Friday, 29 December 2023

No Lies Here

I read the book of Job recently
I came across a verse where God asked devil a question
I noticed he answered truthfully
The father of lies can’t lie to God
The devils natural way is to lie
But when he talks to God he speaks the truth
While his craft may capture some
Some are immune to his wiles
He is called the deceiver but he can’t scam everyone
Several will see his deceit; and be spared
Whatever he chooses to be; liar, deceiver
He won’t be with me
He won’t have a freeway in my life
He has his will; I have got mine also
He is darkness; I am light
I am up and winning; He remains down
Darkness can never hold light to ransom
I show up and prevail always
The verses in the book of Job teaches
The father of lies can’t deceive everyone
If God is your Father and Lord
The devils determined counsel must not stand
When he tries; because he will
He must fail all of the time
Remember he came to Jesus trying to deceive him
But his attempts failed, Jesus saw through his lies
And he used the truth to stop him
Lets emulate Jesus to ensure he keeps failing over us
Now when the tempter came to Him, he said if you are the son of God, command that these stones become bread. But He answered and said it is written… 
Mathew 4:3, 4.  …tejuwrite…

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

At Peace

The words of the angels rang deep in my heart
Peace to all was the message at his birth
I pondered at the word Peace
It seems to be one word with many meaning
When Jesus met the widow of Nain
She cried as she journeyed to bury her son
Peace came when the son was rescued from death
The tears ceased, her joy returned. This is peace
When Peter needed to pay his tax
Jesus asked he goes to fish
Money was found in the mouth of the fish
Shame was averted; I believe this is peace
A woman had a daughter who was demon possessed
She sought Jesus on her behalf
Deliverance came; the daughter rescued
Peace came into the home
Peace is a state of rest, no anxiety whatsoever
It is calmness, it is rescue
There are many upsetting realities we face
This can bring stress, worry, pain etc.
But when we experience the opposite
We can say we are at peace
The Lord said to Moses my presence will go with you
I will give you rest; Peace is God’s presence
Jesus is called The Prince of Peace
Victory in battle brings peace; success brings peace
Fruitfulness is peace; freedom brings peace
Peace is one answer to multiple questions
Let us appropriate the Peace Jesus gives
Let us utilize the peace He gives
Let us use it to quiet all storms
Let us use it to gain the testimony we desire
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. John 14:27   …tejuwrite…

Still Restoring

Who like Jesus?
Faithful all the time
Who can compare to His love
Steadfast, unflinching to the end
I recall Him asking his disciples to pray
And the guys tired; slept off
He needed all the help he could get
Yet; they couldn’t tarry for a single hour
Perhaps if Peter had prayed
He wouldn’t have denied Him soon after
This Peter that cut off someone’s ear
Denied thrice that He knew Jesus before all
If there’s a picture of a betrayer; get Peters
How many times have we also behaved as Him?
He may have also waked us to pray…
Prompted us to give etc.; and we denied Him
After His resurrection; Jesus came looking for Peter
You may have denied me before a little girl
But I’m a friend that is faithful to the end
And when He came; Peter had gone fishing
He probably assumed he was beyond restoration
But; Jesus wanted to know if his heart was still right
He found him...; do you love me more than these…
Thrice he asked the question;Thrice he answered

I believe He asks this of us all
You may have wronged Him, but He seeks to restore
You don't have to stay in the mistake or error
Get right with the Lord Jesus

Stand up and pray; give as earlier prompted
Do not wallow in self-doubt and condemnation
He is looking out; to bring the prodigal home 
He is restoring; He will pull us up when we fall

Once more he asked him, Simon son of John, do you love me? Peter was grieved that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said Lord you know everything. you know i love you. jesus said, then feed my sheep John 21:17 ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 25 December 2023

Still Rejoicing

The one literally painting the world red
The one whose birth we are celebrating
The reason for the festivities
Jesus whose birthday is still the biggest…
Beyond the lights and sounds
Beyond the partying and gifts sharing
Beyond the truths and lies peddled of Him…
Is the essence of His Coming
The bible wrote this of his Birth…
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill towards men Luke 2:14
Safe to say His birth brought loads of blessings
When a baby is born newly
There is an accompanying joy felt by the parents
The feelings is almost indescribable
Elation, joy, gratefulness etc
Jesus birth brought Heavens treasure to us
The best that God has to offer was bestowed
God Himself came to dwell amongst us
Peace, goodwill has been personally delivered to you
As you party and rejoice
Take time to dwell on what His birth signifies
Don’t be clueless; this is a good opportunity…
To recall what the Bible wrote of His birth
This is the time to appropriate the blessedness
Stuff faith in your heart not just food
There must be a reason the entire heavens rejoices
Seek to understand the real essence of Christmas

Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there in is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:10,11  ....tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

His Voice

Can any living thing hear the voice of the living God from the heart of the fire and yet survive? Duet. 5:26
The above verse is credited to the Israelites
Who heard Gods audible voice…
And prayed Moses will rather speak to them
How terrifying His voice was…
This got me thinking
I wondered what His voice sounds like
That a people He just rescued declined to hear
Psalm 29:3 The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea
At Jesus baptism; the heavens opened and He spoke
This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased
This will definitely be a proud moment for Jesus
An affirmation from the Highest...

