Don’t credit the happenings of these
times to the devil
The Lord says in the last day’s perilous times will come
There will be war and rumors of war
Hunger, deaths and evil will increase

Jesus spoke extensively about the signs
of the end
By the grace of God we are in it
This means the world as we know it will soon end
How soon no one knows; but we must be aware
When you understand the times you are in
You are better prepared
For instance, if you know ahead that rain is coming
You get umbrella and whatever the season require
However; these is not the only prophecy for
the hour
The Lord says His people will have better opportunity
When many are saying there’s a cast down
You should be enjoying lifting’s
In Egypt several plaques filled the land
Goshen; also in Egypt experienced differently
These clear distinctions are in the offing
But choose clearly the side you will be on
The Lord says in the last day’s perilous times will come
There will be war and rumors of war
Hunger, deaths and evil will increase

By the grace of God we are in it
This means the world as we know it will soon end
How soon no one knows; but we must be aware
You are better prepared
For instance, if you know ahead that rain is coming
You get umbrella and whatever the season require
The Lord says His people will have better opportunity
When many are saying there’s a cast down
You should be enjoying lifting’s
Goshen; also in Egypt experienced differently
These clear distinctions are in the offing
But choose clearly the side you will be on
Moses made a call; those on the Lord side
come this way
The Lord advises be hot or cold
God cannot work with lukewarm people
The problem is many want to stay on the fence
Do whatever it takes to be very hot and
remain so
Or take side with the devil in coldness and be extreme
At least own your truth
The Lord advises be hot or cold
God cannot work with lukewarm people
The problem is many want to stay on the fence
Or take side with the devil in coldness and be extreme
At least own your truth
The prophecy says the days are evil…
Don’t think you can survive by being prayer
You won’t make it without building faith
Take a definite step toward the side of your choosing
And be the best of yourself there
You won’t make it without building faith
Take a definite step toward the side of your choosing
And be the best of yourself there
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