The one literally painting the world red
The one whose birth we are celebrating
The reason for the festivities
Jesus whose birthday is still the biggest…

Beyond the lights and sounds
Beyond the partying and gifts sharing
Beyond the truths and lies peddled of Him…
Is the essence of His Coming
The bible wrote this of his Birth…
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill towards men Luke 2:14
Safe to say His birth brought loads of blessings
When a baby is born newly
There is an accompanying joy felt by the parents
The feelings is almost indescribable
Elation, joy, gratefulness etc
Jesus birth brought Heavens treasure to us
The best that God has to offer was bestowed
God Himself came to dwell amongst us
Peace, goodwill has been personally delivered to you
As you party and rejoice
Take time to dwell on what His birth signifies
Don’t be clueless; this is a good opportunity…
To recall what the Bible wrote of His birth
This is the time to appropriate the blessedness
Stuff faith in your heart not just food
There must be a reason the entire heavens rejoices
Seek to understand the real essence of Christmas
The one whose birth we are celebrating
The reason for the festivities
Jesus whose birthday is still the biggest…

Beyond the partying and gifts sharing
Beyond the truths and lies peddled of Him…
Is the essence of His Coming
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill towards men Luke 2:14
There is an accompanying joy felt by the parents
The feelings is almost indescribable
Elation, joy, gratefulness etc
The best that God has to offer was bestowed
God Himself came to dwell amongst us
Peace, goodwill has been personally delivered to you
Take time to dwell on what His birth signifies
Don’t be clueless; this is a good opportunity…
To recall what the Bible wrote of His birth
Stuff faith in your heart not just food
There must be a reason the entire heavens rejoices
Seek to understand the real essence of Christmas
Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there in is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10,11 ....tejuwrite...
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