His voice was heard by Saul the enemy of the church
This convicted him and became Paul the great Apostle
His voice was heard by Lazarus from the dead region
He came back to life free from the sickness that killed him
The voice of the lord is with His people
To rescue them from oppression
His voice is also against all enemies
To bring them swift destruction
While Moses delighted to hear Gods voice
And even went further to demand to see God
The Israelites because of their sin
Couldn’t stand His majestic presence or voice
Sin can rob us of this huge benefit
Righteousness puts us in better standing
May Gods voice come to you…
Addressing that need and bringing timely help
As His voice brought soothing comfort to Elijah
Who ran into hiding out of fear of Jezebel
May it bring you comfort and peace
And strengthen your heart and soul

The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of Majesty. The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars in Lebanon Psalm 29:4,5 ...tejuwrite...
The voice of the Lord makes lightning bolts

Saturday, 16 December 2023


Don’t credit the happenings of these times to the devil
The Lord says in the last day’s perilous times will come
There will be war and rumors of war
Hunger, deaths and evil will increase
Jesus spoke extensively about the signs of the end
By the grace of God we are in it
This means the world as we know it will soon end
How soon no one knows; but we must be aware
When you understand the times you are in
You are better prepared
For instance, if you know ahead that rain is coming
You get umbrella and whatever the season require
However; these is not the only prophecy for the hour
The Lord says His people will have better opportunity
When many are saying there’s a cast down
You should be enjoying lifting’s
In Egypt several plaques filled the land
Goshen; also in Egypt experienced differently
These clear distinctions are in the offing
But choose clearly the side you will be on
Moses made a call; those on the Lord side come this way
The Lord advises be hot or cold
God cannot work with lukewarm people
The problem is many want to stay on the fence
Do whatever it takes to be very hot and remain so
Or take side with the devil in coldness and be extreme
At least own your truth
The prophecy says the days are evil…
Don’t think you can survive by being prayer less
You won’t make it without building faith
Take a definite step toward the side of your choosing
And be the best of yourself there

Thursday, 14 December 2023


The word is received in study and meditation
Enforced through faith and prayers
There’s giant in every man’s land
Don’t assume you will be an exemption
Power backs every word of God
Yet unbelief makes it loose its potency
Cross the barrier of doubt by study
Joshua 1:8 continued study builds faith
Faith gives you the stubborn resolute
This is needed to subdue opposition
God won’t be pleased if you live in unbelief
Unbelief says you accept Satan’s lies
The devil is too small to stop you
If you won’t be too big to build faith
If you won’t be lazy in the place of prayer
If you will believe only Gods word
Obstruction will be placed on your route
Overcoming them is what you are to do
Faithful God can be trusted
No shame for those who choose Him

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

To Find...

I have found my servant David… Psalm 89:20
A good woman is hard to find… Proverbs 31:10
Pharaoh quickly employed Joseph in Egypt…
He said; who can find someone as you for the task
Even the eyes of God roam the earth
He is in search of those whose heart are loyal to Him
I find myself seeking a staff for business
And I understood how important the right person is
We have billions of people on the earth
But the one for you can proof difficult...
If you don’t solicit the help of God
Pharaoh understood the import of right personnel
He didn’t ask for Joseph’s qualification
He didn’t care for tribe, color or race
He didn’t care his nationality or tongue
That he was the right man was sufficient
Honesty, loyalty, selflessness seem rare amongst humans
Though scarce; there are some out there
I have had opportunity to work with several…
They make live easy
I have also worked with the opposite
It can be quiet burdensome
To think that Jesus will recruit a Judas
Who sold him off; despite the tutelage received

Be the right person where you are
Handle your task as you will want yours handled
I am a believer in this truth...
What you sow; you reap even in personnel 

If you have been gifted with good hands
Treat them well; learn from Pharaoh
He gave Joseph an offer too good to be true
Accommodation, Wife, a good working environment, etc

To find a good woman, husband, staff; their price is far above rubies ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 11 December 2023

Great Grace

When the Israelites departed Egypt
Having being in slavery for 430 years
I wondered if all qualified for the release…
True they cried to God to end their slavery
I wondered if some deserved the mercy received
I believe there will be questionable characters
Some who do not quiet believe in God
This I say because as Moses went on the mountain
To have the Ten Commandments written
A group rose and convinces the populace to replace God
The wealth they got in Egypt was used to make a gold calf
Soon they were dancing before their new god
Such response from a people rescued by sign and wonders
This coming from a people who saw a sea part in two
They walked on the driest part of the ocean
And witness God perish Egypt before their face
A people rescued by Gods show of dominance over tyranny
Several plagues to show off His might
Even killing all first born of man and beast
Who wants to replace this type of God?
A people undeserving were qualified by Gods faithfulness
God kept the promise He made to Abraham years back
This mercy is huge
It reached and carried even those unworthy
Faithful and Truest God; Dependable Reliable
That we are qualified by Grace does not excuse sin
As those once rescued didn’t enter into promise
They didn’t get to reach the height God intended them for
In summary; while we enjoy His grace
Let’s not take for granted His commands
He is so rich in mercy; the very best of Fathers...
Yet; let us live our lives to please Him always

Once saved is not forever saved
If we plan to keep enjoying grace
Let us plan to keep living Holy
Depart from iniquity; if you are Gods own

But the Lord turns His face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth Ps 34:16 ...tejuwrite...

