Wednesday 24 July 2024

Not the End

He chose what he thought was easy…
He believed tomorrow won’t be alright…
Ending the life you didn’t create
How many have this view of life
I met a young man recently
I was on an evangelism mission
Our meeting was a divine coincidence
As he said i just interrupted his suicide route
Today may be truly bad
But do you know what tomorrow offers?
Where is the never say never human spirit
Why do you believe there’s no way out?
If there’s breathe, there is hope
The situation that brought you sorrow
Can change for the better
If you end it, you won’t see the miracle unfold
As I engaged the young man in conversation
I allowed him speak of his many woes
I simply reminded him of a Heavenly Father
I informed him to not forget that he’s good
I told him of God's goodness to me
How I was in a similar situation as he
Today the story is way better
The many sadness has turned to joy
I have not reached my destination; I said
But I chose to believe God's promises
I work it out in prayers, word, fellowship with saints etc
But I can never let go of the Fathers hand

I asked him to pray about his many issues
I then joined him in prayers of agreement
If your problem is bigger than you then hand it to Jesus
Trust Him to sort you as He promised... He never fails

Come unto me all you are burdened and heavy laden, and i will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ...tejuwrite...

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