The words of the angels rang deep in my heart
Peace to all was the message at his birth
I pondered at the word Peace
It seems to be one word with many meaning

When Jesus met the widow of Nain
She cried as she journeyed to bury her son
Peace came when the son was rescued from death
The tears ceased, her joy returned. This is peace
When Peter needed to pay his tax
Jesus asked he goes to fish
Money was found in the mouth of the fish
Shame was averted; I believe this is peace
Peace is a state of rest, no anxiety whatsoever
It is calmness, it is rescue
There are many upsetting realities we face
This can bring stress, worry, pain etc.
But when we experience the opposite
We can say we are at peace
The Lord said to Moses my presence will go with you
I will give you rest; Peace is God’s presence
Jesus is called The Prince of Peace
Victory in battle brings peace; success brings peace
Fruitfulness is peace; freedom brings peace
Peace is one answer to multiple questions
Let us appropriate the Peace Jesus gives
Let us utilize the peace He gives
Let us use it to quiet all storms
Let us use it to gain the testimony we desire
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as
the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it
be afraid. John 14:27 …tejuwrite…
Peace to all was the message at his birth
I pondered at the word Peace
It seems to be one word with many meaning

She cried as she journeyed to bury her son
Peace came when the son was rescued from death
The tears ceased, her joy returned. This is peace
Jesus asked he goes to fish
Money was found in the mouth of the fish
Shame was averted; I believe this is peace
A woman had a daughter who was demon possessed
She sought Jesus on her behalf
Deliverance came; the daughter rescued
Peace came into the home
She sought Jesus on her behalf
Deliverance came; the daughter rescued
Peace came into the home
It is calmness, it is rescue
There are many upsetting realities we face
This can bring stress, worry, pain etc.
We can say we are at peace
The Lord said to Moses my presence will go with you
I will give you rest; Peace is God’s presence
Victory in battle brings peace; success brings peace
Fruitfulness is peace; freedom brings peace
Peace is one answer to multiple questions
Let us utilize the peace He gives
Let us use it to quiet all storms
Let us use it to gain the testimony we desire
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