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Indirect Approach

This town is located in good beautiful surroundings
But the water is bad and the land unproductive…2Kings 2:19
What is good in a town whose water you can't drink?
The devil spoiled the water and spoils the town

I know of a hotel; massive and beautiful...
But, the road to the place is one of the worst 
I enquired to patronize the well -equipped gym
But how do I continually go with such bad road
The devil often uses what I call indirect attack
He can afflict you though something around you
If he comes directly; you may quickly spot him
Subtly he permeates using something you could ignore

If the bad water is waved off as natural…
if the hotel owners don't see a need to pray…
And keep calling for something to be done to the road
The devil will use it to cause business decline
The people identified the problem and sought solution
They engaged Elisha who prayed and the land was healed
External things can be used to afflict you
If you don’t take charge; you will keep suffering
Don’t make excuse for failure; scripture declare…
All things works for my good
The government and people must work for my good
All enemies must work for my good
In the place of prayer take your stand
All means without exception must cooperate
All must ensure i succeed in my venture
kick against devils indirect approach

Road, elements, humans... they have a job
Which is to see i succeed
Before you claim this promise meet the conditions...
You love God and are aligned to His purpose

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who have been called according to His purpose Romans 8:28

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Think Thank

Without specific mention, thanksgiving will be inadequate
Without deliberate reminder; we will forget his goodness
I made a decision to engage my thought
Remember Gods favours and thank Him for each
I wake up daily; rested, bright and fresh…
In perfect health and sound mind
I wake up with my entire family
I’m grateful for the day you made us see
As a family you journey us to our different destination
The children you watch over in school
My husband you help with his many responsibilities
My business is not declining; I’m grateful for patronage
I enjoy divine health
In stressful days a little rest has sufficed
You spare my family from paying heavily for Medicare
Hospital visits are rare; I thank you Lord
Your kindness has made men show me same
Your recommendation has opened doors for me
Your strength has helped me to multi task successfully
I am grateful for progress
I am not force fed
I eat through my mouth not syringe
I visit the loo with no difficulty
This i don't take for granted, thank you my Lord
Thank you for the air in my lung and nostrils
Thanks for purifying it for me
You help me to avert unseen danger
Thank you Lord for timely interventions
My senses works perfectly; I hear, see, touch…
I can taste; I can smell without any aid
None have needed to be replaced or enhanced
My heart has not stopped to take a rest for years
Thanks for the gift of life
Thank you for a body system that doesn’t break down
The me in me thank you
I repent for all my ungratefulness
The more i recount His blessing...
The more i see His goodness towards me...
The more i see so many i ignored...
I realise,only the thinkful can be truly thankful

Praise the Lord i tell myself and never forget the good things He does for me Psalm 103:2 ...tejuwrite...

Friday, 1 December 2023

More Prayers

December is here the last month of the year
At the end, there must be more of prayers
The year is not over
Whatever is yours; pray to get them
The festive month seem to fly
Load it with prayers
Soon we will be in 2024
Don’t be casual
The closer Jesus got to the cross…
The more time he spent praying
He was at the peak of His coming
Let’s adopt His devotion to prayer
The birth month is an interesting one
The woman must do all to push out
Delivering is dependent on her push
She does this in great inconvenience
Receive strength for prayers
Take time out whenever you can…
If you get a 10 minutes break; pray
Prophecies must come true
Pray to see manifestation
Ask God to position you properly...
Make you visible to your helpers
Step into a new year you have prepared in prayers
Pray more in December
Encourage everyone you know to pray
Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice Psalms 55:17…tejuwrite… 

My Ode to December

Writing about the birth month of Christ
Writing about my own birth month
December; month of commerce full of opportunities
Better is the end of the year...
All months are graced; but mine is doubly so
The best specimen of humans are born in thee
I observe we are not as much, but unique
Excellent, kind, resilient, hardworking, givers
Trustworthy, resourceful, courageous
The very best buddies to have in your corner
We can be the nicest or…
So don’t joke around with us
December is celebrated by all; this month we all share
Your days are filled with fun 
Such we wish will not end
It crowns the year, spreading its cheer to all
We can say joy to the world
Yes; the joy cuts across the entire universe
The month of the greatest
When the stars shines the brightest
Young and old rejoice; lots to eat and drink
Everyone seem to be at their best
Everyone seem to get a gift
The stress disappears; it’s soothing
The number twelve makes perfect
Twelve months; Twelve disciples
Twelve tribes of Israel etc
Always prophetically aligned

December on my mind
To my December comrades
Happy Birth month

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...