Wednesday 31 July 2024

Do not Miss…

I don’t know how long they prayed
Seeking God to intervene on their behalf
In the over 400 years they suffered
But God came through at some point
The message to Elisha was clear
He wanted the double portion of Elijah’s anointing
If you see me if I’m being carried away
Who dares open his eyes in a whirlwind?
We don’t know how long they have been building
But at some point God decided to pay the site a visit
The tower of Babel must not progress was the verdict
The moment He acted, it was so
The Lord has come, do not miss Him
You may have prayed for a while
This is the time to receive answers
However, give Him raft attention
Do not allow distractions
To see Him in a whirlwind requires focus
You will have what you seek just as Elisha
You will get your answers but stay in faith
Seek to be in His presence
Engage more in worship
This is the time to pray
His visit is worth all the sacrifice
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come Matthew 24:42

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Not the End

He chose what he thought was easy…
He believed tomorrow won’t be alright…
Ending the life you didn’t create
How many have this view of life
I met a young man recently
I was on an evangelism mission
Our meeting was a divine coincidence
As he said i just interrupted his suicide route
Today may be truly bad
But do you know what tomorrow offers?
Where is the never say never human spirit
Why do you believe there’s no way out?
If there’s breathe, there is hope
The situation that brought you sorrow
Can change for the better
If you end it, you won’t see the miracle unfold
As I engaged the young man in conversation
I allowed him speak of his many woes
I simply reminded him of a Heavenly Father
I informed him to not forget that he’s good
I told him of God's goodness to me
How I was in a similar situation as he
Today the story is way better
The many sadness has turned to joy
I have not reached my destination; I said
But I chose to believe God's promises
I work it out in prayers, word, fellowship with saints etc
But I can never let go of the Fathers hand

I asked him to pray about his many issues
I then joined him in prayers of agreement
If your problem is bigger than you then hand it to Jesus
Trust Him to sort you as He promised... He never fails

Come unto me all you are burdened and heavy laden, and i will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ...tejuwrite...

Let it not be said

Haman almost said of Mordecai; I hanged him on a gallows
Daniel enemies almost said, I fed him to lions
Jezebel can boost; I sent Elijah out of town
Delilah can say I got Samson the strongest man
John the Baptist died at a playful wish
Herod will boast about these…
I beheaded John, Herod said… Luke 9:9
Seems like a rant of an un-repented man
I made them barren...
I succeeded in ending their marriage...
I made the business redundant...
I stopped their proposed building...
Whatever the devil intends to boast about…
The Lord will shut his mouth
It will be replaced with continued victory
Gods will done at all times
You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt
If it has lost its flavor? Can it be made useful again?
It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless
Mathew 5:13
We are admonished to not lose our identity
The value of salt is in its taste
Otherwise it’s not useful or worth storing 
We can't afford to lose sight of who we are
A child of God
Prevailing over Jezebel or Delilah
Above only and not beneath
Ensuring Gods will happens in our lives

Let's get our faith active in these days
And keep praying that God see us through
Get back to studying the word daily
We are born of God; we must keep winning 

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know I will triumph. Isaiah 50:7      ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Haman Teaches...

We can pick a lesson or two from Haman
The man who hated the Jews for no just reason
When He found out Mordecais nationality
He could have eliminated just him
Haman; with his level of influence and evilness...
Could get rid of a man who didn’t bow to greet him
However, he would seek to deal with his entire clan
All Jews young or old; must face his wrath
His plan is...; Destroy all Jews
Uproot the entire race and be done with them all
When Elisha was informed about the town’s peculiarity
Well situated but the water is bitter...
He went to the source of the problem
He recognized that once this is done
The rest will follow naturally
This approach works every time

Don’t do things on the surface
Lasting change happen when the root cause is identified
Further tests will reveal the cause of a constant headache
With this knowledge you will go for advance treatment

Eradicate the problem from the root…
Or you keep dealing with its offshoot severally
This was Haman grand plan to stop all Jews
This was how Elisha changed a town’s fortune

This is a better way to stop wicked advances
And for these you will need to grow stronger muscles
You will need to mature spiritually
You will not have this benefit if you remain a babe

He decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai alone..; he decided to destroy all Jews throughout the empire... Esther 3:6         ..tejuwrite...

Sunday 21 July 2024

Thankful for Ashes

There are several levels of destruction
For instance if fire burns down a building
It may not be a complete ruin
But when it’s said it burned to ashes…
This means there was nothing to salvage
It’s a total ruin; irredeemable loss
However our Lord says…I give beauty for ashes
With Him my loss is a set up for a win
We may experience series of setbacks...
There may be questions as to why what happened;
We may wonder why the mishap in the first place;
But I will wear a garment of redemption
My story is still being written...
Though painful; it’s a part of my journey
Soon I will turn a new page
My beauty days are here in Jesus name
We therefore must release our ashes
You can’t hold on to the loss
You can’t stay in the place of pain
You must let go; look forward to beauty
Whatever the devil used to make you weep…
The Lord will replace with even more joy
You will yet see His redeeming love
But you must leave the place of mourning
Through your tears you must see His light
You must hear Him in the midst of the storm
You must name your beauty and wait with expectation
You must believe His word; Beauty replaces my ashes
To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair... Isi 61:3        …tejuwrite…

Thursday 18 July 2024


God often declares the end from the start
When He spoke of Israel plundering Egypt
He mentioned the purpose of the wealth
It was to be for them and their children
After many years slaving for nothing
A big pay day comes…
I believe they looked forward to this time…
And as promised; wealth was transferred
But like many who abuse opportunities
The moment Moses was away seeking God
The newly rescued people craved for toys
Anything to replace the Sovereign deliverer
So they demanded of Aaron, make them a god
For this he will need their gold
Foolishly they dumped their wealth into fire
And from there emerged an ugly calf
The party spirit had been rekindled
Soon they were merry and relishing
They had been denied this much fun
Moses was all about prayer and commandments
They only asked and Egyptians released wealth
Perhaps because it was gotten almost without stress
They didn’t understand or valued what they got
Keep God's will in view; or you forget
Everywoman is to ask her neighbor for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters Ex 3:22   …tejuwrite…

Praise Still...

Let everyone that has breath... It’s not let everyone that has music… While sound can enhance our praise Our worship must be in recognition ...