quit the rat race, come for the ride

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that has been freely given to us by God - 1 Corinthians 2:12            #sharegoodnews

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